

中国艺术家 | 文廣 Wen Guang

Culture 菌整理编辑,版权为艺术家本人所有



In recent years, with the development of network technology, it seems that there is an invisible network virtual space system or future world beingestablished. We often hear some novel concepts: VR, AR, cyberpunk, metauniverse...Among many film and television works with such concepts, we have a more intuitive understanding of the unlimited imagination, which is a huge and highly exploratory topic, Cross cutting is no longer all that a simple"cross-border"concept can contain. There are always some sharp peoplewho, like their own radar system, have detected the sound of these cutting-edge technologies early,  and try to interpret and reconstruct its impact onindividuals and the future with their own leaming and understanding. Wen Guang qia is such an artist.In his works, we can see some exploration of ARfield, digital media and the presentation of network concepts. This may be theinfommation detected by the antenna like radar, so these works with a veryscientific and forward-looking perspective have been generated.


-Wenbo Chai


Wen Guang

《轴1》50x80cm 布面丙烯 2022年

Axis 1 50x80cm cloth propylene 2022

《轴2》50x80cm 布面丙烯 2022年

Axis 2 50x80cm cloth propylene 2022

《迷失的向日葵1》55x70cm 丙烯2022

"Lost sunflower 1”55x70cm Cloth propylene 2022

《迷失的向日葵2》90cmx130cmx2 布面丙烯2022

"Lost sunflower 2”90cmx130cmx2 Cloth propylene 2022

《来自天空的向日葵2》90x110cm 布面丙烯 2022年

“Sunflowers from space”90x110cm cloth acrylic 2022

《荒原2 》90x120cm 布面丙烯 2022

“Wasteland 2”90x120cm Cloth propylene 2022

《鸟与蛇》 80x80cm 布面丙烯 2022

"Birds and snakes”80x80cm Cloth propylene 2022

《天空》80x100cm 布面丙烯 2022年

“Sky" 80x100cm Cloth propylene 2022

《七月不远》90x120cm 布面丙烯 2022年

“July is not far away” 90x120cm Cloth propylene 2022

《大城市 》90x90cm 布面丙烯 2022

"Big city”90x90cm Cloth propylene 2022

1990年出生,跨媒介数字艺术家,现工作生活于中国上海,毕业于中央美术学院。北京现代管理大学客座教授,中国壁画学会会员。他的作品多聚焦 数字时代背景下,新兴科技、社交媒体以及消费主义社会等对人产生的深刻影 响。近年来,他参加过多场重要展览,并于欧洲现代艺术博物馆获得第十四届 ARC国际艺术沙⻰大赛奖,作品被国内外多个重要机构和藏家收藏。

He born in 1990, is a cross-media artist. he has trained at prestigious art school such as the Central Academy of Fine Arts (Mural painting, 200_) he is currently living in Shanghai and is a guest professor at university of modern administration. he as a member of c.m.a (China Moral Assoclation). His works focus on the profound impact of emerging technologies, social media and consumerist society on people in the digital era and interested in portraying his subjects in different contexts to create visual narrative. his work has been collected by many famous art institutions, galleries and collectors in China and abroad. he has participated in many important exhibitions these years and won the "4th arc International Art Sand Competition Award" in the European Museum of modern art. (Barcelona,2019)




“第十四届ARC国际艺术沙龙大赛”  欧洲现代艺术博物馆 巴塞罗那   “ARC Staff Awards”

"14th arc International Art Salon competition" European Museum of modern art,Barcelona "arc staff awards"


Exhibition (Part)


“对话浦东——当代艺术邀请展” 沪东当代美术馆  上海

"Dialogue Pudong - Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition" , Hudong Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai

“侬好上海——2022新海派抽象艺术大展” YOUNG美术馆  上海

"Nonghao Shanghai - 2022 new Shanghai style Abstract Art Exhibition", Young Art Museum, Shanghai

“物外之纹理—— 文廣个展”  梵赫德艺术空间 上海"Texture outside things - Wenguang solo exhibition" , van Helder art space,  Shanghai

“虚空幻境——陈清勇 X 文廣双个展”  AWAKE艺术深圳
"Illusion of void - Chen Qingyong x literary and Canton solo exhibition", awake art, Shenzhen
“今天艺术周” 崔振宽美术馆 西安
"Today's Art Week", Cui Zhenkuan Art Museum, Xi'an
 “光晕——ART+”  吾全艺术中心  上海
 "Halo art+" Wuquan Art Center Shanghai
 “里外:贺岁联展”  艺术外滩浦西馆  上海
 "Inside and outside: New Year's joint exhibition", Puxi Museum, Shanghai
“喜虎潮来—— 跨年艺术展” 湖州市美术馆  湖州
"Tiger like tide - New Year Art Exhibition", Huzhou Art Museum, Huzhou
“东岸时刻—— 沪东当代美术馆开馆展” 沪东当代美术馆  上海
"East Coast moment - opening exhibition of Hudong Contemporary Art Museum", Hudong Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai


“潮酷玩家—— 潮流先锋艺术季” 为什么艺术空间  成都

"Trendy cool players - Trendy pioneer art season" ,Why art space, Chengdu

“深圳国际青年创业文化交流展” 天安云谷科技艺术展览馆  深圳

"Shenzhen International Youth Entrepreneurship culture exchange exhibition", Tian'an Yungu science and technology art exhibition hall, Shenzhen

 “算法之外 —— 三川久也艺术中心首展”   三川久也艺术中心 贵阳

"Beyond the algorithm - the first exhibition of Sanchuan Jiuye Art Center", Sanchuan Jiuye Art Center, Guiyang

 “百年海上 —— 外滩当代艺术周”   百空间·卜内门洋行  上海

"Hundred years of the sea - Bund Contemporary Art Week", hundred spaces · Bonaparte International Shanghai

“净土 —— 中意青年艺术双年展” 意大利

"Pure land - Sino Italian Youth Art Biennale",  Italy


“又见灵光——当代艺术四人展” 西安当代美术馆 西安

"See the light again - four contemporary art exhibition", Xi'an Contemporary Art Museum, Xi'an


“第二届后滩当代艺术博览会”   大华博物馆  西安

"The Second Houtan Contemporary Art Expo",  Dahua Museum, Xi'an

 “东亚巡回邀请展”   现代管理大学  北京

"East Asia Tour Invitation Exhibition" , Beijing Modern Management University, Beijing

“2019首届中德艺术交流季—暨中德艺术家作品联展” 禾世木艺术馆  苏州

"2019 First Sino German art exchange season - Sino German artist works joint exhibition", heshimu Art Museum, Suzhou


“意视界——全国当代绘画作品展”    滨海美术馆   天津

"Vision - National contemporary painting exhibition", Binhai Art Museum, Tianjin


 “左东右西——第四届中美优秀作品大展”   上海

"Left East, right West - the fourth China us excellent works exhibition", Shanghai

”在东方当代艺术展——2017ART厦门“    在东方艺术馆   厦门

"In Oriental contemporary art exhibition - 2017 art Xiamen",Oriental Art Museum, Xiamen


“与艺术家—起生活30天”    合美术馆  武汉 

"living with artists for 30 days" , Wuhan Art Museum

© 文廣 


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