

【economist 摘自评论】
1.】I commend the Republicans success in getting $38.5 billion cut out of spending for the current fiscal year - but ruefully note that this does not yet pay for even the most egregious portion of the year-end 2010 tax cut extension package.
Extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans - the least justifiable portion of the package given our dire fiscal imbalances but the one the Republicans fought hardest to keep - has a 2-year cost of $180 billion if I remember correctly.
Without the political will to increase revenues in any possible way, we need much more spending cuts. If a majority of Americans are not willing to collectively pay, then even programs that a majority of Americans agree are important need to be defunded until they are willing to pay. Borrowing massive amounts of money each year from Chinese and Arab dictators is not an acceptable alternative to be perpetuated.

2.】 the democrats are hopeless,
unwilling to cut even a "grain of sand" from the budget.
it's like trying to be reasonable with an obese person to get them started on a diet.
and their only response is unmitigated ideological hatred because they dislike the idea that government should do anything but grow endlessly.
3.】 This scrimmage is a prelude to the larger battle that is entitlement reform. Though our victory is not decisive, the enemies are in retreat.
4】.I wonder when will the Americans get rid of their Stockholm syndrome...
5】.The Democrats looked like errant schoolboys being cudgeled back to class after a bunfight. Obama's not going anywhere. Except out.
6】.little or no sense of responsibility
Not if moderate and centrist disestablishmentarian voters like myself have a say in it.
Bend over !
8.】My biggest beef with the GOP is that they force me to vote for the Democrats as the least bad alternative.
We really need a new anti-corruption party to clean out the Augean stable that is modern Washington!

One of the problems we have is this delusional world we live in. We cut a minuscule fraction of our discretionary spending, and some call it either a triumph or a disaster.

Get real, folks. We could cut ALL of our discretionary spending - defense,education,pork,corporate welfare,.. - all of it, and still be in the red.
10】People keep rattling on about symbolic issues
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