



1what is your favorite Tv program(电视节目)?My favorite Tv program is sports program(体育)

2.what is your favorite website ?
Myfavorite website is www.Cctv.com.

3what is your favorite day of the week?Why?
My favorite day of the week is friday.Because it is the weekend day.

4what is your favorite kind of movie FR?
My favorite movie is action movie.

5what is your favorite kind of music?
My favorite music is light music.

6what is your favorite magazine?杂志
My favorite magazine is TIMES.时报

7what is the population(人口)of your hometown家乡?
The population of my hometown is five million.

8what is the population of your country国家?
The population of my country is one billion and three hundred million.

9what is the best thing(好事情)about your hometown?
The best thing about my hometown is the weather.It is not hotter in summer and not colder in winter.

10what is the worst thing in your hometown .?
Yes.There are many,such as earthquakes地震,flooding洪水,typhoon台风etc.

11what is your hometown like?
My hometown is a middle size city but suitable for living.

12what sport do you like to watch on Tv?
I like football games on TV.

13.what do you think is the most popular sport最流行in the world?
i think the most popular sport in the world is football.

14what ports do you often call at?靠港
I often call at Dalian,shanghai,and honkong port.

15what do you think is the most Important thing on board?
i think the most Important thing on board is safety.

16what is your captain’s nationality(国籍)
his nationality is china.

17what i date of birth?
My date of birth is the7th of April1967

18what is your seamen’s book number(海员证)?

19where are you from?
I am from Dalian china.

20what’s yourdaily timetable?安排表

21.what do you like most about your job?
Like a taveller.

22what is your favorite music?
pop music.

24.what do you usually do during your shore leave(F)?

25.what do you expect about your future?
become master.


1.What does“abandon vessel”mean?弃船
“Abandon vessel”means“To evacuate(逃离)al1crew and passengers from a vessel following distress.

2.What does“foul anchor(绞锚)”mean?
“Foul anchor”meanS“Crossing anchor or anchor twisted”.

3.What does“dredging(拖锚)of an anchor”mean?
“Dredging o f an anchor”means“Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.

4.What does“underway”mean?(在航)
“Underway”means“The ship is not at anchor,aground,or made fast to the shore”.

5.What does“dragging of an anchor”mean?(走锚)
it is no longer preventing(sH iE)the movement of the vesse.

6.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out(ty)of the ground and is clear of it?
When the anchor has been heaved out of the ground,I should report that the anchor is“Anchor aweigh”.锚离地

7.Can you list some orders are included in Standard Ship Orders(标准船令)?
The Standard Ship Orders including the wheel order,telegraph order,anchoring order,mooring order and some other orders.(舵令、系泊、锚).

8.If you are ordered"Port five,how to reply and report?
I reply“Port five”and report“Wheel is port five”.

9.If you are ordered"Steady how to reply and report I reply“Steady”and report“Steady on090degrees”.

10.How to answer what is the course?answer"Course on090degrees.

11.What does“Single up(单绑)forward to breast line and spring”mean?
Single up forward to breast line and spring Let go all ines except a breast line and spring.

12.If you want change the position of the head line forward for3meters,what do you say ?
I should speak“Shifting(移动)the head line3meters forward”.

13.If you want to heave tight(s k)the breast line?
what should you say I should speak"Make fast breast line.

14.Which order is an equivalent to“Send out(送出)head line”?
“Send out head line”1s same to“Pay out head line.

15Which order is an equivalent to"Let go stern line"?
“Cast off stern line”1s same to“Let go stern line”.

16.What does“Anchor is foul”mean?(答案同第二题)

17.If the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bot tom,what do you report?(答案同第六题)

18.If the anchor is secured(32)firmly in sea bottom,what do you report?
When the anchor is secured firmly,I should report that the anchor ls“1Brought up".

19.If there is no obstruction(F*H)around the anchor before anchoring,what would you report?
If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring,I should report“The anchor is clear”

20.When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it,what do you report?
I report that the anchor is“Clear of water”.

21.If you are ordered"Stand by both engines!,how should you reply and report?
First i reply"stand by both engines!and report"Both engines stand by!

22.If you are ordered:"Full ahead",how should you reply and report?
First I reply“Full ahead”and then report“Engine full ahead”.

23.If you are ordered:"Stop engine,how should you reply and report?
I should reply“Stop engine”and report“Engine stopped”.

24.What does“Finished with engine”mean?
“Finished with engine”means“the engine no longer required.


1.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing(施放)the bow stoppers?
Before releasing,we must to check the ship?s speed and the depth of water.

2.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was75meters?
No,I can not.because the depth of wat is too deep.(锚链筒)

3.Why is dangerous to anchor in ice ?
If the ship to anchor in ice,may be damaged by the ice.

4.What’s the call sign(呼号)of your ship?
Call sign is 3ELK9.

5.What’s the ship s nationality(国籍)?
nationality is PANAmA.

6.What's your IMo number of your ship?
IMO number is9431109.

7.What type(船舶类型)is your vessel?
a bulk carrier.

8.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?
Before a ship arrival,by vhf or telex get in touch with a port.

9.When the vessel enters the VTS area,what is requested to Report?
 When the vessel enters the VtS area,I request to report the ship's name,call sign,position,draft,ETA and so on.

10.If you are ordered:"Stand by both engines!How should you reply and report?
(同第二章第21题)reply“Stand by both engines!"”and report“Both engines stand by!”

12.What does the abbreviation(a)ETD stand for?ETD stand for“Estimated Time of Departure(预计开航时间)."

13.Why must you consider ship s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?
In order not to exceed the SWL of the bow stoppers.

14.Can you list at least three mooring lines?
 The head line,stern line,breast line and spring line.

15.You are about to enter a fairway and you want to relay your intention(意图)to theVTS.Using a standard message marker and a phrase,what should you say ?
I say"VTS,this is Mv beagle VIl,I am entering the fairway".




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