

Spirals PD


These pages say a little about me and my practice. I hope you find this helpful in your search. Please feel free to contact me for more information.

My Background

My name is Tracy Lowe. I have been working as a counsellor, supervisor and trainer for over 20 years.

The first leg of my training was integrative which drew mainly on psychodynamic principles in which the counsellor uses a wealth of knowledge and strategies to help the client find their way. In the mid 90’s as I completed my qualification as an integrative counsellor I discovered the work of Carl Rogers, the founder of the Person Centred Approach to Counselling. His work spoke to me and I realised that I believed with a passion in the resilience, resources and potential of each living being rather than my own expertise as a therapist to know the way for others. I discovered the importance of the quality of the relationship between counsellor and counsellee and the kind of environment that is necessary for another to find their own way and potential.

And so began the next phase of my training and development. I explored Person Centred theory in depth, and accessed much Person Centred training to help me develop and gain personal awareness. This increased my ability to be ‘alongside’ another offering deep and accurate empathy and an unwavering belief in the client’s worth and ability to find their own way given the right conditions to do so.

I now came to believe that what helps is not the direction of the counsellor, but the counsellors willingness and ability to provide an environment that has no threat or judgement, is accepting and deeply respecting of another’s way of being and that strives to understand all that that person is and brings, that they might understand themselves.

I trust wholeheartedly that for each of us ‘the wisdom is within’. As a dyed in the wool Person Centred Counsellor, Supervisor and Trainer I believe that the environment offered is a crucial factor in individuals’ readiness and ability to immerse themselves in their therapeutic journey. I have faith in the power of the therapeutic alliance and the quality of that relationship. I believe that the consistent and reliable presence of empathy, acceptance and congruence in the therapist facilitates the individual’s own inherent drive towards reaching their full potential.

My Practice

I work as a private counsellor with individuals, couples and families and also undertake freelance work for a number of commercial and charitable organisations.

I offer supervision to both experienced and newly qualified counsellors as well as providing supervision to groups again both privately and within the organisational setting

A year ago I relinquished my post at an FE college after 10 years facilitating on, and for a time leading, the Advanced Diploma in Person Centred Counselling on a BACP accredited course. This move does not reflect my love for working with groups but my decision to leave the organisational setting. I continue to train and facilitate short courses independently and for a number of private organisations.

My practice is based in Blackburn with easy access from the motorway network and from the town centre with convienient parking. I am on a main bus route and two minutes walk away from the local train station.

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