

【成功人生 - 現代人修身立命的四句話】
【成功人生 - 現代人修身立命的四句話】
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The Ancients the cloud: look at the big play, the difficult times of adversity and see the flap, thas tha nu see joy for civility, group executive group stop watching experience. Read this four words, the cultivation of modern people into Germany, as well as the "right from wrong, good, Khalid lì yán, greatness" has a positive meaning of guidance.
A big, hard to see the play
People's actions are. Success, what kind of person who will have the kind of thing, what kind of things will create the kind of person. Things are easy or difficult, the size of a person than coincidence, Hyun-woo.
People generally encountered by themselves cannot solve or cannot afford the "big" things, often taken the easy way to escape, or self-protection measures. They always want to, the sky is falling down a Cohen hold so never what responsibility. However, if everyone to take this attitude, no one would come to reign.?
So, with those big or difficult times, they can see a person to play. If he can be difficult and dangerous time to come forward, or are in the clutch shoulder Daren, then it will definitely become more people, the spirit of the pillars will also tend to be convincing and all the support.
Second, the good times of adversity to see flap degrees
Look at a person's mind and want to put him in a relationship.
Personnel relationship is smooth and reverse, often people are suitable for the good times in survival, because that would only need a technology on it; but in adversity but totally different, not only the need for technical also need a man with courage, determination, Perseverance, tolerance, etc, is a comprehensive capacity of honing and test.
A breadth of people who, in times of adversity will not blame God, he will be able to accept the good times, can also accept adversity. Because in his eyes, worldly things are never gonna be easy, nor perfect, so he will bring adversity and all the good times as life must walk the path, which in turn will pay the same amount of effort. Going to get through adversity only by way of a section of their tireless efforts, of course, it is a prerequisite for a fearless mind and magnanimity.
Hi three, temporary anger look for civility
The feelings of mankind in the most horrible is the joy and anger, these two emotions are most vulnerable to the psychological shake and lose the correct judgment." for the road, to anticipate, George heart, Tarzan available color unchanged,, Elk Hing on the left eye and not instant ". as a general of quality, we must first have a good mentality. Tarzan collapse face to face no discolouration, elk appeared in the face of the next and not blink, then we can about the situation, defeat the enemy.
Here is the requirement of good psychological qualities, unruffled, composure, not impressed by the immediate benefits. Once the emperor nìng chén flattery, weakly wedding will be blessed, to reward, and even bàn bì jiāng shān fàn yán; loyal, straight to the shingon reverse dragon ear weakly, furious, and then to the battlefield, do many stupid things. Liu bei enraged expeditions wu, trap. Shu in boots; Wu Sangui Wrath for a female, begets chiaki. Big man can't easily emotions, nobody dare to easily turn your emotions!
Hi can't get carried away, in the hearts of thousands, not to your head, did too; anger is to be able to understand the consequences of anger have williams have strict, not to non-evil. So, people have to conserve is very sensible and mastery, not always easy for your emotions, the rotation is a truly can make their joy, anger, nothing much, is a time of joy, anger, unstable causing error of judgement. So, for the sake of not causing remorse, it must be to strengthen themselves in order to conserve, emotions and indifferent to the occasion.
Four Executive Group, the group ended watching experience
People are generally herd, easy with someone else's path, others views, not of your own. If we go with the same things, don't care right, nor the analysis and judgement. Such a person, also with everyone without distinction of any kind, just a mortal man, is not what will be in the gutter.
And people together, look at this guy talk and behaviour, we can know his thoughts. His demeanor, his is a personal experience, and experience, is the cumulative result is to be on earth, black and white, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, stink, Hong with Caine and chow, okay. With the bad, and the director of the far waiting to see a clear people, it's called experience. Some people experience long-term, some people, some are short-sighted wisdom witty, some stupid, some people like torches, some people and some people don't know the good guys and bad guys, these discriminations of jurisprudence, is yī tōng bǎi tōng, mix it all up, that is open, the Jedi mind trick. On everything I see.
There is a genuine experience of these people, all looking very clear people, naturally has its unique criteria will not blindly follow others. Anyone want to have real insight. Enjoy the best, also can endure the worst.
*****欢迎光临感谢欣赏,小丝祝您欣赏愉快,天天快乐 ******
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