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Hello, first of all pregnant women reduce the chances of diabetes, while abortion may increase. Second, pregnant women with diabetes blood sugar fluctuations, and vomiting in early pregnancy may occur because of pregnancy or hypoglycemia when fasting ketosis. Because the placenta can secrete a variety of insulin resistance, elevated blood sugar hormones, the patients significantly increased insulin requirements, with the pregnancy continues, patients gradually increased the amount of insulin until before birth, reached a peak of insulin dosage. After delivery, the impact of the disappearance of the placenta, the body needs insulin to the aunt sharp decline, and some patients can even play completely normal insulin while maintaining blood sugar. Then gradually increased after glucose, insulin dosage is gradually increased to the level before pregnancy. The third is the opportunity to increase pregnancy complications, diabetes incidence of polyhydramnios than non-diabetics is 20 times higher, reaching 10% -30% level, the incidence of poisoning in pregnancy increased significantly, about 5 non-diabetic persons times, which gave the condition of women with diabetes control difficult. Gestational diabetes brought to the fourth change is to decrease the patient renal glucose threshold, or high blood sugar is not high when the urine is positive, so can not use urine of pregnant women with diabetes to monitor blood glucose changes, but can only use glucose determination to observe the condition. Diabetes is also a great influence on the fetus, including the huge increase in the incidence of child abuse and malformations, and neonatal hypoglycemia and respiratory distress syndrome more common and so on. Usually newborns weighing more than 4 kg as big children, neonates born to women with diabetes, the huge incidence of children up to 10% -40%, than non-diabetics is 3-4 times higher. Great children could increase the burden on pregnant women with diabetes, and birth trauma, cesarean section, prolonged labor, postpartum hemorrhage, postpartum infection and the incidence of neonatal hypoglycemia is also increased accordingly. On the other hand, the incidence of neonatal malformations were Achillea increased, non-diabetic women, 3 to 5 times, these deformities, kidney defects, anal atresia, etc., the generation of these abnormalities may be associated with pregnancy, especially during early pregnancy occurs High blood sugar and high blood ketone related. Fetuses of pregnant women with diabetes because high blood sugar by stimulating the body often hyperinsulinemia, the mother's blood supply after delivery suddenly interrupted, so it is likely to cause neonatal hypoglycemia. Neonatal diabetes, although the fat big women, but the base is often hypoplastic, breathing difficulties after birth so the opportunity to increase greatly. These factors make newborn infants of women with diabetes significantly increased mortality in the perinatal period.
Published topic: Recommended [Mommy bb] up time :2007-09-16 individuals Points: 63570 rounds / Huitie number: 334/6057 know gestational diabetes mellitus (2007-12-17 12:17:50) (pregnancy birth: bbs.szhome.com)
What is gestational diabetes? So-called "gestational diabetes" means the original without diabetes before pregnancy, and in pregnancy with high blood sugar symptoms. On average, about 3-4% of pregnant women in gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy, pregnancy usually occurs in the fifth, six months, during pregnancy is the most common form of medical complications. In fact, screening for gestational diabetes is a can, and can early diagnosis and treatment, improving maternal and infant outcomes of the disease. Gestational diabetes is about? Under normal circumstances, human blood glucose is very stable. When we are hungry, blood glucose decreased slightly, the blood will be timely and secretion of certain hormones, prompting the body to other parts of the manufacture of sugar, so sugar will not be too low; eating food, after a rapid increase in blood sugar, is secreted insulin to decrease blood glucose and reached a constant. However, during pregnancy, in order to make the fetal nutrition, the placenta secretes several hormones to make blood sugar, most pregnant women have timely reaction to produce more insulin to maintain normal blood glucose levels. But few people create enough insulin or produces insulin antagonism, resulting in a high glucose, resulting in gestational diabetes. Who is at high risk of gestational diabetes? If mothers with advanced maternal age, obesity, family history of diabetes, pregnancy before the fetus is in patients with gestational diabetes, preeclampsia or sub epilepsy (toxemia of pregnancy), there have been aborted for unknown reasons, the amniotic fluid too many births, congenital malformations or disease (more than 4000 gm) and other obstetric history of women are high risk. Gestational diabetes is usually no obvious symptoms, prenatal health care and currently as a blood glucose screening program at their own expense, so doctors usually only for high risk pregnant women for screening. In fact, if the blood of pregnant women to comprehensive implementation of prenatal screening, in addition to reducing the risks of gestational diabetes, but also can identify potential physical person with diabetes. What is the clinical significance of gestational diabetes? First, the impact of the fetus in pregnant women: is the diabetic before pregnancy was not easy to conceive, and if high blood sugar before pregnancy, seven weeks, was statistically find it easy to cause fetal malformation or abortion. Therefore, obstetricians