

1. The catcher in the rye. 麦田守望者。
  2. Junket n.野宴;游览. Junket a picnic到郊外 去(野餐)
  3. We get together in person! 我们应该私下谈谈。
  4. Phobic恐惧病,恐惧症
  5. Work as/从事……职业. 例如: He worked as a waiter while attending university. 在上大学的时候,他做着服务生的工作。
  6. Put off/延期delay . 例句:He had originally planned to clean his room but then decided to put it off for another day. 他本来打算整理房间,但后来又决定敢天再整理。
  7. What’s the big deal? 有什么大不了的?例如:What’s the big deal? It’s just another weekday. 有什么大不了的?又是一个工作日而已
  8. Talk into/说服 persuade说服 例句:I don’t know why I let him talk mesintosdoing his homework for him.我不知道为什么让他说服我替他做功课。
  9. do sb. good “对(人)有好处“,例如: A: Let’s go for a walk. B: Good idea! It would do us good to get some exercise. A:我们去散步吧。 B:好主意!做些运动对我们有好处。
  10. to be a breeze。to be very easy轻而易举的。test was a breeze! I got one hundred percent!这考试真简单!我考了一百分!
  11. soon after/不久之后 A: Are you going to clean your room? 你要打扫你的房间吗? B: I can’t now. But I’ll clean it soon after I get home, OK? 现在不行,但我回家后马上就打扫,好吗?
  12. on top of/了若指掌 定义:remain very informed about a rapidly changing situation.对变化迅速的局势仍很清楚。例句:She’s so busy herself but she’s always on top of what all her friends and relatives are doing.她非常地忙碌,但对于她的朋友和亲戚在做什么都知道很清楚
  13. Just in case, means as a precaution,是指以防万一的意思。例如:Took along an umbrella, just in case. 随身带一把伞,以防万一。 这里,我们来学习一下关于case的习惯用语。
  a. in any case, it means regardless of what has occurred or will occur.是指无论如何,总之不管已经或将要发生什么的意思。
  b. in case, it means If it happens that; if.是指如果发生;如果的意思。
  c. in case of, it means If there should happen to be.是指如果发生的意思。例如: a number to call in case of emergency. 万一发生意外打的号码
  14. catch on/理解 定义:understand, grasp the point明白,抓住要点。例句:I didn’t catch on to what he said because he was mumbling,我不明白他说的话,因为他说得很含糊。
  15. not to put it past one/相信某人会… 定义:consider someone capable of doing something discreditable认为某人会做令人怀疑的事。例句:She said she wouldn’t put it past him to cheat on the exam.她说她相信他在考试时作弊。
  16. Black and white这个习语的意思是白纸黑字,书面的意思。例如: saw their words in black and white.看见他们的字印了出来。I want this agreement in black and white. 我希望这项协议写成书面的。
  17. in the red,出现赤字。
  18. Bob’s your uncle 很容易。看到这句话,可千万不要回答YES哦。这个习语的意思其实是形容做事很容易就达到目的。至于它的出处,三任英国首相兼外交大臣的索尔兹伯里侯爵保守党人罗伯特-阿瑟-加斯科因-塞西尔(Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil)应该是这个词的源泉,虽然他的这个一长串名字中没有一个与Bob有关。索尔兹伯里侯爵在历史上有很多功绩,最大的莫过于协助大英帝国的扩张,但人们对他的伦理道德却不敢苟同。他的保守观念是“到改革不会带来任何威胁的时候再改革“(to delay changes until they become harmless);他常常抨击他的前任首相利用裙带关系的不良作风,然而他同样把自己的亲戚指派到政府的各个岗位上,人们将他的政府称作“塞西尔家的宾“(the Hotel Cecil)。
  19. but in fact/但说真的A: Everyone is saying that movie is really boring. 大家都说那部电影很无聊。B: But in fact, it is really exciting. I saw it last night. 但说真的,那部电影真的很刺激。我昨晚才看过。
  20. Make a last minute dash/最后冲刺do something hurriedly at the last possible moment.在最后几分钟匆忙地做某事。例句:He sat in front of the T.V. all morning and then right before we had to leave, he made a last minute dash to get ready.他整个早上都坐在电视机前,就在我们要离开前,他才匆忙地准备。
  21. kick out/赶出,逐出。v. phr.赶出,逐出。My classmate was kicked out of the computer club. 我的同学被赶出计算机俱乐部。
  22. Put one on edge/使…紧张。定义:make one irritable, make one nervous使人易怒;使人紧张。例句:Walking home alone that night put her on edge.那天夜里她独自走回家,使她很紧张。
