


Is living in the USA better than in Europe?
2023-07-28 kepter 1651 0 1 收藏 纠错&举报

Michael Ler
I've enjoyed the past 20 years in Europe much more than my 30 years in the US. Here I feel as if we get something for the taxes we pay whereas in the US you pay taxes and get about nothing.


Politicians in the US are allowed to take bribes (“donations”) from private interest groups such as the $trillion a year “defense" contractors and foreign interest groups such as AIPAC. Any wonder that $trillions upon $$trillions have been wasted bombing foreign countries in numerous israeli proxy wars that benefit only the israelis and defense contractors? Yet half of Americans will curl up in the fetal position at the mere mention of affordable higher education and medicine.


The US president spent $150 million in taxpayer funds playing golf at his own golf courses and gets away with it. In Europe politicians have resigned in disgrace for buying a $2 candy bar with taxpayer funds


The few times I needed to use US hospitals were all pretty bad experiences. Everyone seemed to have an attitude. One example of many would be a nurse that cursed me out because my IV got knocked out while I was sleeping. In Europe I have always been impressed with the professionalism and care provided. Had my first surgery a few months ago. Went to the ER and was given all the scans and x-rays needed without wait. Got 8 days in post op and was actually given the choice as to staying longer. Unlike the US there is no worry as to going bankrupt and losing my house and other possessions.

我去美国医院就医的几次都是非常糟糕的经历。每个人似乎都有自己的傲慢。其中一个例子就是一个护士诅咒我,因为我的静脉注射针头在我睡觉的时候被打掉了。在欧洲,我一直对他们医护人员的专业精神和服务印象深刻。几个月前我做了第一次手术。去了急诊室,进行了扫描和 x 光检查,没有等待。术后8天,实际上可以选择呆更长的时间。与美国不同,我不用担心破产和失去我的房子和其他财产。

General health…In the US 70% of people are overweight or obese. Fast food. Portions at restaurants that easily cover an entire day's worth of calories. And having to take the car everywhere even if it's just a few blocks away. Here I see 80 year olds walking half a mile to the grocery store and carrying all their groceries the half a mile back.

健康情况... 在美国70% 的人超重或肥胖。快餐店食物里的卡路里可以轻松满足一个人一整天的需求,而且即使只有几个街区的距离,你也不得不开车过去。在欧洲,我经常看到80岁的老人步行半英里去杂货店,把他们所有的食品杂货搬回半英里以外。

Marianne Kooiman
That depends on a lot of things, but for most people it isn’t.


Certainly for the low and middle incomes life is better in Europe. Only for the high incomes life is better in the USA.


Life in Europe isn’t great when your goal is to become rich. Certainly it’s possible to build up a good life, but keep in mind European countries tax the hell out of the high incomes. That’s why rich people in Europe are not as rich as rich people in the USA. They can still be rich, but everything is relative.


But when you just want to get by, live a normal average life, you’re way better off in Europe. The lower and middle class incomes are higher in Europe than they are in the USA. Job security is better in Europe, as well as financial support for those who aren’t able to work.


One important factor is healthcare insurance, which is much cheaper in Europe than it is in the USA with usually better coverage. Each European country does this in it’s own way, either tax-funded government-based insurance or regulated market insurance. For Americans healthcare insurance takes up a good part of their income, in Europe that part is much smaller. And there is nothing wrong with the quality of healthcare in Europe.


So what’s your goal in life? Will you take your chances on becoming rich, with the possibility that you fail and end up in poverty? Then by all means stay in America. Or do you want a stable life without having to worry about the future. Not rich, but not poor either. Then Europe is the place for you.


Severine Riise
Depends on a number of factors, including (but not limited to):

取决于多个因素,包括(但不限于) :

Where in either of those you live.


Your income.


Any inheritance or other secondary items of worth.


Your social network.


Your mental health.


Your physical health.


How much you like your job.


What hobbies you have, and how likely it is you’d be able to participate in these activities where you live, relative to elsewhere.


Your status as a majority/minority where you live.


Your skills, and their relevance where you are (relative to where you aren’t).


The US can be a nice place to live, given you have the social network, health, and income to manage it. Anywhere can be hell if your health goes down the drain, though a bit less hellish if you have access to the help you need (access both talking in terms of general availability of treatment, and how realistic it would be for you to afford it).


Because Europe is somewhat more diverse than the US states (in economy, linguistic and educational requirements, etc.) where in Europe you’re talking about also has a bit to say. I prefer Europe, because this is where I’m from, where most of my acquaintances are.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Doesn’t mean you’d love it the same.


