

原来头脑风暴有这么多玩法?Let's brainstorm!

Having faciliated a few idea generation workshops recently, I realized that - 'brainstorming', a commonly used tool as it is, hadn't been well utilized by many people. To start with, it hasn't been realized that there are actually way more than only one type of brainstorming tools. So, here I'd like to share a summary of typical brainstorming tools and the approperiate circumstances of using them.


1. Open-brainstorming/开放式头脑风暴

  • How does it work?/如何使用

    A group of people, guided by a facilitator, speak up their ideas one by one focusing on a given topic, and typically the facilitator will write down each idea on a Post-it, stick them on a whiteboard, and categorize them.


  • Pros & cons/优缺点

    Pros: quick, easy, inspiration from other's ideas, no replication.


    Cons: interference by other's thoughts, missing ideas from quite menbers, unnecessary discussions.


  • When to be used?/什么时候用

    1) All team members are comfortable with speaking up.


    2) Sufficient ideas exist for a given topic.


2. Closed-brainstorming/闭合式头脑风暴

  • How does it work?/如何使用

    A group of people, guided by a facilitator, write down each of their ideas about a certain topic on a Post-it, and stick them up on a whiteboard. Likewise, the facilitator would categorize the Post-it, and usually romovel of same ideas is needed. 


  • Pros & cons/优缺点

    Pros: shy members friendly, no interference.


    Cons: idea replication, no inspiration.


  • When to be used?/什么时候用

    1) Team members are not fimiliar with each other.


2) Team members have diffrent levels of experience or authority (eg, a senior director and an intern happen to be in the same brainshorming workshop) 参与者的经验和级别差距较大,比如一场头脑风暴的参与者既有高级总监又有实习生。

To be noted: it is always a good practice to conbine the advantages of these 2 tools by using closed-brainstorming first and then use open-brainstorming to add on.


3. Brain-writing /静默式头脑风暴

  • How does it work?/如何使用

    A piece of blank paper is handed out to each member, everyone writes down his/her ideas on the blank paper within a given time and pass is to the next person clockwise or anticlockwise when the time is up. Everyone keeps writing on and passing the papers following a given rhythm till a full circle is complete. 


  • Pros & cons/优缺点

    Pros: efficient, inspiration from other's ideas, limited replication, shy members friendly, limited interference(which combines the pros of previous two).


    Cons: difficult to visualize and categorize the ideas afterwards, hard to facilitate in a big group, clear handwriting is required.


  • When to be used?/什么时候用

    1) A small group with 4-6 members.4-6人的小团队。

    2) No whiteboard or brown paper available.没有白板或相关工具。

    3) Under time pressure.时间紧。

4. Anti-solusion brainstorming/逆向头脑风暴

  • How does it work?/如何使用

    A group of people, guided by a facilitator, brainstorm on the opposite of the focused topic first, for eample, if the real focus is how to improve the sertisfication of a restaurant, then brainstorm on how to damage the sertisfication first. Then, organize the oppsite ideas, pick out the valuable ones and switch them to positive solutions.


  • Pros & cons/优缺点

    Pros: it helps when a positve brainstorming goes to a dead end. 


    Cons: the discussion would easily go wild if questions aren't asked appropriatly, only a small proportion of those opposite ideas would turn out helpful. 


  • When to be used?/什么时候用

    1) Negative vibe with a lot of killer phrases.讨论气氛很消极。

    2) Those positive ways have been tried and don't work. 已试过正向头脑风暴但没有足够多结果。

    3) Don't use it unless you have to. 不是不得已,尽量不要用。

5. World café/世界咖啡

  • How does it work?/如何使用

    This is a idea sharing method for big groups. Participants are evenly splitted into different tables to discuss about a certain topic. They switch tables periodically and get introduced to the previous discussion at their new table by a 'table host'.


  • Pros & cons/优缺点

    Pros: most possible ideas would be heard, good for socializing.


    Cons: it takes long, sufficient preparation is needed. 


  • When to be used?/什么时候用

    1) Big conference with people from different background.很多不同背景的人参加的大会上。

    2) Top management team.管理层团队。

6. Mindmapping/思维导图

  • How does it work?/如何使用

    Well, I bet everyone who has clicked on this articls know what a mindmap is, I just mention it here so you wouldn't forget it is also a way of brainstorming, a solo way.


  • Pros & cons/优缺点

    Pros: no interruption at all, no facilitation needed...of course.


    Cons: limited to your own thoughts. 


  • When to be used?/什么时候用

    1) when you are alone...lol 当你只有一个人的时候,哈哈。

So, my dear future brainstorming masters, now I hope you have a better understanding of brainstorming after going through all the techniques above. The bottomline is to practice and really understand the strength of each of them so you can be flexible with them. Remember, a real master is always well prepared for all different kinds of scenarios. 


Feel free to spread this article or 'like the author' if think it helpful. For detailed procedures and tips of the brainstorming techniques mentioned, please leave a comment to let me know what you r interested. I'll write a followup article to explain the one which is asked the most:)

作者简介:Nadya Liu。90后精益六西格玛从业者。ASQ 认证黑带, TÜV认证黑带。跨国公司持续改进项目经理。六西格玛双语讲师、引导师。100+场次国内外授课经验。(她的公众号:NadyasPlanet)

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