

艺术征集 | 时代之音——全球当代艺术线上展
Voice of the Times - Global Contemporary Art Online Exhibition
“这是一个最坏的时代,也是一个最好的时代。”狄更斯在《双城记》中如是说。同样,我们所处的这个时代同样如是。时代之音,是定格于当下,去理解、去感知、去用自身的感知去传递自己对时代的理解、认知。This is the worst time, and it is also the best time. Dickens said so in A Tale of Two Cities. The same is true of our times. The voice of the times is to stay in the present, to understand, to perceive, to use their own perception to convey their understanding and cognition of the times.暨第一回“发声——艺术家之音”后,艺术家的声音从未减弱,在时代的洪流里,你随波逐流,还是成为逆流者,还是成为时代的引领者。时代之音,不是一个独立声音的涓涓细流,而是无数个声音所汇聚成的江河湖海,这才有了世界的模样。And after the first "Voice of the Artist", the voice of the artist has never weakened. In the current of the times, you are still a countermarch person or a leader of the times. The voice of the times is not a trickle of independent voices, but a river, lake and sea of countless voices, which makes the world look like a world.这个时代,处于一个庞杂而多元的时代,传统与现当代并行,各种观念大行其道。早已分不清什么对与错,真与假。而对错、真假的念头皆在每个人的思维观念里。在宇宙的运行定理里,无所谓对错,只有后果与结果。本次展览旨在颠覆所有头脑中置入的观念,我们将所有绘画的语言和文本重新打破、解构,融合和再造,形成一个更加包容的艺术的语言系统。抛却是非判断,去融入到更广大与自由的艺术世界里。This era is a complex and pluralistic era. Tradition is parallel to modern and contemporary times, and various ideas are popular. I couldn't tell right or wrong, true or false. However, the ideas of Right and wrong, true and false are in everyone's concept. In the operation theorem of the universe, there is no right or wrong, only consequences and results. This exhibition aims to subvert all the concepts put in mind. We will re-break, deconstruct, integrate and recreate all the painting languages and texts, and form a more inclusive art language system. Put aside the judgment of right and wrong, and integrate into the wider and free art world.本次展览,我们将分为三个版块,时代之回响、时代之临在、时代之仰望,从三个时代的过去式、进行式和未来式进行诠释,从新解构艺术权利与话语系统,来聚合全球艺术家之力共同携手谱写时代的新篇章。This exhibition will be divided into three sections: the echo of the times, the presence of the times, and the look up to the times. It will be interpreted from the past style, the progressive style, and the future style of the three times, and from the new deconstruction of the art rights and discourse system, to gather the strength of global artists to jointly write a new chapter of the times.
策展人Curator赵燕 | Ananda Zhao、寿天 | Dhaneshwar Shah
总顾问General Consultant邓宗德Zongde Deng
学术顾问Academic Consultant杨远威 | Bill Yang 、肖素红 | Suhong Xiao、 苏金成 | Jincheng Su、钟铃 | Ling Zhong 、陈顺林 | Shunlin Chen
主办方OrganzationCulture Sower 全球文化传媒 | Cultrue Sower Gobal Culture Media芝加哥艺术论坛 | Chicago Art Forum
支持单位Support Company中国服务贸易协会国际专业交流委员会
International Professional Exchange Committee of China Trade in Services Association
美国书画艺术研究院 | American Academy of Calligraphy & Painting ArtGMI艺术投资 | GMI Art Investment中国焦墨焦彩艺术研究院 | China Jiaomo Jiaocai Art Research Institute
北京大学社会责任与中华文化研究所Institute of social responsibility and Chinese culture of Peking University中国城市专家网 | China Urban Expert Network
学术支持Academic support芝加哥艺术与文化协会 | Chicago arts and Culture Association
执行单位Executive Company北京时件生活品牌管理有限公司Beijing Timepiece lifestyle Brand Management Co., Ltd
国际艺术品牌International Art BrandsArtsy、Saatchiart、artplode、ugallery、fineartamerica、Minted、Zazzle、shopify......
Media SupportCultureSower全球文化传媒、雅昌艺术网、艺术头条.....
A、 Solicitation requirements
本次展览将面向全球艺术家,题材、内容(只要内容不超出出版刊发审核均可)、表达形式等均不限。本次将会选出3幅个人优秀作品予以展出,同时展览将推出线上开幕及闭幕式与更多艺术爱好者进行线上互动与交流,更大范围地传递您的艺术之声。This exhibition will be open to artists from all over the world. There are no restrictions on theme, content (as long as the content does not exceed the review of publication and Publication), expression form, etc. This time, 3 individual excellent works will be selected for exhibition. At the same time, the exhibition will launch online opening and closing ceremonies to interact and communicate with more art lovers, so as to convey your voice of art in a wider range.
a.This solicitation is for artists from all over the world, regardless of nationality and ages. All art lovers who love art, have long been engaged in art career and have artistic talent can contribute.
