

《独家 双语》权威专家Leigh Turina女士在CBBF的讲话







2017中国上海国际童书展(CCBF)于11月17日至19日在上海世博展览馆举行。17日上午书展举行沟通的桥梁:2017国际儿童读物联(IBBY)残疾青(少)年藏书主题论坛, IBBY残疾青少年文献中心负责人利·图里纳女士在论坛上发表重要讲话。同时她还策划了书展大厅的国际儿童读物联盟残疾青少年藏书展。IBBY残疾青少年图书文献中心于1985年在挪威特殊教育学院成立,2014年第三任负责人利·图里纳(Leigh Turina)接任该中心工作。该中心已经收集大量残疾儿童青少年和成年人的图书,这些图书经常在会议、图书展览会上展出。该中心开展的各类国际项目得到了联合国教科文组织、出版商等的支持。听完利·图里纳的讲话之后,我按捺不住自己激动的心情向她提出:可否与中国特教和绘本界同仁分享她的讲话内容,她欣然应允。回国后,她很快给我发来发言稿的全文,并慎重提出希望要全文发布,不要有任何的修改。我们经过认真翻译后,特意请远在澳大利亚悉尼大学的汪斯斯老师进行校对。之后,我们将译文重新发回利·图里纳,请她过目。她专门请会中文的同事审定,最终他们充分认可通过。这也是残疾青少年图书文献中心对此次讲话的独家授权。我们特意以中英文对照的形式发布讲话稿内容,有兴趣的读者可以直接阅读原文。同时,书中配图全为利·图里纳女士提供。同时由于文章内容翔实所以编者将本篇文章分为了上下两部分来向大家作专题报道!


The 2017 IBBY Collection for Young People with Disabilities


 China Shanghai Children’s Book Fair



上午好。我的名字是Leigh Turina,我是加拿大多伦多一个大型公共图书馆的儿童图书管理员。我的工作就是在图书馆的故事时间里与0-12岁孩子们分享图书,回答关于图书查询的问题和管理维护所收藏的图书。

Good morning. My name is Leigh Turina, I am a children’s librarian in a large public library in Toronto, Canada. In my work of sharing books with children from birth to 12 years through story times, answering reference questions and maintaining collection.

我也有幸地为“国际儿童读物联盟残疾青少年读物藏书” 工作。在这里,我不仅想谈谈在(童书展)大厅里展出的藏品,同时也涉及作者和出版商的话题。我想告诉大家,我们是如何为本次展览精心挑选这些优质书籍的。


I am also privileged to work with the IBBY Collection for Young People with Disabilities. While I would like to talk about the collection which is on display in the lobby, I am gearing this talk towards authors and publishers. I would like to tell you how we choose the outstanding books which are selected for this collection. At the IBBY the International Board on Books for Young People, we believe that books can provide bridges of understanding amongst people. Reading about people who may be different than we are, or those who have different experiences than we do, provides us with one way of learning about the world. Although the World Health Organization (2011) stated that 15% of the world’s population live with some form of disability (that’s 15 people out of every 100), many of us do not know someone with a disability. Then, how do we go about meeting someone with a disability? And if we do not know about the lives of people with disabilities, how do we teach our children?



I would say that we need to read books. The way I learned most of what I know is by sitting and exploring books, not necessarily in the classroom, but by avidly reading at home, in the subway, anywhere and anytime I could; I would bet that is true for most of you here at this book fair. We have so many dreams for our children, but mostly we want them to have more than we have. We want them to have a better life than we do. And in terms of books, we want them to read more and learn more than we have been able to. My dream for children is that they are read to and they read for themselves voraciously, widely and diversely. I want them to learn that children are the same everywhere, whether they are a different colour, nationality, gender, age, religion, sexuality, or ability/disability. I have this same dream for a child born with a disability as I do for an able-bodied child. 


The IBBY Collection for Young People with Disabilities is a biennial selection of books from IBBY National Sections for and about children and teens with disabilities. This is the catalogue of the 2017 IBBY Selection. Comes out every two years. Online at tpl.ca/ibby and ibby.org


for the Collection. If you are a publisher, I hope this will help give you one person’s opinion of what you might publish. If you are an author, I hope this will give you the courage to go out and research a person with a disability so that you might capture their personality in one of your characters. And if you are a parent, I hope you will be like me and look for the good strong books to share with your children.First off, I look for a good story. A book that is written just to teach a lesson is not necessarily an interesting book to read. It can be pedantic, with wooden stereotypic characters. Ah, but a good story which pulls you into the action with strong characters and plots! That’s what I want. Let me give you some examples from the 2017 IBBY Collection:



Character: Is the person with the disability a strong multi-dimensional character who is realistically portrayed? 

 One (UK). This is an astounding book about conjoined twins who are connected at the waist. The sisters have 2 heads, 2 hearts, 4 arms and one pair of fully functioning legs…and 2 very different personalities. Throw in a romance for one twin, and a health condition which asks them to decide about separation surgery; one may get better but the other may die. Although the reader is very aware of their disability, the character’s lives and their life-and-death decision transcend any other thoughts.


Nej! (Sweden). Amazing, strong character. This is the first time I have seen a primary character in a wheelchair in a board book format for preschoolers. Not only is Lucia a part of the story, she is in charge of the action. 


《El Deafo》(美国)。希希是一个聋孩子,这个角色是在作者童年经历的基础上创作出来的。其他同学给希希一个超级英雄的昵称“El Deafo”,因为她的助听器让她能够听到老师回到教室的脚步声。她节省了时间,让同学们及时停止玩耍。

Role: Are the characters presented as objects of pity, as weak people who must be saved from their “affliction?” Are they a secondary part of the story and just added to make sure that disabilities are represented?

