







Soon, I had dozens of responses from other parents, sharing their close calls. A mother whose small child had grabbed a stool and climbed out a second-story window. A handful of stories of children who had momentarily disappeared from their parents in malls and grocery stores. Near drownings, poisonings and stabbings. Broken bones, stitches and concussions – all on a loving parent’s watch. The stories poured out of parents, mostly mothers, with a sense of relief – they were finally able to say the thing that we never admit in public.

No amount of good parenting can guarantee our kids’ safety.

It is a terrifying thing to admit, but it’s true. Small children have a death wish. They have an innate sense of curiosity matched with the inability to comprehend danger. Add to that small size, surprisingly quick movement, and a creativity forgotten in adulthood, and you have a recipe for never-ending possible disaster.

And, predictably, we blame mothers. The pressure on mothers to be ever vigilant, never tired, never unhappy, never overwhelmed and never distracted is an impossible and dangerous expectation. The idea that we should be able to “manage” our children, as if they are reasonable adults and not semi-feral animals covered in germs and fueled by destruction, is laughable. But we perpetrate these myths, and whenever the truth becomes unavoidable, we shame the mother instead of looking at the situation honestly.

来自卫报,作者Ijeoma Oluo


Soon, I had dozens of responses from other parents, sharing their close calls. A mother whose small child had grabbed a stool and climbed out a second-story window. A handful of stories of children who had momentarily disappeared from their parents in malls and grocery stores. Near drownings, poisonings and stabbingsBroken bones, stitches and concussions – all on a loving parent’s watch. The stories poured out of parents, mostly mothers, with a sense of relief – they were finally able to say the thing that we never admit in public.

Soon, I had dozens of responses from other parents, sharing their close calls. A mother whose small child had grabbed a stool and climbed out a second-story window. A handful of stories of children who had momentarily disappeared from their parents in malls and grocery stores

close call 


We didn't actually hit the other car, but it was a close call.



grabbed a stool抓起一个板凳,这里的stool就是小孩子坐的小板凳。

A handful of 一把,少数、几个

momentarily 顷刻之间,形容非常短的时间内发生

The dark room was momentarily lit up by a vivid flash of lightning.


malls and grocery stores,这里的mall指大型购物商场, grocery store指的是杂货铺,小卖部,楼底下的小商店

Near drownings, poisonings and stabbingsBroken bones, stitches and concussions – all on a loving parent’s watch. The stories poured out of parents, mostly mothers, with a sense of relief – they were finally able to say the thing that we never admit in public.

drownings, poisonings and stabbings 溺水,中毒,刺伤

Broken bones, stitches and concussions骨折,缝针,脑震荡

a sense of relief 一丝宽慰


Soon, I had dozens of responses from other parents, sharing their close calls. A mother whose small child had grabbed a stool and climbed out a second-story window. A handful of stories of children who had momentarily disappeared from their parents in malls and grocery stores. Near drownings, poisonings and stabbings. Broken bones, stitches and concussions – all on a loving parent’s watch. The stories poured out of parents, mostly mothers, with a sense of relief – they were finally able to say the thing that we never admit in public.




No amount of good parenting can guarantee our kids’ safety.

No amount of 无论多少

no amount of money could make me change my mind


guarantee 保证




It is a terrifying thing to admit, but it’s true. Small children have a death wish. They have an innate sense of curiosity matched with the inability to comprehend danger. Add to that small size, surprisingly quick movement, and a creativity forgotten in adulthood, and you have a recipe for never-ending possible disaster.


innate sense of curiosity matched with the inability to comprehend danger

innate 天生的

inability to对什么无能为力,不能

comprehend danger发现,捕捉危险

innate sense of curiosity matched with the inability to comprehend danger意思是天生非常好奇,却又没有能力发现危险

creativity forgotten in adulthood成年人早就忘记的创造力,这里指小孩子做出动人想不到的举动。

a recipe for never-ending possible disaster

这里recipe是秘诀的意思,a recipe for success成功的秘诀

a recipe for never-ending possible disaster前面那些东西都是灾难永远不会结束的秘诀啊。




And, predictably, we blame mothers. The pressure on mothers to be ever vigilant, never tired, never unhappy, never overwhelmed and never distracted is an impossible and dangerous expectation. The idea that we should be able to “manage” our children, as if they are reasonable adults and not semi-feral animals covered in germs and fueled by destruction, is laughable. But we perpetrate these myths, and whenever the truth becomes unavoidable, we shame the mother instead of looking at the situation honestly.

And, predictably, we blame mothers. The pressure on mothers to be ever vigilant, never tired, never unhappy, never overwhelmed and never distracted is an impossible and dangerous expectation. 


overwhelmed 被战胜,被压倒,根据语境可以有不同的理解

this place is so beautifull and my eys are i'm a little overwhelmed at the moment.




The idea that we should be able to “manage” our children, as if they are reasonable adults and not semi-feral animals covered in germs and fueled by destruction, is laughable. But we perpetrate these myths, and whenever the truth becomes unavoidable, we shame the mother instead of looking at the situation honestly.

reasonable adults明事理,能讲道理的成年人

semi-feral animals


feral 野蛮的

semi-feral animals半野蛮的动物

covered in germs and fueled by destruction

germs 细菌

fueled by,本意是以什么为动力,这里可以理解为充斥着

covered in germs and fueled by destruction全身布满细菌,充满了破坏欲。

perpetrate these myths

myth这里是观念。perpetrate 本意是做出犯罪或者错误的事情,做出这些观念,这里可以理解为编造

perpetrate these myths编造了这些观念

shame the mother





Soon, I had dozens of responses from other parents, sharing their close calls. A mother whose small child had grabbed a stool and climbed out a second-story window. A handful of stories of children who had momentarily disappeared from their parents in malls and grocery stores. Near drownings, poisonings and stabbings. Broken bones, stitches and concussions – all on a loving parent’s watch. The stories poured out of parents, mostly mothers, with a sense of relief – they were finally able to say the thing that we never admit in public.

No amount of good parenting can guarantee our kids’ safety.

It is a terrifying thing to admit, but it’s true. Small children have a death wish. They have an innate sense of curiosity matched with the inability to comprehend danger. Add to that small size, surprisingly quick movement, and a creativity forgotten in adulthood, and you have a recipe for never-ending possible disaster.

And, predictably, we blame mothers. The pressure on mothers to be ever vigilant, never tired, never unhappy, never overwhelmed and never distracted is an impossible and dangerous expectation. The idea that we should be able to “manage” our children, as if they are reasonable adults and not semi-feral animals covered in germs and fueled by destruction, is laughable. But we perpetrate these myths, and whenever the truth becomes unavoidable, we shame the mother instead of looking at the situation honestly.




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