  23. Come true “实现“,例如: I’m saving my money, so my dream of traveling to Europe will come true. 我正在存钱,以实现我到欧洲旅游的梦想。
  24. They got their fingers burned. 他们吃到苦头了。
  25. Pokey/迟钝。定义:slow慢吞吞;迟钝。例句:I get very impatient with people who are always pokey about getting things done.我对于做事慢吞吞的人感到很不耐烦。
  26. come into play /起作用。v. phr. to have an effect起作用。In choosing an apartment, cost of rent, location, and local transportation all come into play.选择公寓时,房租、地点和当地的交通都要列入考虑因素。
  27. in the same breath/同时。idiom:used when saying two things that cannot be both true同时(说出两件彼此矛盾的事)。He said he hated hot weather, and in the same breath mentioned he was going to Thailand.他一边说他讨厌热天,一边却嚷着要去泰国。
  28. feast on/尽情欣赏,尽情享受。dwell on with gratification or delight尽情欣赏,尽情享受。eg. feast on a picture尽情欣赏一副画
  29. In broad daylight——光天化日。今天这条新闻挺有意思,我们一起来看看:A street vendor in the busy center of Rio de Janeiro『里约热内卢(巴西港市)』set fire to a police officer in broad daylight after his umbrellas were confiscated『没收;充公;查抄』, police said on Thursday. 例句: small man robbed a bank with a toy gun in broad daylight, and was caught red-handed by a young lady-teller of the bank. (有一个矮小的男人带着玩具枪在光天化日之下抢劫了银行,但是被一位年轻的女出纳员当场抓住。)
  30. vending machine在现在的大城市里面,路边会有一种你投入硬币,会自动出来你点的香烟、饮料或是小吃的自动售货机,英语上就叫做“vending machine”。
  31. Come up/提起;成话题 。arise(问题等的)发生。例句:When the subject of her boyfriend came up in the conversation, she got very embarrassed.当话题转到她男朋友时,她很难为情。
  32. believe it or not/信不信由。例如: Jerry looks dumb, but believe it or not, he’s the smartest boy in our class. 杰瑞看起来很笨,但信不信由你,他是我们班最聪明的男孩子。
  33. Get in touch with/和…联络。communicate with与…沟通,联络。例句:We’ll get in touch with you as soon as a decision is made regarding your application.一旦你的请求形成决定,我们会与你联络。
  34. Brass ring 我们经常听到人们使用brass ring这个词,例如: touch the brass ring, grab the brass ring,reach for the brass ring。Brass ring用来比喻一个你正在竭力为之拼搏的或通过努力已经实现了的的目标或奖项,同时它还可以比喻一个能够让你实现目标或夺得这种大奖的机遇。brass ring是1880-1920年间美国狂欢游戏的一种,后来衍生出这个比喻意。Brass ring在这里用来比喻游戏参与者人人都可能实现的目标,只要他努力伸手去够并且有好运气。
  35. A queer duck古怪的家伙。Queer,奇怪的,古怪的;神经很不正常的。queer duck就引申为一个古怪的、不合群的人。queer bird;queer cove;queer fish均有“古怪的家伙”这一层含义。
  36. A queer character可疑人物
  37. Queer Street窘境,困境(尤指经济方面)。
  38. a long way from 。far from; not at all远非;绝非. I am still a long way from finishing the assignment due tomorrow. 明天要交的作业,我离做完还差得远呢。
  39. Break one’s word/食言. fail to fulfill a promise or obligation无法实现诺言或义务. 例句:He promised to take her dancing many times, but each time, he broke his word.好几次,他答应带她去跳舞,但每一次都说话不算话。
  40. Virgin territory 处女地,新鲜事。It’s virgin territory for him. 这对他来说是件新鲜事。
  41. Up to par/合乎标准, 合乎水准。定义:up to standard, approaching the normal standard or degree.到达标准,达到正常的标准或程度。例句:The performance wasn’t quite up to par, but I enjoyed it anyway.这表演并没达到一定的水准,但是我还是蛮欣赏的。
  42. Nothing to write home about/不值一提。定义:too insignificant to tell about太微不足道而没什么好说的。例句:This scenery is nothing to write home about.这风景并不值得一提。
  43. He’s an old hand at it. 对此他是个老手。
  44. Eat out/上馆子。定义:eat in a restaurant在餐馆进餐。例句:There is no food in the house so we’ll have to eat out.家里没有食物,我们必须到餐馆去吃了。
  45. Give Birth to/生产、生出(小孩)。Two days after their first wedding anniversary, Grant gave birth to a daughter, Corrina Grant Gill. (他们第一个结婚纪念日的2天后,Grant生了一个女儿,名叫Corrina Grant Gill。) wedding anniversary结婚周年纪念日
