

【foundation】<2> keep it up!!
1.rheumatoid arthritis
2.spare sb /sth  from sb/sth :使...免受(不愿意之事情)       【  spare passengers  from  inconvenience】为免乘客不便!

   2.                  The time he can spare from the adornment of his person he devote to the 【neglect of his duty.

                                 他把花打扮上时间下来,                       却用到了         【玩忽职守  .. 
2.I  beg of you  to spare me from empty promises : 不想听虚假的承诺~~
3.spare sb from jail  :  不被判刑入狱~~~
3. see into =check into   = examine     【see into a brick wall     =  see into  a  millstone    :  目光锐利 ,精明!】
4.impel sb to do sth:激励
4. Financial pressures impel the firm to cut back on spending    :    财政压力 迫使公司削减开支~~~~  【cut back on +  ing  】  【cut back on heating  】
4. 【cut back on time wasters】【cut back on expenses】
4.But in a world where executive downtime has been cut to the bone, it makes good sense   :   企业高管 休息时间被减到最低, 很哟意思
4.  cut it out !!   停, 别说了!
4. 【cut  back on    cut down on 】 ----【cut to the bone 】        【cut down on overstaffing  】 裁员!!
4. Our client is very picky , so   Don't cut any corners : 客户很挑剔,  so   别 偷工减料/ 走捷径 /冒险得轻快~~~~~
4.  We need  cut corners  around here   :   需要 裁员~~~
4. We  need to cut  corners  : 我们需要 走捷径                                              
  4.         cut  corners     =  take a  short cut
4.   【 cut-short        =  short cut 】(快捷方式,捷径)  =     high way (高速公路)  =   royal way (捷径,好办法:there's  no royal way to learning )   = shortcircuit(只要表示 电源短路)
4. Let's just 【cut to the chase 】 :  直奔主题/ 开门见山  ,  有话直说吧!!!
5.  take   (the /great )  trouble to do sth     : 不辞辛苦的做....
6.  goad sb into/doing  sth :激怒某人做....
6.   angels are muscular bullies who frequently goad humans into fistfights  :  天使却 常常是驱使人类互殴的 肌肉恶霸....
6. 【【【【【【【【【【【【goad  sb into  fury :   激起  某人 发怒.........】】】】】】】】
 7.  in the long run  =  in  the long term  = after all
8.   be considerate of sb:为某人着想
9.    identify with sb/sth: 与一致,和...站在一起                                 identify myself  with  foreign  trade   :  从事外贸~~~~ 【identify  oneself  with :参加到里面去/ 与...打成一片】
10.displace sth onto sb/sth = shift sth onto sb/sth: 由...转移到..身上             displace him in his job  : 取代 他的工作    : 在...方面 取代
11.impose sth on sb/ sth
12.blow over
13.come one's way
14. Be suspicious of /about sb     be suspicious about/ of sth
15.come down to sth
16. golden rule in action:行为准则
17. feel warm with u: 因你而感到温暖
18. most comfortable of???????最舒(服)心的, 当介词of 与adj 连用时候, 表示: 在...方面
19. be soft with: 因....而很柔和
20. make an literary allusion: 引经据典
21.on the outskirts
22.in sb's case:以某人的情况
23.out of job/work = be unemployed
24.out in the cold
25.make overtures 提议
26.stomach ulcers
27.go for
28.up to the hilt
29.according to one's ability :量力而行
30.im about to do sth
31.go down to a place  : 从大的地方到小的地方                               go up to a place:从小的地方到大的地方
32.eternity        eternal
33.slow....to full stop  :缓缓停下....(车子..sth)            full stop     junk
34.absorb a firm:兼并公司
35.to make overtures to someone:
36.get a position谋个职位
37.  break sth to sb: 透漏给某人消息
38.chop wood
39.a handsome income:可观的收入
40.melting snow:融化中的 冰雪
41.   stomach ulcer
42.am conscious of= am aware of
43.except for you
44.with ease    with comparative ease
45.many a time=   many times
46.pop up      pop up like mushrooms     pop into
47.insinuate   sb    .into: 潜入...
48. at heart  actually
49.out of hours
50.she is witness to sth
51.cone- shaped hills
52.To give a list of sth
53.ironclad proof/ evidence
54.lost travellers 走失的游客
55.to compile a  dictionary
56.to trim branches
57.so far up to now = so far up to then= up to now
58. im concerned about   you  = be anxious
59.put up= set up
60.have respect for you
61.see sb as= view sb as:把某人看作是..
62.gratify/ satisfy/ meet one's own needs: 满足某人自身的要求
63.to have responsibility toward =   be responsible for
64.be capable of
65.  have a  liking for      =      care for
66.make a commitment to
67.work something  through: 好不容易才通过.....              、一边工作一边完成....
68.on  demand:请求,要求
69.reach out    =      stretch out
70. to  be wedded to  conventions :墨守成规 
71.be wedded to= be get married to: 与...结婚
72.dole out: 施舍?
73.come  to terms with: 屈服于..
74.identify with
75.penetrate  social masks and roles :透过表象
76.smother someone: 憋死 某人
77.put  up a roadblocks: 设立 路障
78.surrender one's identify:放弃个性
79.shed pretenses: 去掉伪装
80.fulfil one's destiny
81.intensify a love bond         preserve integrity:保持 人格 完整  - - !
82.detract from 
83.conform to  = conform with: 符合 匹配
84.responsive to:受...影响、感动
85.on probation
86.flunk      flunk out
87.matter of  factly: 就事论事地, 不带感情地 ,平淡无味地
88. run through
89.in....manner: 以....的姿态
90.with respect to
91.all smiles
92.flunk a course:考试不及格
93.illuminate the sky
94.fabricate  a bomb        sit a bomb
95.declassify a document:解密文件
96. stand a chance of
97.detonate explosives:引爆炸弹
98.pose  problems:造成问题
99.fill  the gap:填补空白
100.fulfil one's essay     fulfil one's thesis
101.homemade  bombs
102.average students:中等学生
103.below-average students
104.take a deep breath
105.extravagant demands:过分的要求
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高中英语课文必考点笔记 (牛津版) 模块1 Unit 2 Growing pains
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