El Deafo 》(US). Cece, a character who is deaf, is loosely based on the author’s childhood. The other students give Cece a superhero nickname of El Deafo, because her hearing aids allow her to hear when the teacher is coming back to the classroom. She saves the day by giving them time to stop playing around. 


War that saved my life (US). Ada is living in a small apartment in London during WWII. Her abusive mother is ashamed of Ada’s club foot (foot abnormality) and keeps her away from school. When she is evacuated to the countryside to live with another family, she begins to heal both her foot and her well-being. The book weaves a tale of resilience along with a snapshot of different attitudes during a different time. 

不同的观点:对于我们所有人来说,在故事和书中看到“自己”是极其重要的。如果一个患有脑瘫的孩子在她读过的任何一本书中都没有看到患有同样残疾的角色,那是否意味着她不够好,不能成为一个书中的人物?如果绘本中没有残疾儿童的插图,那是否意味着他们不存在?如果他们不在故事中,那是否意味着他们不是这个社会的成员?Rudine西姆斯主教,语言艺术专家,在20世纪90年代就提出了“镜子”的概念。我们希望在我们阅读的图书中看到反映我们的文化、经验以及能力的角色。我希望青少年能看到其他坐在轮椅上的人,比如我们来自于冰岛、澳大利亚、俄罗斯的小说。我希望有精神疾病的青少年能够阅读加拿大小说《加尔文》,从中可以知道他需要控制自己的疾病,而不是让疾病控制自己的生活。我,我自己,同样也需要学习这些人生课程。  同样,我们需要阅读描述与我们不同的人的图书。我们需要一扇通向不同世界的窗户。有一个坐在轮椅上的父亲是什么感觉?或者你的妹妹有脑损伤是什么感觉?或者因为失明不能看到海洋是什么感觉?或者你班里的孤独症孩子描述他就像生活在一个有着坚硬外壳的巨大白色鸡蛋里,你又是什么感觉?阅读关于这些孩子的图书能够教给我们什么?我会说这就像遇见某个人。你看到的是你们的相似点,而不是你们的不同点。你看到更像你的人物,而不是“他们中的一个”的人物,这就是孩子们广泛阅读书籍的优点,或者引用美国图书馆协会的口号“我们需要多样化的书籍”。 

Different point of view: It is important for all of us to see ourselves in stories and books. If a child who has cerebral palsy does not see another character with the same disability in any of the books she has read, does that mean she is not good enough to be a character? If there are no illustrations of children with disabilities in picture books, does that mean that they do not exist? If they are not in stories, does that mean they do not belong? Rudine Sims Bishop, a language arts specialist, wrote about this mirror concept in the 1990s. We long to see characters with our own culture, our experiences and our abilities reflected in the books we read. I want teens to see others in wheelchairs, such as our novels set in Iceland, Australia, Russia. I want teens with mental illness to be able to read the Canadian novel, Calvin, where a teen learns that he needs to control his illness rather than letting it control his life. I ,myself, need to learn these life lessons.Similarly, we need to read about people who are different from us. We need a window into diverse worlds. What is it like to have your father in a wheelchair? Or your sister to have brain damage? Or to be blind and not be able to see the ocean Or to have a child in your class describe his autism as living inside a big white egg with a hard shell. What does reading about these children teach us? I would say that it is like meeting someone. You come to see your similarities not your differences. You see the characters as more like you rather than “one of them.” And that is the advantage of children being read diverse books, or to quote the American Library Association campaign “We need Diverse Books.”


Depourvu (Canada). This astonishing French-Canadian novel flips our point of view. Everyone in the novel is autistic; the narrator is the one with the disability - because he is normal. 




国际儿童读物联盟(IBBY)是和联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会有正式咨商关系的非赢利的国际非政府组织,1953年在瑞士苏黎士创立, 它的宗旨是,通过儿童图书促进国际间了解;使全世界各地儿童都有机会接触到具有高文学水准和高艺术水准的图书;鼓励并支持各国、尤其是发展中国家的高品质儿童图书的出版和发行;对那些致力于儿童和儿童文学事业的人们提供援助和培训;激励儿童文学领域的研究和学术事业。国际儿童读物联盟世界大会每两年召开一次,大会颁发国际儿童文学最高奖——安徒生奖。半个世纪以来,国际儿童读物联盟所开展的各类活动(包括IBBY荣誉名册、IBBY朝日阅读促进奖、国际儿童图书节、IBBY联合国教育科学及文化组织的专题讨论和专家研讨会、IBBY残疾青少年图书文献中心、IBBY的刊物《书鸟》杂志等等),在国际上产生了广泛的影响,被誉为儿童读物界的“小联合国”。目前,全世界有69个国家成立了IBBY的国家分会。中国的少儿出版界从1986年开始参加IBBY活动,1990年成立了中国分会。中国分会成立以来,30几家专业少年儿童出版社一直是国际儿童读物联盟的积极参与者。中国儿童读物的飞速发展和中国童书出版大国的国际地位,越来越受到IBBY及全球童书界的关注和认可。目前,全世界有68个国家成立了IBBY的国家分会,中国分会于1986年成立。

跟着江老师去看展系列2 架起沟通的桥梁 ——IBBY残疾儿童图书文献中心主题论坛



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翻译:江小英   常慧云

文/图:Leigh Turina

排版:尹玉莲   柴富强

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