  46. W-is me!(=W-to me!) 我真不幸! W-(be) to sb. (=W-betide sb. !) (咀咒语)愿某人倒霉! W-worth the day! 今天真倒霉!
  47. Live up to/遵从…行动 定义:match or equal the mark set by oneself or another符合或等于某人所订的标准。例句:College was more difficult than he had expected so he could not live up to his original
  48. Keep one’s eyes open/注意。定义:be watchful, alert注意;留心 例句:You really have to keep your eyes open when crossing the street in Taipei.当你在台北要过马路时,必须留心一点。
  49. Act like sth. 表现的象… A: When Mark acts like a gentleman, I don’t listen to him. 马克表现得像绅士时,我根本就不想理他。 B: Neither do I. He only does that when he wants something.我也是,他只在有事求人时才会彬彬有礼。
  50. Give one the jitters/使某人精神紧张。定义:make one very nervous or scared使某人精神紧张或害怕。例句:His monster costume gave her the jitters every time she looked at him.他恐怖的装扮,使得她每一次看到他都感到紧张。
  51. Behind the times/落伍。定义:out of date过时。例如:This music may be behind the times but I like it.这首音乐或许已经过时了,但是我喜欢它。Is she fit for the job?她适合做这项工作吗?
  52. Split up/分开。定义:divide, separate, get a divorce.分离,分开,离婚。例句:The bill was very large but we split it up equally among us.这帐单的数额非常大,但我们平均地把它分摊了。
  53. Ace buddy 朋友,我们一般都说friend,这里我们说的buddy也是朋友的意思。下面我们就来分析一下这个词。Buddy指伙计,同伴,老兄的意思,尤指士兵间的称呼。这个词来源于brother,所以可以指一些与你亲密无间的朋友。例如: a bosom buddy好朋友,密友。That is easy, buddy.老兄,不用忙。这里的ace buddy就是指最好的朋友。另外,buddy-buddy,在俚语中是亲热的意思,尤指表面上或过分的亲热。
  54. the former …the latter… 定义:the first thing mentioned ... the second thing mentioned…前者…,后者…。There are many differences between Earth and Mars. While the former has an atmosphere and liquid water, the latter does not. 地球和火星有很多不同。前者有大气和液态水,而后者没有。
  55. The talk of the town/热门话题。定义:something which has become very popular or gained recent prominence.受到欢迎或最近得到名声的事情。例句:Whenever that movie star does anything it becomes the talk of the town.每当那位电影明星做了某些事,总成为大家的话题。
  56. Rain or shine在日常生活中,我们经常会听到别人说:风雨无阻,指的是一切按计划进行,没有改动的意思。这个词在美语里就是rain or shine。Rain or shine的另一个意思是无论如何。例如:I haven’t seen this friends for ten years, but I still know I can count on them rain or shine.我已经有十年没见到这些朋友了。但是,我知道不管在什么情况下,我肯定会得到他们的帮助的。
  57. Rain cats and dogs,就是我们说的倾盆大雨。
  58. Rain pitchforks下大雨,我们也可以说。
  59. fill out定义: become fatter长胖,长得丰满。例句:Her face has filled out a lot since we saw her in hospital. 自从我们在医院里见到她以后,她的脸胖了不少。
  60. Drop/不提. 定义:forget about, stop talking about忘记,停止谈论某事。例句:Since we could reach no agreement, we just dropped the matter completely.既然我们无法达成协议,就完全不要再提这件事。
  61. a babbler of half-truths. 一个半真半假的胡言乱语者