will target those with known diabetes, pregnant women, blood tests early in pregnancy HBA1c of value to know if a patient three months before the blood glucose control. Pregnant women and gestational diabetes if glucose control is not good, or even no treatment, in addition to easy to cause fetal growth retardation, premature birth, birth to giant baby (> 4000 g), polyhydramnios, but also easy to cause fetal death in utero; mother but may have life-threatening ketoacidosis; production and also because of fetal shoulder occurred over thick shoulder dystocia, birth canal laceration, postpartum hemorrhage and other complications; also likely to have post-neonatal hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, jaundice, newborn children with respiratory distress and other issues, a serious threat to your baby healthy. However, if pregnant women take control of blood sugar, complications will be reduced to a minimum. Second, the future development of diabetes: gestational diabetes, the majority of pregnant women in the postpartum period of time will return to normal blood sugar, but after long-term follow found that nearly half of the patients finally diagnosed type II diabetes, in particular the high fasting glucose during pregnancy, repeated appears gestational diabetes, obesity and a family history were risk factors exist. Screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes in addition to severe hyperglycemia with women, the gestational diabetes diagnosis was based on oral glucose tolerance test derived from it. Screening of pregnant women receiving 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, a 50 g glucose screening test: no matter when pregnant women eat a meal before, need to be 50 grams of glucose dissolved in the 300cc of water, in 3 to 5 minutes finished, an hour later than if the blood glucose test values 140mg/dl, further arrangements need 100 grams of glucose glucose tolerance test. Oral glucose tolerance test, at least after 3 days of unrestricted diet (more than 150g of carbohydrates daily intake) and physical activities are not restricted circumstances, not allowed to smoke in the test, and in the previous the case of late fasting, blood the next morning after drinking 100 grams of glucose soaked 400cc, and in one, two, three hours after the drawn first blood glucose levels checked through the above procedures can be obtained for 4 key test value. If blood glucose levels four times in two or two more than the standard, can be diagnosed as gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes, how to do it? Pregnant women with gestational diabetes and the physicians must do a good job with diet control and inspection, regular exercise and record blood sugar. The mother's monitoring project should be to increase blood pressure and urine protein monitoring to detect whether there is high blood pressure for the disease. Dietitians generally recommend that you received the nutrition counseling, followed the correct diet, without prejudice to the case of fetal growth, control calorie intake, particularly in the starch and sweets intake ratio to be reduced. However, should pay particular attention on the meals, the same total calories, preferably smaller meals, and pay attention to the quality and quantity of the distribution, so make blood sugar more stable. Followed by moderate exercise on blood glucose control is beneficial. After diet and regular exercise, blood glucose control in patients with gestational diabetes, most of them can achieve the desired range (fasting glucose: 80 ~ 105mg/dl, blood glucose levels two hours after a meal: 100 ~ 120mg/dl); a small number of patients through the method of treatment of 1-2 weeks is still not a good blood glucose control, insulin injections now have to be patient and to monitor fetal growth status. They can also by ultrasound and fetal heart monitor to assess the health of the fetus, fetal monitoring to see whether there are abnormal, giant body deformities, intrauterine growth restriction and other issues with polyhydramnios. Gestational diabetes in pregnant women, in what way the production? Women with gestational diabetes does not necessarily require Caesarean section. Production by your obstetrician refer to your test results, the decision after discussions with you. If the estimated fetal weight thousand grams in the following, you can try natural production; if fetal weight estimated at four thousand grams or more, may consider cesarean delivery. But ultrasound estimated fetal weight is not necessarily accurate, and shoulder dystocia is often difficult to anticipate, can only be screening a number of risk factors: obesity, such as pregnant women, the fetus is too heavy, expected date of birth, etc., included in the considerati
on of the need for caesarean section However, care will increase over the number of unnecessary caesarean section, on the mother has some risk, so physicians and pregnant women, communication is very important. Gestational diabetes in pregnant women, postpartum need to pay attention to? All patients with gestational diabetes in the postpartum blood glucose levels should be for regular follow-up. In the six weeks postpartum maternal blood to the state should be a standard 75 g oral glucose tolerance test and re-assessment, and based on test results to make the necessary disposal. Must also adjust their daily routines and diet, weight loss and moderate exercise, try to avoid using drugs that affect glucose metabolism, to reduce the recurrence of the next pregnancy; also pay attention to the importance of long-term follow to prevent the second middle-aged type of diabetes.
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