


2023.02.09 广东



TO  My Dear Friends

  1. English Meeting, Theme: Staycation   

  2. Word of the Day: Heaven   Date: 2021/7/20

  3. Meeting Manager: Anna Liu

  4. Off line Members: Emily, Nina, Gary, Charles, Wendy, Anna, Cici, Karen, Jeffery, Samantha, Rona

  5. Online Members: Angeltrace, Suki, Mandy,

  6. Guests: Owen, Qinghua, Gary (ACME), Clair, Rita, Avril, Jinch,i Graeme,

  7. Meeting Roles

  8. Timer: Charles,  Grammarian: Jinchi, Hark Master: Qinghua GE: Gary (ACME) TME: Anna TTM: Cici 


Impromptu Speaking Section

Impromptu Speaking Section Summary:

TTM Cici has well prepared 5 topics related to the theme Staycation. She further showed it on PPT, most of these questions are easy to answer and help us to recall our memories. To our surprise, all the speakers are guests! 

            Best Seaker: Qing Hua

What’s the most interesting on your trips?

Qinghua: I am enjoy riding and go motorcycling. I have the chance to explore the nature when I travel to Yangshuo Combodia and Indonesia. I really enjoyed myself to listen, to touch, and to smell the world. No matter how bad the weather is, I like the amazing feeling to go outside to get more closer to the impressive things. Take someone else with you would be also a good choice when you on trips. 

What’s the warmest or romantic thing that you have ever done during your travel?

Owen: I like climbing mountains. I often ask my friends to go together to climb mountain in Shenzhen at weekends.When they feel tried, 

I can help them to carry their bags. Besides that, I can bring some food and water for them. To share what I have and helping others is the most romantic and warmest things in my heart. 

 If you have a chance to go on a trip , talk about where you want to go?

Go to the heaven might be my choice.

I just want to find the people that I want to talk, eat the food in such a good place. I believe there is a place like heaven where you want to go and try. 

1Introducing the delicious food you never forget during your trip.

Rita: Many years ago I used to visit a friend in Australia. He invited me for dinner. To my surprise, he has prepared 48 hours to cook the Kangaroo meet for me. That dish is really delicious with juice. In my eyes, he can do simple food, but he showed his great sincerity. I will never forget his warm welcome and that delicious food. 


Prepared Speeches 

  1. Prepared Speech: IP 1.2.1 Evaluation and Feedback

  2. The purpose of this project is to present a speech on any topic received feedback and apply it to a second speech.

  3. Speaker: Jeffery Ye  

  4. Time: 7mins

Title: Why should a girl’s family name follow her mothers’? 

For humans, we are the most smart animal in the world. We have Y chromosome and Mitochondrion to carry our unique gene in our bodies. Females are physically weaker than males. In Chinese ancient culture, the families are first composed of meaning of female letters but later after that it switched to father’s name. A good reason for this change is female’s role becomes invisible. Another can be explained is for man’s privilege. To my opinion, family name is an expression of life itself. Girl’s family name should follow their mother’s .Females deserve the naming right. It can solve many problems we are facing now. It is the best time to take action. 

  1. Prepared Speech: IP 1.2.1 Evaluation and Feedback ---Best Speaker

  2. The purpose of this project is to present a speech on any topic received feedback and apply it to a second speech.

  3. Speaker: Gary Jiang 

  4. Time: 7mins

 Title: Why should we evaluate?

What can we gain from other’s evaluation? If we improve and evaluation skills, can we use in our daily life? Gary has summarized his method. First remember your purpose of evaluation, then start with a compliment, encourage the speaker to work on weakness with points and suggestions at the end. One example of this situation. Your boss gives you a higher sales target without communicating with you. First defend yourself and help your boss save face. 

Mr. Jiang, you are a very hardworking person. You come early and we are lucky to have you in our company. Maybe you are too busy so you forget my target is *** RMB this month, Screenshot of our conversation about my target. Perhaps we can discuss your salary again next year.

  1. Prepared Speech: PM 3.3 Using Descriptive Language

  2. Objective:Practice writing a speech with an emphasis on adding language to increase interest and impact.

  3. Speaker: Samantha Yan   

  4. Time: 7mins

Behind my Anxiety

I am extremely anxious in this year. There are three reasons behind my anxieties. First is for money, after buying the new house, our family have to afford more than double bank loan compared with before, second is for the heavy decoration jobs, there are too many things need to be solved together in the limited due time. I become hot tempered and easily annoyed with slow movement and unsatisfied solutions. Meanwhile, our business is running cold due to the impact of Covid-19, everybody in the company feel anxious more or less with the big pressure of finance. Those things have driven me to big worries. I want to make changes and find some support. Learning on Zhihu, I found the anxiety is our negative imagination of things not happened, it is the overreaction that we have for the potential and imagine risk. Later on I start to forgive myself, I talk to my husband and friends for help, my bad mood has released a lot through playing the electric piano and singing with my daughters. Put myself in more positive environment to share with others is a way to let us feel better. 

  1. Prepared Speech: PM 4.4 Building a Social Media Presence

  2. Objective: Practice writing a speech with an emphasis on adding language to increase interest and impact.

  3. Speaker:Suki lv   

  4. Time: 7 mins 

                   Sense of Presence

Which kind of Social media are you using, Wechat, little red book or Zhihu? I like to writing articles on Zhihu much more than wechat. Since there is no limitation on Zhihu, I keep on answering some questions on that, moreover, I collect Toastmaster club information in Beijing. Zhihu helps me to build social media presence. Even it is online, it helps me to meet new friends and build connection. I further do my resolution of reading books. It becomes a important task for me. Some people may using social media for money, but for me I’m not that kind. I enjoy myself could be seen by more people. 



最佳即兴:Qing Hua

最佳点评:Nina Yan

最佳备稿:Gary Jiang

最佳主持:Anna Liu



Surprise of Today: Can you find yourself in the vedio at Artisan 111th Meeting? 

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