  62. Take back/取消,收回。定义:recant, withdraw a statement取消,撤回陈述。例句:The day after the misinformed spokesman made the announcements he had to take them all back.发言人误报消息的次日,他必须撤回所有的消息。
  63. let go (of sb./sth.)/放开;松开。定义:to stop holding (sb./sth.)放开;松开。例如Eddie let go of his dream to be a rock star, and focused on schoolwork instead. 埃迪放弃想成为摇滚明星的梦想,而专注于学业。
  64. As a matter of fact/事实上。定义:in reality, to speak the truth实在,说实话。例句:As a matter of fact, I don’t like her very much either.事实上,我也不会很喜欢他。
  65. Go to show/说明。定义:Serve to demonstrate or make clear说明白或使清楚。例句:That car wreck goes to show what wreckless driving can do.那辆车的残骸更说明了没有损坏的车的功用。
  66. in twos and threes 三三两两in groups of two or three 例如:practice English conversation, the teacher had the students sit in twos and threes. 为了练习英语会话,老师让学生三三两两坐在一起。Caution is the parent of safety. 谨慎为安全之本。
  67. Kill time/消磨时间。定义:waste time, cause the time to pass more浪费时间,使时间过得很快。例句:While they were waiting for the train they decided to kill some time by going to eat.他们决定在等火车时去吃东西以消磨时间。
  68. take in/观赏。定义:go to see去看。例句:He always takes in Taiwan’s Acrobats whenever they come to town.每次台湾的特技表演到镇上时,他总是去看。
  69. White lie善意的谎言n. harmless or trivial lie, esp. one told insgroupsto avoid hurting sb.善意的谎言。例如:Even though he’d had a bad time on the date, John told a white lie and said he’d had fun. 即使那次约会并不愉快,约翰还是撒了善意的谎言说他玩得很开心。
  70. Hang around/闲荡,徘徊。定义:loiter, frequent闲逛,时常出入。例句:His mother is always telling him to stop hanging around in bars but he doesn’t listen.他母亲时常叫他不要经常在酒吧间出入,但他总不听。
  71. come across v. phr.遇到,发现(run into)例如:Fred came across the money he thought he had lost. 弗雷德发现了他以为丢了的钱。
  72. Mean well/好意。定义:have good intentions好意。例句:I know be means well but I’d really rather try to do it myself.我知道他是好意.但是我宁愿自己去做它。
  73. Get on one’s nerves使人精神紧张。定义:make one nervous or irritable使某人焦急或暴躁。例句:I have been typing for six hours it is really getting on my nervous.我已打了6个小时的字,真使我精神紧张。
  74. Blow one’s top/发脾气。定义:become very angry or excited变得非常生气或兴奋。例句:Don’t blow your top over such a silly little mistake.别为了这小而愚蠢的错误发脾气。
  75. for a change改变一下 定义for the sake of variety改变一下。例如:Let’s eat in the park for a change. 让我们改变一下去公园吃东西吧。
  76. Western-style,adj. of or like the west西式的。The president wore a western-style suit. 总统穿着一套西装。
  77. Get at/暗示。定义:intimate, hint暗示。例句:He seemed to be getting at something but she didn’t know what it was.他似乎在暗示著什么,但是她并不知道。
  78. Nosey/好管闲事的,爱追问的。定义:tending to interfere in other people’s business, inquisitive干涉别人的事,好追根究底的。例句:I don’t want to be nosey, but what was the big argument about ?我不想多管闲事,但到底是在争论什么?