2、凡投稿者需关注【Culture Sower】微信公众号,随时关注入选情况。
b. All contributors should pay attention to the [culture sower] wechat official account and pay attention to the selection at any time.
3、凡投稿者,需在2022年12月10日之前向Culture Sower电子邮箱 culturesower@163.com提交以下三项个人资料,并保证资料的真实性和完整性:
c. All contributors should email Culture Sower before 10th Dec, 2022 culturesower@163.com Submit the following three personal data and ensure the authenticity and integrity of the data:
(a) One recent high-definition half length photo of the author (important note: the picture size cannot be less than 2MB).
(2)作者高清作品照片5张(重要提示:图片格式为jpg格式,大小不能低于2MB),作品图片的文件名命名格式为:作者姓名+作品标题+尺寸+材料+创作时间。例:陈XX 《夏天》60x80cm布面油画2020年。
(b) Five high-definition photos of the author's works (important note: the picture format is JPG format, and the size cannot be less than 1 MB). The file name format of the pictures of the works is: author name + work title + size + material + creation time. Example: Chen XX's "summer" 60x80cm oil on canvas, 2020.
(c)Artistic resume of the author (including name, gender, location, wechat, mobile phone number, as well as major exhibition experience in recent years, indicating the section of participating in the exhibition, and requiring personal contact information to be true and complete).
(d) Description of the work(Less then 200 words).
★Note: (artists must submit Chinese and English versions.If translation services are required, this exhibition will charge a service fee of 50 yuan, which is limited to this exhibition service. Please pack and compress the above four materials and send them to the designated mailbox. Please indicate the contribution "Voice of the Times". If there is a recommender, please indicate the source of contribution or the name of the recommender. After submission, please contact our staff in time.
B.Exhibition description
本次展览拟在为2023年时代之音——全球当代艺术展作为初选入口,凡18岁以上专业艺术家、新兴艺术家皆可参与,初次征集为线上微展,旨在甄选具有代表性的时代艺术之音。This exhibition is intended to serve as the primary entrance for the 2023 Voice of the Times - Global Contemporary Art Exhibition. All professional artists and emerging artists who is over the age of 18 can participate. The initial solicitation is an online exhibition aimed at selecting a representative artiist voice of the times.1、全球艺术线上展:我们从所有的投稿作品中评选出每人3幅优秀作品。全球线上展展将在Culture Sower公众平台、Facebook及多家媒体宣传平台公示,入选者每人缴费300元,凡入选均可获得主办方颁发的全球艺术家联合展览证书。
a. Global online art exhibition: we select 3 excellent works for each person from all submitted works. The global online exhibition will be publicized on the Culture Sower public platform, Facebook and several media publicity platforms. Each person who is selected will pay 300 yuan. Anyone who is selected will receive a certificate of joint exhibition of global artists issued by the organizer.
2、本次全球线上展览将从入选名单中最终评选出一、二、三等奖10名(获金鹰奖提名一次,提名三次者由主办方授予全球顶级艺术“金鹰奖”。)优秀奖若干。获奖人员收录Culture Sower优秀艺术家人才库,获取culture sower的一次全球【推荐艺术家】机会,同时可以参与到2023年Culture Sower艺术驻留+乡村振兴项目。
b. this global online exhibition will selet 10 artist for first, second and third prizes from the list of candidates(once nominated for the Golden Eagle Award, and the sponsor will award the global top art "Golden Eagle Award" to those nominated for three times), Several awards for excellence. The awardees collected the talent pool of excellent artists of Culture Sower, obtained a global [Recommended Artists] opportunity of culture sower, and could also participate in the 2023 Culture Sower Art Residency + Rural Revitalization Project.
c.The artist must guarantee that the copyright belongs to himself/herself and that the organizer has the right to publish and sell all the exhibits. All legal consequences arising from the materials and works submitted shall be borne by the artist alone.
d.2023 Voice of the Times - Global Contemporary Art Exhibition (Exhibintion time in 2023, specific time to be determined). From the selected artists, we plan to select 20~30 artists in each section to participate in the landing tour exhibition in China, the United States and Europe on a voluntary basis. The exhibition venue and specific matters will be notified separately.
5、凡报名参加过Culture Sower组织的线上都可以参与到由Culture Sower 和芝加哥艺术论坛共同举办的2023年全球艺术家嘉年华,一起与海内外艺术家共同迎接新年,开启新的破圈之旅。本次我们会提供10位中国艺术家10位国外艺术家进行主题分享,并享受内部折扣价格。
e.Anyone who participate in Culture Sower online exhibition also are welcome to join in the 2023 Global Artists Carnival jointly held by Culture Sower and the Chicago Art Forum to welcome the New Year together with artists at home and abroad and start a new circle breaking journey. This time we will provide 10 Chinese artists and 10 foreign artists to share the theme and enjoy the internal discount price.
f. More detailed information for submission, Please scan the following QR to obtain the the registration form of this exhibition.
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