







作品《保卫战士》在甘肃省美术协会举的“薰衣草之约 ”中国画作品展中展出。

作品《保卫祖国,富强溧水》在江苏省美术协会举办的~大美中国,精彩栗水~全国书画展中荣获铜奖  。                                               



作品《保卫祖国》在中国人民革命军事博物馆举办“不忘初心  .砥砺前行——纪念建军九十周年”全国书画展展出。










   自幼好书画,临摹悟道,外师,造化,最终创造出一幅幅独特风格的艺术作品,深受书画界前辈赞赏。多年来,勤耕画苑不辍,山水,花鸟,人物皆精。观山水之,意境浑厚,心与像交融,情与景相通。读其山,见山之骨,观其水,悟水之灵,画山川大河,则雄阔庄重呈现出时空无穷,大美无言之境。赏牡丹之,花之魂,叶之脉,枝之势,茎之骨,尽显神韵,给人诸多清幽舒静之感。观人物,其艺术功力深厚,把人物形象画得栩栩如生,将笔墨,造型,形式,内容 与意境很完美的结合,展现了现代人物画独特的魅力 ,独到之处,引人留恋忘返。

Qi Junyi is fond of painting and calligraphy since he was a child. He studied in the Department of Fine Arts in the senior research class of Tsinghua University, a national first-class artist, vice president of the people's Academy of Chinese painting, and director of the Chinese Academy of Chinese painting. Member of Gansu Art Association member of China Education Television ink painting academy. Member of Artists Association of Hong Kong Federation of literary and art circles. Director of China International Association of calligraphers and painters. Director of Gansu Baiyin Artists Association.

Artistic experience;

The works have been exhibited for many times and won praise from collectors and teachers,

His work "defending the frontier" won the first prize in the calligraphy and painting exhibition held in Beitun City, the 10th division to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China.

The work "mountain village" was exhibited in the exhibition of Chinese painting works "Silk ink rhyme, grand beauty and magnificent pass" held by Gansu Art Association.

The work "defending soldiers" was exhibited in the exhibition of "Lavender pact" Chinese painting works held by Gansu Provincial Art Association.

The work "defend the motherland, prosper Lishui" won the bronze medal in the wonderful Lishui national painting and calligraphy exhibition of great America China held by Jiangsu fine arts association.

The ink peony was published in people's daily.

The work "persevere" was exhibited in the national calligraphy and painting exhibition in "welcome the victory of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the army".

The work "defend the motherland" was exhibited at the national calligraphy and painting exhibition "never forget the original intention, forge ahead - to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the army" held at the Military Museum of the Chinese people's revolution.

"More like the snow in Minshan Mountain" won the gold medal in the Eighth National Painting and calligraphy competition of the Great Wall Calligrapher Association.

"Ink fragrance" won silver medal in the 2018 new year calligraphy and painting exhibition of "green development? Ecological prosperity" held by the Provincial Federation of literary and art circles.

The work "Tianshui Taohuashan" is exhibited in Gansu national calligraphy and painting competition (Gansu Art Association).

His work "a thousand years dream" won the first prize in the calligraphy and painting competition held by Gansu comprehensive management committee.

The work "all smiles after the third army" was held by Gansu Fine Arts Association and won the excellent prize in the Academy classic and national painting and calligraphy competition.

"Stone forest spring dawn" was exhibited in the national calligraphy and painting photography competition of "charming Jingtai? Impression stone forest" held by Gansu Fine Arts Association.

The Great Wall was selected in the collection of fine paintings and calligraphy commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's Anti Japanese war.

The exhibition was published in the people's fine calligraphy and painting exhibition, the legal Wuxi poetry and painting exhibition collection, the diligent and honest government calligraphy and painting art exhibition collection, the contemporary calligraphy and art competition collection, the calligraphy and painting works collection celebrating the 30th anniversary of Baiyin city's restoration and construction, and the new Great Wall forum of China.

A famous expert's advice:

Since childhood, he has been good at painting and calligraphy, copying and understanding Tao, learning from others, and creating a unique style of art work, which is highly appreciated by the predecessors in the field of painting and calligraphy. Over the years, he has been working hard in the fields of painting, with fine landscapes, flowers and birds, and figures. In view of mountains and rivers, the artistic conception is rich, the heart and the image blend, and the feeling and the scenery are interlinked. Reading the mountains, seeing the bones of the mountains, watching the water, understanding the spirit of the water, painting mountains, rivers, then the grand and solemn show infinite time and space, great beauty without words. Appreciate the spirit of peony, flower, vein of leaf, potential of branch, bone of stem, show verve, give people a lot of quiet and comfortable feeling. The artistic skill of viewing figures is profound. The figures are vividly painted. The perfect combination of brush, ink, shape, form, content and artistic conception shows the unique charm of modern figure painting, which is unique and unforgettable.

《那一刻是你》视频音画。祁隆DJ歌曲,你中有我 我中有你 懂得要珍惜!
《冰糖葫芦》视频音画。冯晓泉 90年代经典歌曲,旋律优美 温馨动听。
《云淡风雅听鸟语,静思禅慧洗尘心 》书法分享。视频音画
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