  79. odd-looking 。adj. strange-looking看起来奇怪的。例如:Jane saw an odd-looking animal at the zoo.简在动物园看到一只长得很奇怪的动物。
  80. get going/出发,着手。定义:start, go into action, make haste开始,动作,赶紧。例句:You had better get going or you will be late for school !你最好快一点,不然上学要迟到了。
  81. take off one’s hands解除某人的…。定义:relieve another of, buy把(人的)…除去,买。例句:After she bought the furniture, she decided it wasn’t suitable, so I took it off her hands for a good price她买了那家具后,觉得并不合适,所以我以廉价买了过来。
  82. keep out of。phr.避免卷入(某事,尤指冲突),防止(某人)卷入(某事,尤指争执)。例如He’s a very quitet sort of person and usually tries to keep out of arguments. 他是那种性情非常温和的人,通常总是尽量避免卷入争论。
  83. On the other hand/另一方面来看。定义:conversely, to mention a different aspect相反地,提出一种不同的情况。例句:He is a bad cook, but on the other hand, he certainly can bake a good cake.他是一个差劲的厨子,但从另一方面来看,他的确能烘烤好吃的蛋糕。
  84. Hit the jackpot “中头彩;大获全胜“,例如:A: My new apartment is cheap and beautiful.
  85. Think nothing of/不在乎。定义:consider unimportant, treat casually认为不重要;毫不在意地对待… 例句:He thinks nothing of spending fifty dollars just for lunch !他不在乎花五十元吃一顿午餐。
  86. Catch up on/达到适当的标准。定义:come up to the proper or normal level ( of work, knowledge, etc. )(工作或知识等)达到适当或正常的水准。例句:After being in the hospital for a year, she had a lot of living to catch up on.住院一年之签,她必须尽力维持生计。
  87. Stick around/在附近逗留。定义:stay nearby, not leave在附近逗留;没有离开。例句:If she is in such a bad mood, maybe we shouldn’t stick around anymore.如果她心情这么糟,也许我们不该再在附近逗留。
  88. Give someone a lift/让(某人)搭便车。定义:give someone a ride让某人乘坐(汽车等) 。例句:It was nice of him to give us a lift to the office this morning.他真好,今天早上他让我们搭便车到公司。
  89. Call it a day/停止工作。定义:quit for the day停止当天的工作。例句:Since we’ve been working so hard I think it’s time to call it a day.我们已经工作那么辛苦了。我想今天该停工了。
  90. On Pins And Needles 如坐针毡。Definition: to be very nervous about something happening 在中文我们说很急切、很紧张地想知道某事进行的情况,会用“如坐针毡”,而英文则说“如坐针钉”:Be on pins and needles.当你很紧张地等待某件事情的结果时,你可能就会on pins and needles,如:We’re on pins and needles waiting to hear whether she got the job.
  91. Give notice/通知;预告。定义:announce, inform告知;通知。例句:The company gave me notice that I’ve been fired.公司通知我,我被解雇了。
  92. Put one up/允许(某人)逗留在(某人)家中。定义:allow one to stay at one’s hous允许(某人)逗留在(某人)家中。例句:If we can’t find a place to stay, my friend said he would put us up for a few nights.如果我们找不到地方投宿,我的朋友说他可以让我们留宿几个晚上。
  93. The wind’s really howling today. 今天风刮得真凶。howling用在形容风上真的是很形象,它原意是狼等动物的嚎叫。在窗外狂风大作时,如果你能及时得用上这句表达,肯定会让你的朋友对你的英语刮目相看的。
  94. Put a stop to/阻止。定义: to end, to terminate (someone’s actions)结束,停止(某人的行为)例句: The teacher had a difficult time in putting a stop to the students’ talking. 老师很吃力地阻止学生说话。
  95. Wecker; beat-up car; jalopy 老爷车.
  96. I want some whiskey straight up. 我想要些纯威士忌。Whiskey里最著名的就是Scotch.苏格兰有世界上最多的酿酒厂,生产最纯正的Scotch.这种酒饮用前至少要在木桶里酿造三年。Scotch这个词就来自“苏格兰人”(Scottish). straight up的意思是only, not mixed--“纯的”.
  97. Pull a long face/拉长脸. 定义: look unhappy 不快乐的样子. 例句:When his mother said he couldn’t go, he pulled a long face. 当他母亲说他不能去时,他一付不高兴的样子。
  98. Made of money/富有. 定义: rich, wealthy. 有钱,富有的. 例句:Looking at all the things he buys, it would seem he is made of money. 看看所有他买的东西,似乎他很富有的样子。
  99. Green around the gills/脸色发青. to feel nauseated; to appear as though suffering from nausea, sea sickness, etc. 觉得恶心,想吐,晕船等的样子。例如:He felt green around the gills for hours after his boat ride.在驾船出游回来后,他有几个小时都觉得恶心想吐。
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