

Pedicab driver applying for Dr. of Fudan38岁三轮车夫破格考上复旦博士
导读:8个月前,他还是辽宁省锦州市一个靠卖力气养家糊口的三轮车夫(pedicab driver),而今天,他已即将成为名校复旦大学的博士生。蔡伟,一名38岁的三轮车夫,以其对古汉字的执着热爱,成为中国高中毕业生申请博士学位第一人…
Pedicab driver applying for Dr. of Fudan
FROM People's Daily Online
PUBLISHED: 2009-07-20
XINHUA: Cai Wei, a pedicab driver, shows the notification of admission to Shanghai's prestigious Fudan University for doctor's degree studies of Chinese ancient documents, July 16, 2009.
XINHUA: Cai Wei (L), a pedicab driver, receives congratulations from friends for his notification of admission to Fudan University for doctor's degree studies of Chinese ancient documents, July 16, 2009.
Major online media has released news of "Fudan University`s plan to recruit a 38-year-old pedicab driver as a doctor". Cai Wei is from Jinzhou in Liaoning province and became a celebrity overnight. A 38-year-old, high school diploma turns from a pedicab driver to a University doctor; this is not just a simple inspirational story. Behind this story is not only a young man`s devotion to knowledge, but the endless charm of a subject, talent-cherishing scholars and an open-minded University…
The bleakest time in my life: Giving up study to survive
Early in March this year, Cai Wei received a phone call from Fudan University requiring him to attend the doctor recruitment examination. At that moment, Cai Wei felt so excited as if the whole world seemed to have changed color for him, becoming brighter and more colorful.
It was in his childhood when imitating calligraphy that Cai Wei developed a keen interest in ancient Chinese characters. His performances in language courses were excellent in high school, and sometimes his teacher would come to him for help when encountering uncommon words. However, due to poor performance in Mathematics and English, entering Universities became a distant dream for Cai Wei.
"I had not been accepted by Universities after graduating from high school. So, I started work for a rubber factory in Jinzhou. 3 years later, this factory closed down, I began to set up temporary stalls. Cai Wei once sold cigarettes, ice-cream and worked as pedicab driver. Whatever he did, his love of ancient Chinese characters had never changed.
Whenever he had time, Cai Wei preferred to indulge himself in the library. There were many ancient books which cannot be found elsewhere and cannot be loaned, he therefore sat at the library and copied down the whole book. All of this attributed to Cai Wei`s strong enthusiasm for studying ancient Chinese characters.
When coming across Caiwei`s home, you will really understand poverty. There is no decent furniture, no basic decoration, and the only photograph in the home is the wedding photo of Cai Wei and his wife.
His wife Zhang Yue told the reporter that the most valuable possession in their home was her husband`s books. During the past 20 years, Cai Wei never stopped self-study and most of his income was spent on books. In the most difficult period of his life, Cai Wei had to give up study. He said that it was the bleakest time.
It is luck rather than success
When being asked whether he considers himself a successful man, Cai Wei said that he is just lucky to meet Professor Qiu and some friends who appreciating him. While it was Cai Wei`s resolution on the study of ancient Chinese language that let him become appreciated.
In 1997, Cai Wei published some articles which aroused the attention from academic circles. In particular Professor Qiu Xigui, the ancient Chinese language expert, really appreciated Cai Wei`s talent.
The reporter heard a story during the interview: In 1997, Professor Qiu Xigui published an article named "first discussion about `legendary bird fu`". In this article, Professor Qiu failed to explain the phrase "zuozi". After reading this article, Cai Wei wrote to Professor Qiu, saying that "zuozi" should read; "cuozi". Professor Qiu agreed with Cai Wei and kept him in mind since then.
Professor Qiu Xigui said of Cai Wei: He is quite acute and he has already a certain amount of knowledge on ancient books. Even some experienced experts are not able to reach the level he is at now.
A high school graduate who is keen on ancient Chinese characters
In 2008, Cai Wei who was working as a pedicab driver had already gained some accomplishments on ancient Chinese study. In September of the same year, introduced by some experts, Cai came to Shanghai and participated in the sorting work of the project "Silk writing in Han dynasty". After working together for a period of time, Cai Wei`s capability on the ancient Chinese character study really impressed his colleagues.
However, in accordance with relevant state regulations, Cai Wei who only has high school diploma was not qualified to apply for the doctor qualification.
In March 2009, three professors including Professor Qiu Xigui wrote a recommendation letter to the Ministry of Education, requesting a special approval for Cai Wei to apply for doctor qualification.
Soon, Cai Wei had been allowed to apply for the doctor`s degree in the ancient literature and research center of Fudan University and he successfully passed the first run examination, going to the next run. This was the first student graduating from high school to apply for the doctor`s degree, not only in the history of Fudan, but also since the establishment of the degree system in China.
Cai Wei applied for the doctor`s degree majoring ancient literature study. His colleagues said "This kind of subject is difficult even to postgraduates, but is very easy for him. "
In academic communication with Cai Wei, many of his colleagues respected him so much." His knowledge of ancient Chinese characters goes far beyond the ordinary, "At this stage, although the examination results have not been issued yet, some postgraduates and doctoral students around him already call him "Dr. Cai."
But Cai Wei is still very modest. He said, "Before the test score issued in June I am only a high school graduate who is keen on ancient Chinese characters."
Gu Yunshen, vice president of postgraduate faculty in Fudan University expressed, "the tutors will make some special training programs for Cai Wei after he is recruited as a doctoral student, including some bachelor`s degree and master`s degree courses to consolidate and enrich the basis of his professional knowledge as well as further advance his specialty.
(Translator & Editor: 张驰 AND 小胡)
pedicab driver 三轮车夫
pedicab 三轮车
recruit 录取
inspirational  带有灵感的,给予灵感的,灵感的
bleak 萧瑟的,严寒的,阴郁的
calligraphy  书法
attribute to  归因于
be keen on  喜欢,热爱,醉心于
recommendation letter  推荐信
diploma 文凭
devotion 热爱,挚爱
stall (集市等的)摊位
enthusiasm 热情,热心
legendary  传说的,富有传奇色彩的,传奇的
in accordance with in accordance with
postgraduate 研究生
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