

「每日一画」橄榄树, 细数历史上的大师,你觉得是哪位的呢?



Today we bring a famous artwork to share with you guys,at first, please guess who creat it?


This works is collected by National Galleries of Scotland. From the style It sounds like Post-impressionistic. Is there anybody have a clear mind about it?


Look at this works, You must know it:

那就是文森特 梵高的《星空》。

That is Starry Night from Vincent van Gogh. 

Olive Trees 


Vincent van Gogh 

文森特 梵高


文森特 梵高迅速发展成为西方欧洲艺术史上最伟大的传奇故事之一。它的艺术生涯只有十年。在这短短的时间里,梵高从一个默默无名的艺术爱好者成功转型成一位真正的原创大师。他的故事每一刻都充满了戏剧性,其中就有他与精神病抗争终以英年早逝。然而梵高的画既不是描述他混乱的生活,也不是一个备受折磨的灵魂所致。作为画家,他有一个清晰的艺术使命的概念。他对自然和人类有着深刻的感知,和他始终探索一条通往绘画、色彩和创作来表达他所谓的“一个人醉真挚的感受”。

Vincent van Gogh’s rapid development as an artist is one of the great stories of Western European art. His career as a painter lasted a mere ten years but in that short time he evolved from an inept amateur into a truly original master. It is a story with moments of high drama, including his struggle with mental illness ending in his early death. Van Gogh’s paintings, however, are neither illustrations of his turbulent life nor the results of a tortured mind. As a painter he had a very clear notion of his artistic mission; he had deeply felt views about nature and man­kind and he worked with great persistence to develop approaches to drawing, color, and composition that could express what he called “a sincere human feeling.”

橄榄树创作于1889年,当时梵高在法国普罗旺斯南部圣保罗masole 的庇护所。1988年末在阿尔勒附近他备受病痛的折磨而奔溃,艺术家被认为自愿到这座庇护所的。这个时期是梵高的艰难时刻,标志着他这段清醒与自信的时期,也伴随着衰弱和长期抑郁的状态。当他感到有能力时,他就在庇护所花园或周围的乡村作画,他专注于创作一些柏树、山的景色,尤其是丰富的橄榄树。

Olive Trees was painted in 1889 when Van Gogh was staying at the Asylum of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole at Saint-Rémy in Provence in the south of France. The artist had been admitted to this asylum on a voluntary basis after the breakdown that he suffered in nearby Arles at the end of 1888. This was a difficult time for Van Gogh, marked by periods of lucidity and confidence which were interspersed with breakdowns and prolonged bouts of depression. When he felt able, he painted in the gardens of the asylum or in the surrounding countryside where he focused on landscapes with cypress trees, views of mountains, and especially the abundant olive groves.


This painting was probably one of the earliest among a group of paintings of olive trees that he made during the summer of 1889. There is an energetic drawing made with brush and ink that depicts almost exactly the same view, and the lively, sponta­neous style of both of these works suggests that they were studies made directly in front of the motif. The simple composition is dominated by the contrast between the regular, hatched dabs of paint that animate the sloping foreground and the longer, curling brushstrokes that depict the twisted trunks of the olive trees or the swirling rhythms in the foliage. It is the variegated color in this study, however, that is most remarkable.

透过树木和凉爽的水池在地球表面留下的阴影。梵高巧妙地捕捉到强烈的光线。他被橄榄园变幻的色彩迷住了。几个月前,1889年4月28日,他给他的兄弟Theo写了一封信:“如果你能在每年的这个时候看到橄榄树……那银色的叶子和枝干在蓝色的映衬下变绿了。” 还有黄的犁耕。[……]这是一件非常精致的事情。

Van Gogh skilfully captures the effect of strong light filtering through the trees and the pools of cool shadows on the earth below. He was utterly captivated by the changing colors of the olive groves. A few months earlier, on 28 April 1889, he had written to his brother Theo: “if you could see the olive trees at this time of year … The old-silver and silver foliage greening up against the blue. And the orangish ploughed soil. […] – it’s a thing of such delicacy – so refined.”


The olive groves became one of Van Gogh’s favorite subjects during his time at Saint-Rémy and he came to see the tree as being characteristic of Provence. But it was also a subject that held deeper significance for Van Gogh. The previous summer he had abandoned an attempt to paint a religious subject showing Christ on the Mount of Olives. He found it difficult to work from his imagination and he now felt that it was important to use nature as a starting point. In his paintings of olive groves he found a subject that could carry religious associations in a way that was natural and unforced. In the exaggerated brushwork and vivid colour of paintings like the Olive Trees he was able to express the underlying forces of nature that for him conveyed something passionate, supernatural, and eternal.


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花丨梵高 Van Gogh 作品
(Metro English - 108 - Art - The Starry Night
荷兰艺术家印象派画家梵高(Vincent Van Gogh,1853-1890)
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