






1991年从复旦大学毕业后,我飞往圣克鲁斯(San Cruz)攻读加大博士学位。我仍然记得那天我下飞机时,对旧金山机场外复杂的高速公路系统感到惊讶,当时旧金山湾区已经是硅谷了。我在学校附近的一个美国家庭安顿下来,那是圣克鲁斯西崖区的海景房。满月的时候,我可以从家庭房间里看到月亮照耀太平洋像一面巨大的镜子在反光。院子里种着许多果树(例如李子,枇杷),在秋天,我经常把它们捡采起来与朋友分享。圣克鲁斯(Santa Cruz)是一个海滨小镇,以冲浪闻名。它在旧金山和蒙特雷半岛之间沿着著名的加利福尼亚一号高速公路。UCSC的校园位于红木森林覆盖的山丘上,俯瞰着海洋。


UCSC毕业后的很多年后,当我和家人一起度假时,我再次在那个颇受欢迎的海滩散步上遇到了博士导师Mike,我5岁的女儿Cindy穿着著名的香蕉虫衬衫(UCSC的吉祥物)。现在的圣克鲁斯(Santa Cruz)成为了硅谷新富人的幻想退休小镇。



纽约市在晚上开着城市灯光的情况下看起来更好,我可以从位于市中心的默里山(Murray Hills)的高层公寓窗户看到闪亮的克莱斯勒大厦顶端。我最喜欢的消遣方式是周末从中城区到下城区再到上城,在城市中漫步。洛克菲勒中心是我最喜欢喝咖啡和看行人的地方。















To those cities that I lived in the last two decades

I am lucky to have lived around the world during last two decades due to work and school. I often unintentionally compare those days of my life in these great cities, as times went by those happy moments just keep on coming back.

After graduating from college in Shanghai in 1991, I flew to San Cruz to pursue my Ph.D at UCSC. I still remember the day I get off the plane and was amazed by the complex highway system out of San Francisco airport, where San Francisco Bay area is already the Silicon Valley at that time. I settled down with an American family near the school, it is an ocean-view house on the west cliff part of Santa Cruz. When there is a full moon, I can see the Pacific Ocean shining like a giant mirror from the family room. Many fruit trees (e.g. plum, loquat) grew in the yard which in the autumn I often pick them up to share with friends. Santa Cruz is a beach town, famous for surfing. It’s along the renowned highway one California highway between San Francisco and Monterey peninsula. The campus of UCSC is on the hills covered with Redwood forest, overlooking the ocean. 

My favorite pastime is riding my mountain bike in the redwood forest, the air in the forest is so fresh, sometimes mixed with smells of the seaweed and ocean fogs, blew up from the beach. I usually ride half day on the weekend to relax and enjoy the beautiful Giant redwoods. Walking along the Santa Cruz beach by the sunset is another good workout at the end of the day to enjoy the ocean breeze and sound of wave hitting the rocks. The sunset in the Pacific Ocean is especially colorful in the winter, with many birds flying around the coast, particularly the pelicans make loud noise when they congregate on the cliff rocks fishing for dinner. I often walk from the Santa Cruz Wharf to Natural Bridge State Park. Many years late after my graduation from UCSC, I run into my Ph.D advisor Mike again on that popular beach walk when I was on Holiday with my family, my daughter Cindy of 5-year old wears the famous banana slug shirt (mascot of UCSC). Santa Cruz now becomes a fancy retirement town for the new rich from Silicon Valley.

I got a job in New York City after finishing my Ph.D in 1997. NYC is quite a big city for a country boy like me. I remember that I arrived in LaGuardia airport early night, I was impressed by the bright city lights of Manhattan when I crossed the East river on the taxi. I believe that NYC is the best city in the world in terms of its size and diversity. Besides the museums and central park, I enjoyed these great restaurants in the city, the Chinese restaurants in the China town and midtown offers very authentic food. The architecture in NYC has a long history, from modern high-rises to old churches, all of them are the best of its kind. In the weekend, Coney Island is just a subway ride away. I also tried the free bus to Atlanta City to donate some money to Casinos. I am not into shopping though NYC is claimed to be best town for shopping in the world, lots of brands have their flag shops on the fifth avenue. I did not hear anything about Trump during my time in NYC, maybe either he or me was famous enough yet at that time. NYC looks better with city lights on, I can see the shining Chrysler building from my high-rise apartment window at Murray Hills in the midtown. My favorite pastime is walking around the city on the weekend, from midtown to uptown to downtown. Rockefeller center is my favorite hang out place for coffee and people watching.

I then was rotated to London office of Credit Suisse after 6 months training in NYC. I took the business class flight of British Airway from JFK to Heathrow. For a country mouse like me, all these experiences are brand new experience to me. I begin to realize it is nice to be a rich person. I was provided a fancy apartment in Sloane street at Knightsbridge, which is close to Hyde Park, Harvey Nichols and Harrods. London is very classy and exquisite city, the whole city is like a museum, full of history, constantly reminding me of the glory of British empire. The street and buildings in London are so well maintained despite its long history and age, full of taste and culture. I start to understand why the British people are so proud of themselves, I guess they have good reasons. 

