

archlinux X11转发设置

archlinux X11转发设置

为了通过SSH运行图形程序你必须使用X11 Forwarding。这就需要设置ssh的服务器和客户端的配置文件。


# pacman -S xorg-xauth
  • Enable the AllowTcpForwarding option in sshd_config on the server.
  • Enable the X11Forwarding option in sshd_config on the server.
  • Set the X11DisplayOffset option in sshd_config on the server to 10.
  • Enable the X11UseLocalhost option in sshd_config on the server.


  • Enable the ForwardX11 option in ssh_config on the client.

Enable the ForwardX11Trusted can help when gui drawing badly.

To use the forwarding, log on to your server through ssh:

$ ssh -X -p port user@server-address

If you receive errors trying to run graphical applications try trusted forwarding instead:

$ ssh -Y -p port user@server-address

You can now start any X program on the remote server, the output will be forwarded to your local session:

$ xclock

If you get "Cannot open display" errors try the following command as the non root user:

$ xhost +

the above command will allow anybody to forward X11 applications. To restrict forwarding to a particular host type:

$ xhost +hostname

where hostname is the name of the particular host you want to forward to. Type "man xhost" for more details.

Be careful with some applications as they check for a running instance on the local machine. Firefox is an example. Either close running Firefox or use the following start parameter to start a remote instance on the local machine

$ firefox -no-remote

Forwarding Other Ports

In addition to SSH's built-in support for X11, it can also be used to securely tunnel any TCP connection, by use of local forwarding or remote forwarding.

Local forwarding opens a port on the local machine, connections to which will be forwarded to the remote host and from there on to a given destination. Very often, the forwarding destination will be the same as the remote host, thus providing a secure shell and, e.g. a secure VNC connection, to the same machine. Local forwarding is accomplished by means of the -L switch and it's accompanying forwarding specification in the form of <tunnel port>:<destination address>:<destination port>.


$ ssh -L 1000:mail.google.com:25

will use SSH to login to and open a shell on, and will also create a tunnel from the local machine's TCP port 1000 to mail.google.com on port 25. Once established, connections to localhost:1000 will connect to the Gmail SMTP port. To Google, it will appear that any such connection (though not necessarily the data conveyed over the connection) originated from, and such data will be secure as between the local machine and, but not between, unless other measures are taken.


$ ssh -L 2000:

will allow connections to localhost:2000 which will be transparently sent to the remote host on port 6001. The preceding example is useful for VNC connections using the vncserver utility--part of the tightvnc package--which, though very useful, is explicit about its lack of security.

Remote forwarding allows the remote host to connect to an arbitrary host via the SSH tunnel and the local machine, providing a functional reversal of local forwarding, and is useful for situations where, e.g., the remote host has limited connectivity due to firewalling. It is enabled with the -R switch and a forwarding specification in the form of <tunnel port>:<destination address>:<destination port>.


$ ssh -R 3000:irc.freenode.net:6667

will bring up a shell on, and connections from to itself on port 3000 (remotely speaking, localhost:3000) will be sent over the tunnel to the local machine and then on to irc.freenode.net on port 6667, thus, in this example, allowing the use of IRC programs on the remote host to be used, even if port 6667 would normally be blocked to it.

Both local and remote forwarding can be used to provide a secure "gateway," allowing other computers to take advantage of an SSH tunnel, without actually running SSH or the SSH daemon by providing a bind-address for the start of the tunnel as part of the forwarding specification, e.g. <tunnel address>:<tunnel port>:<destination address>:<destination port>. The <tunnel address> can be any address on the machine at the start of the tunnel, localhost, * (or blank), which, respectively, allow connections via the given address, via the loopback interface, or via any interface. By default, forwarding is limited to connections from the machine at the "beginning" of the tunnel, i.e. the <tunnel address> is set to localhost. Local forwarding requires no additional configuration, however remote forwarding is limited by the remote server's SSH daemon configuration. See the GatewayPorts option in sshd_config(5) for more information.

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