

1.the disease follows a highly predictable pattern       predictable = foreseeable = divinable   

2.He  outlived his wife  by  three years              survive

3.The problem tested the ingenuity of even the most imaginative students

4. In the prime of life

5.an attempted suicide: 自杀未遂

6. foster their interest

7.Having a headache is the onset of a cold : 头疼 是感冒的  症状/先兆

8.He lived on the interest and keeps his capital intact: 本钱不动

9.We can't give a guarantee of the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather

10. On the verge of  bankruptcy

11.They met a gang of  armed  bandits yesterday

12.His mother has collapsed. 晕倒了 =  passed out

13.   He   repeatedly fails to  pass the examination:

14. He came to now and again :时而苏醒,时而醒来....                come to

15.hold to our original plan: 按照原计划...

16. He was rushed by ambulance to a hospital : 紧急送往...

17.I hope you will keep us informed of how you are getting on with the work : 不断把工作进展情况告诉我们           get on: 进展

18.are becoming crowded with more potential viewers than ever
19.hierarchical  conception            hierarchical structure
20.His arch-rival          =       toughie   
21.That is  a  toughie ! : 真是个难题哇~
22. Pumpkin  porridge     plain porridge      Sesame porridge
23.gingili oil : 芝麻油
24.Ads in bus shelters and other outdoor spots at risk of vandalism will take a lot longer to move away from paper,
25.architectural  vandalism                    vandalism protection       vandalism guard
26.Digital displays already account for about one-quarter of his company’s sales in transport hubs, but for less than 5% in street furniture and billboards.
27.less than  half a loaf
28.such provocative talk
 big acquisitions
30.He acknowledges that there will be consolidation in the highly fragmented industry
31.              know the time of day              pass the time of  day      give the time of  day
32. she stopped by just pass the time of day : 串门 只是为了打发时间
33. He has been here long enough to know the time of day:  呆了很久, 情况很熟悉
34.Can i get sausage instead of  bacon
35.showed the result within seconds.: 几秒内 显示结果
36. The  app( apple  ltd)   recognises it
37.discount vouchers
38.a rather sinister-sounding idea: 一个听起来 相当阴险的 主意
39.corresponding to happiness
40.An unhappy-looking person might be rewarded with ads for a sun-drenched beach

      or a luscious chocolate bar while those wearing an anxious frown might be reassured (some might say exploited) with an ad for insurance.
41.and the advertising firms will be raking it in. 大赚一笔!
42.She hae been raking it in since she started her new job:开始新工作 以来, 已经赚了 很多
43.He is always late for class for various reasons

44.雷锋 has set up a good example for us

45.The rules apply to all students : 适用于 全部学生

46.They completed the task with existing equipment: 用现有的设备 完成任务

47.The ship staggered: 船 摇晃的厉害!!!!

48.He dragged behind others: 在大家后面 慢吞吞的走~~~

49.strive   strove     He strove to be recognized as an inventor~~

50. The Mississippi river empties into the gulf of Mexico   :               empty into: 流入

51.Compared with those of  our soldiers at the front, the dangers i run are nothing:  与前线的战士相比,我冒的这点险 不算什么


53.Happened just the other day: 几天前  发生的   =   a few days ago

54. The film is drawing big crowds: 吸引了大量的 观众

55.We should draw strength and lesson from failure

56.Our research has stepped into a new stage

57.Jane is  an alert  girl: 机灵的女孩

58.The old man  was enchanted by the beautiful song

59.I tell you decent people just don't do things like that!!   正派 的人

60.I  caught sight of my classmates in the supermarket today.

61.He  caught sight of a slight figure in  a  red cloke( cloak), with a big dog running ahead:  苗条身材的...

62.She glanced at the stranger's face from the crack between door and its frame

63.The waiting crowds broke into loud cheers:突然 欢呼起来

64.He  gave himself  up to the cop:   自首

65.The wind had died away by dusk: 黄昏前 风停了           die down                     die away   

66.i feel dizzy, i think i'm going to faint      faint = swoon

And swoon in thee for joy, till scarce alive.


68.scarceness: ( n )   

69. scarce (adj/ adv )  

70.  scarcely(adv)           scarcely ever :很少,极难得          scarcely any :几乎没有

71. scarce  resources: 稀有资源

72.adj :  adjective            adjutant   =  adjuvant

73.adv:  adverbial

74.you are to stand here , do you understand ?   (命令的口吻)

75. They  lived a  miserable life 

76.  Wealth achieved through unhonest means does not bring happiness

77.Let me settle the bill!  
78.  repudiate a debt = get out of paying :  赖账
79.Totally repudiate
80.who cares about a little sloppiness:  凌乱 邋遢
81. sloppy
82.It's endearing ,really : 其实 蛮可爱的
83. The bottom line is, i want her  to  have it. :    初衷, 本意是
84. i'm a  hard-ass: 我是个狠角色~~                            i'm a wuss : 我是个胆小鬼
85.sex with an endless line  of beautiful women must be unfulfilling

86.Make a choice, pick a lane : (意译) 做个选择~~ 选条路
87. i haven't played in so long : 好久                  so long!: 再见

88.Bring it on, boy ! 来吧!(Ross 开始 play keyboard  之前  Chandlei  said)

89.It's chow time: 吃饭时间到!

90.i 'm basically done here: 基本上ok了

91.i should probably go: 我差不多该走了

92. i just feel  so  dwarfed by your musical gift:       你的才华 让我自惭形秽~~~

93. eavesdrop on sb/ sth

94.i eavesdrop, because i care

95.You obviously haven't screwed over your  friends : 背叛 朋友   ( Monica  said)

96.step aside     

97.one thing led to another.........

98.you went behind my back:         背着我做?

99.Slammed the door

100.would you want to switch?    想 交换么、?

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