

4. 考试结束时,只将第II卷交回,第I卷自己保存,在第I卷上答题无效。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共65分)
(一) 录音中有五个句子,听句子一遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能与句子相符的图片或答语。(每小题约有5秒钟的读题时间和8秒钟的答题时间)
A                                      B                                    C
2. A.       Thank you, too.                   B. No, thanks.               C. You’re welcome.
3. A. Because they’re cute.           B. Yes, they do.             C. They’re from Australia.
4. A. I’m a reporter.                            B. Yes, I am.                 C. I’m listening to the music.
5. A. She likes to have long hair.    B. She likes her father.   C. She is tall with long hair.
6. Who’s singing in the classroom?
A. Holly.                                 B. Jack.                        C. Holly and Jack.
7. How much is special 2?
A. 5 yuan.                               B. 15 yuan.                   C. 25 yuan.
8. Did Sally do her homework?
A. No, she didn’t.                    B. Yes, she did.             C. No, he didn’t.
9. Where are they?
A. In a restaurant.                    B. In a shop.                 C. At home.
10. Can the girl take any toys to school?
A. No, she doesn’t.                  B. Yes, she can.             C. No, she can’t.
11. The woman wants to go to          .
A. Center Street                       B. Sixth Avenue             C. the post office
12. Is the post office far?
A. Yes, it is.                             B. No, it isn’t.               C. We don’t know.
13. The post office is on           .
A. Sixth Avenue                      B. Center Street            C. Eighth Avenue
14. The woman will         .
A. walk there                           B. take a taxi there         C. take a bus there
15. The post office is          .
A. a tall building                       B. an old building           C. a new building
16. Where did Wang Lei go last summer vacation?
A. Hainan.                               B. Qingdao.                  C. Dalian.
17. How was the weather there?
A. It was hot.                          B. It was warm.            C. It was humid.
18. Did Wang Lei eat a lot of different kinds of seafood?
A. Yes, he did.                         B. No, he didn’t.           C. He ate it.
19. How were the people there?
A. Cool.                                  B. Unfriendly.                C. Friendly.
20. How was Wang Lei’s vacation?
A. It was bad.                         B. It was exciting.         C. It was boring.
21. Would you like to be         policeman? It’s         exciting job.
A. an; a                   B. an; an                C. a; a                 D. a; an
22. Is there a           near here? I want to get some money.
A. hospital               B. library               C. bank                 D. shop
23. There          a pen and two books on the desk.
A. is                       B. are                    C. has                   D. have
24. We want to buy a house          a beautiful garden.
A. and                    B. with                  C. to                            D. but
25. She always           a white sweater.
A. wear                   B. wears                C. puts on             D. in
26. A reporter likes         to people and           stories.
A. talking; writing                                B. talk; writing
C. talk; write                                       D. to talk; writing
27. You are a little bit         . You should eat less food and take some exercise.
A. thin                    B. tall                    C. short                 D. heavy
28. —Would you like to drink something?
—Yes, I’d like to some        .
A. dumpling             B. oranges             C. apple juice         D. eggs
29. Tom can speak          English.
A. a little                 B. much too          C. many                D. a lots of
30. I          my homework yesterday.
A. didn’t did            B. didn’t                C. didn’t do           D. not do
31. Let’s          to the zoo.
A. go                      B. going                C. to go                 D. goes
32. I had great fun          basketball.
A. play                    B. playing              C. to play                     D. played
33. This little dog is         interesting.
A. a kind of             B. kind of              C. kinds of            D. kind
34. —I don’t like mutton          beef.
—I don’t like mutton,         I like beef a lot.
A. and; and              B. and; but             C. or; but                     D. or; and
35. You shouldn’t talk          .
A. in school             B. after class          C. in classes          D. in class
Kate Smith is my pen pal. She  36  New York, American. She is 13 years old. Her birthday is  37  January. She can speak English and French. She is a good  38 . She likes English at school. She thinks it’s  39 . She has an uncle and  40  name is Jack. He is 27. He  41  English in a middle school in China now. He often  42  to her and tells her many things  43  China. So Kate loves China. She likes Chinese kung fu. She likes  44  Chinese action movies  45  weekends. I send many pictures to her.
36. A. is at                    B. is from              C. come from        D. from
37. A. on                     B. at                      C. from                 D. in
38. A. teacher               B. worker                     C. student              D. actress
39. A. interesting          B. difficult             C. boring               D. bad
40. A. he                      B. she                   C. his                    D. her
41. A. teaches               B. learns                C. speaks                     D. has
42. A. plays                  B. talk                   C. tells                  D. writes
43. A. on                      B. about                C. in                            D. from
44. A. looking               B. doing                C. watching           D. reading
45. A. in                       B. on                     C. to                            D. for
My family like Sundays very much, because on that day we can do what we want to do. I like playing basketball very much. My brother, Jack, doesn’t mind basketball. He likes playing the guitar, but he can’t play it well. My mother likes watching TV. Chinese Cooking is her favorite TV show. My father likes watching TV, too. He likes sports shows, because he thinks they’re exciting. He can’t stand soap operas, because they’re too boring.
46. My family like             very much.
A. Sundays              B. Saturdays          C. Fridays             D. Thursdays
47. Jack likes           .
A. playing basketball                      B. playing soccer ball
C. playing the guitar                             D. watching TV
48.          likes Chinese Cooking.
A. Jack                   B. Jack’s brother    C. Jack’s mother    D. Jack’s father
49. Jack’s father           soap opera.
A. likes                   B. doesn’t mind      C. doesn’t like        D. can’t stand
50. Jack’s father thinks sports shows are            .
A. funny                 B. exciting             C. interesting         D. boring
EF English Club
For students
16:00—18:00 Every Saturday
200 yuan a month
9 Yantai Street
Tel: 8785290
American teacher, English songs and movies and more!
Ocean(海洋) Museum
9:00—17:00 From Thursday to Sunday
Ticket(票): 80 yuan
132 Bihai Street
Tel: 8439871
Health Center
3 Haibin Street
Tel: 8801452
Free (免费)exam for those over 70!
51. EF English Club is for           .
A. nurses         B. students            C. policemen                 D. teachers
52. You will pay        if you want to stay in EF English Club for half(半) a year.
A. 300 yuan      B. 600 yuan           C. 1,200 yuan               D. 1,800 yuan
53. You can visit Ocean Museum on          .
A. Saturday      B. Monday             C. Wednesday               D. Tuesday
54. One can get free exam in Health Center if he (she) is         .
A. 17               B. 67                     C. 69                           D. 72
55. If you are interested in the life of fish, you can go to           .
A. 9 Yantai Street                          B. 132 Bihai Street
C. 3 Haibin Street                         D. 23 Haibin Street
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【中考听力】18. 2021年山东德州市中考英语听力试题(答案 音频 听力原文材料)
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