Mike Bolton
This will be tough to get answers for unless someone who has actually lived in both answers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Having only lived in America. My experience is limited. I have traveled though, and lived throughout the USA.


America is a beautiful country, filled with ugly horrible people.


Ive been in war zones, and seen the worst of humanity. But nothing is more soul crushing than the complete disregard and openly hostile attitude Ive encountered in America.


Also… American is a lie.

还有... 美国充满谎言。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We are not free, not even sort of. We must beg permission from the govt to even do the most basic of human activities.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its not the land of opportunity, more like the land of intentionally fucking over others for profit.


It wasnt always like this. Its really emerged since baby boomers took over 40 years ago and lost their minds.


On the flip side. I found Europe to be very interesting, the people in general were very warm and welcoming… but of course I was a tourist so…

另一方面。我发现欧洲非常有趣,那里的人们通常都非常热情好客... ... 当然我是一个游客,所以... ..。

As far as landscapes… I found both very similar, just different architecture styles really.

至于风景... 我发现两者非常相似,只是建筑风格不同而已。

I do understand that many European countries have high standards of living, but those also, are subsidized largely by govt in countries with less population than 1 single US CITY, so the scale and portability of these systems just never will work in a country of almost 400 million people. Its the economy of scale.


Mark McKee
It was attributed to Douglas Fairbanks in a conversations with Charlie Chaplin:

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“No, Charlie, Americans are basically good on the outside; what’s on the inside comes out when they’re afraid.”


Ricky Smith
I say a big no!!! Life is much better. The health care is affordable. You're not worked to death like in the U.S.. There are no worries of being gunned down. The food isn't poisoned with tons of herbicides or pesticides. GMO are banned. A hospital stay won't make you bank rupt. You eat fresh foods in restaurants no matter where you go. Eating in Italian, Greek, Turkish, Spanish and Portuguese. No microwaves used in heated your cheap foods like in the states. Wal Mart hasn't taken over destroying small businesses. Kids get a better education and I can go on and on and on. I met a lot of real genuen friends. Here people are a bit different. I have met too many plastic people here. I never had this experience in Europe. You made plans to be someplace you stick to it. Being forgotten with no excuse. You see them later they don't apologise for their absence, not phoning or text. I've had that happen too many times. Europeans has more substance. So I've decided not to make friends anymore. I'm glad I kept my friends in Europe. May not be everywhere that they act like that. But in the south its the norm.


Sonny Low
In short, the US is for people younger than 30 to work because after you gain 5 or more of experience, you're forced out of the job market.


In Europe, you pay more taxes, but at least you see it and get to use it. It's like a savings account where you really get to see the interest you made and that you can withdraw that extra income to spend it on anything.


In the US, you're 99% guaranteed to become homeless once you get too old to work. SSI may or may not be enough to cover rent and if you have savings, even $500,000 ill be gone with your medical expenses.

在美国,99% 的人一旦年龄大到无法工作,就会无家可归。美国的养老基金可能不足以支付房租,如果你有存款,甚至500,000美元也会随着医疗费用一起消失。

Also, Europe has less shootings and you have a higher chance of making real friends in Europe.


In the US, maybe social media expanded it, but there are too many fake people who talk so fake, they'll never tell you how they really feel about anything.


Al Huck
If you like cozy environment U.S. is as wide and empty as Mars. Many news take months to spread unlike EU where it make full circle in few minutes. Why? People in U.S. don’t care much about thing outside their 5-mile radius. We only care about weather, fun or imminent danger to our safety, job or business, love, family, land, crop, local stores, shopping or outdoor activities etc. Personal privacy is main part of culture, unlike EU, where everyone like to know each other and freely chat with strangers. So what you like tells your choice of land.


Roger Hayes
Well,my long emigrated to USA sister and her family evidently think so.


I have two branches of our family who emigrated. The first 150 years ago and the second 65 years ago.


They not showing any signs or interest in coming back so guess things must be better in USA than Europe.


Peace and All Good

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Layla Khan
Life in the USA has become hard especially under Trump. People need to hold 2/3 jobs to survive. Universities have highest tuition rates in world and finally we have our disastrous healthcare system where we are left paying thousands. In that respect life in Europe is easier, plus people in Europe not motivated by greed and have a certain Joie de vivre.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hajo Mueller
Is living in the USA better than in Europe?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For most Americans the US is better. For most Europeans it is Europe. Depends what you used to and what you expect.


Amer Khwaja
There are pros and cons to each. It really depends on the individual.


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