

For del Potro, the landscape has changed费德勒的世界 德尔波特罗的风景
导读:2009年最后一项大满贯美网公开赛(United States Open)男单决赛中,志在创造赛会公开赛时代六连冠纪录的天王费德勒遭遇阿根廷小将德尔-波特罗的阻击。费德勒最终以总比分2-3惨遭逆转,无缘六连冠历史第一人,而德尔-波特罗则首次捧起职业生涯的大满贯冠军。
For del Potro, the landscape has changed
费德勒的世界 德尔波特罗的风景
FROM The New York Times
PUBLISHED: 2009-09-22
At some point between the mayhem of Monday night, when he lay crying on the court at Arthur Ashe Stadium, and the murmur of Tuesday morning, when he slowly waded through a string of interviews, Juan Martín del Potro remembered to shave.
Gone was the russet beard that had sprouted across his face through two weeks of the United States Open. And gone was the gritty buccaneer look that so perfectly complemented his savage forehand.
In the cool light of day, as he ate some pastry and doodled on a pad, del Potro was just a fresh-faced 20-year-old making sense of his first Grand Slam title.
“我几乎一夜没睡。”周二早上接受采访时,他说: “过去的两天我很难放松,怎么说……,我不知道,我无法平静下来。但是这是比赛的一部分,也是冠军的一部分。这对我来说非比寻常,但我正从中学到(经验)。”
"I didn`t sleep much," he said Tuesday morning. "The last two days, it was difficult to relax, to be, I don`t know, quiet. But this is part of the game, this is part of the champions. It`s unusual for me, but I`m learning from this one."
Over and over, del Potro has watched his final championship point, held his breath as Roger Federer`s backhand sailed long, exhaled as he watched himself collapse into tears. And each time, even though the details exist only in a blur of camera flashes and fans, the flood of emotion comes rushing back.
“每一次我看到那个球出界,我的感觉……” 德尔-波特罗停顿了一下,说:“那很美妙,我不知道该如何用言语来表达。”
"When I saw the ball going out, my sensations ..." del Potro said, pausing. "It`s amazing, I can`t explain with words."
When he called his parents Monday night, they barely got past hello before they all started sobbing into their telephones, overcome by emotion more than the 5,000 miles separating them.
"It was difficult to speak, but they are so happy for me," del Potro said.
He had asked them to stay in Argentina for the match, leaving only three people in his private box at Ashe on Monday night, but he was scheduled to see them Tuesday night when he flew back home. Once he reaches his hometown, Tandil, where del Potro has about 150 relatives, he said the party could begin in earnest.
"It`s going to be crazy," he said.
Like Federer at Wimbledon in 2003, del Potro won the first Grand Slam final he played in, something he never expected when he began the tournament at the tail end of a day session on Louis Armstrong Court. Del Potro`s initial goal was to make it into the second week.
“但是,当我半决赛对阵纳达尔,我想如果可以击败拉法,我就有能力夺冠。” 波特罗说。
"But when I was in the semis, playing against Nadal, I said maybe if I beat Rafa, I can win the tournament," he said.
In a season in which he has already played 16 events, del Potro said he was looking forward to taking some time off. It will be four months before he can make his next Grand Slam appearance, at the Australian Open.
Should he play the tournament, he will surely find that his tennis world has changed. The true meaning of being a champion will set in - and it is more than just a schedule jammed with photo opportunities.
"I really like it," del Potro said. "Now people are going to come see my matches, maybe I`ll play all my matches on center court, maybe night sessions. It`s going to be great."
But he knows just how hard it will be to follow the Open with another title.
"They are much better than me at this moment," he said. "But I am working to improve, to close the difference."
(Translator & Editor: Sylvie AND Grace)
fresh-faced 面带稚气的 涉世未深的
wade through 艰难地通过,费力地作完
a string of 一串
United States Open 美国网球公开赛
buccaneer  海盗
doodle 乱写,乱画
championship 冠军赛,冠军
tournament 锦标赛
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