My favorite spots to wonder around the city are St. Paul church, London towers and Hyde Park. I often check out the city on foot on the weekend. Besides its museums and churches, the college towns and royal palace around the city are also good places for weekend trip. London represents the best of Europe has to offer: its rich culture, beautiful people and well-preserved architectures. I also found that the English language hears much better when the British people speak it in different accents, the punctuation they use makes much sense to express themselves and nice to listen. This is similar to mandarin Chinese; it hears better when the Beijinger speaks it. Besides the deep culture and majestic city views, the food in China town is very authentic, Hong Kong style DiSum is popular. European in general spends more time and money on their looks, they tend to dress well in style, and their bodies kept fit and manner is polite and elegant. Of course, the steep culture tradition matters for how a human look, spiritual richness matters more than pure “new” money tycoons. The weather in London has room to improve though, the winter in London is freezing cold and windy, the short walk from my apartment to the tube station becomes a hard one every morning. 

I was finally assigned to post in Hong Kong office of Credit Suisse in 1998. My BA flight went through these crowded residential buildings and landed at Kai Tak Airport in the night. I was put in a service apartment in mid-level before renting a place there. Hong Kong strikes me as the strange mix of old and new traditions (cliché to say the mix of west and east, or the urban city and nature). I assumed it will not last too long before I move on to other places, however I stayed on in Hong Kong for almost 15 years where the best time of my life is mostly consumed there. Hong Kong is a small place compared to the big cities, it is a very compact and crowded city with most of its financial business centered in Central and late in West Kowloon. I had my ups and downs in my career in this vibrant financial center over the years, I lived in mid-level, south side of the HK island, Park island and Olympia. As an island, ocean view apartment is common here. I always lived near the ocean, no strange.

There are two things uniquely good from Hong Kong: the food and hiking trails. You can have foods from different parts of China and the rest of world. Other Asian food (e.g. Thai, Japanese and Vietnamese) are also excellent choice. The seafood in Saigon and LeiYuMun is the best I ever had, the Disum are full of choice and timely made. On the weekend, I usually have DiSum in the late morning and then hike in the new territory or some outpost island. My favorite trail is Maclehose trail, the beach and hills along the trail are pristinely clean, it typically takes a day to finish the long trail, then have a nice seafood dinner at Saigon. This is a typical routine for my life in Hong Kong on the weekend. I have been to most trails in Hong Kong and islands outside Hong Kong, I enjoyed the bumpy ferry ride and beautiful view along the coast.

I moved to Singapore in 2013 to take a job with Temasek. Singapore is truly a well-planned garden city, full of rain forest and flowers even in the city center. It is about half size of Hong Kong, mostly flat land and built up. It is near the equator and sunshine is plenty regardless of your apartment is facing south or north; the weather is hot and humid through out the year. The air conditioners in most buildings kept the temperature very low, almost chilly. The former prime minister Lee said it is easy to keep people awake and work hard under a low temperature. I often sweat a lot for first few months in Singapore as your body adjusts to the new environment. It is much slow city compared to Hong Kong, people are more satisfied and well taken care of generally. Singlish is the terms referring to English spoken locally with strong accent, some of words are also unique to Singapore. Besides mall hopping and checking out various restaurants, there is really not much to do in the tiny island. We usually fly to Indonesia or Thailand for beach holidays, it is not far away from shanghai either if you are home sick. 

Singapore food is influenced by Chinese, Malay and India traditions. Lots of good India restaurant and curry, my favorite is lamb biryani (a rice dish with curry and goat meat) and, my daughter likes the mushroom prata. Chinese food in Singapore is not really authentic in my taste, I am not a fan of the pork rib soup with lots of black pepper or those chicken rice bowl. Overall Singapore restaurants are not comparable to HK for Mainland Chinese. The east coast park is a good place to take a long walk by the beach or ride bike with your family. Singapore is so clean everywhere; people often label it as sterilized city. 

As my daughter need to go to elementary school, we finally decided to move back to America. In 2015, we relocated to Washington DC, where I plan to work for a few more years and retire eventually. DC is mostly about government business with lots of stately public buildings where all these ministries and embassies are housed. It is very similar to European city like Paris, with lots of green and open space, the buildings are in classic style (e.g. Greek) and not very tall. The Potomac river runs through the city, the river changes color during the year as water level changes. DC has distinct four seasons, with weather like Beijing. Cherry blossom festival is famous and attract many tourists during the spring season. National Malls have lots of museums, I’ve only been to a dozen of them, many yet to be explored after been here for 6 years.

America is about nature as my daughter told me when I asked her about Asia cities and DC. This is exactly true; we often go hiking in nearby parks. Shenandoah has lots of beautiful trails hidden in the Appalachian mountain. The leaf foliage season in late Oct is a favorite time to hike these mountains. Kayaking in the Potomac river is nice in a summer morning though we were caught in a few thunderstorms during kayaking. As we enjoy the nature, we felt we are closer to ourselves, more peace and tranquility at heart. It is time to enjoy life while making money is no longer a priority. 


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