

常见英文书的蓝思分级: 常见英文书的蓝思分级,方便帮助学英语时选书。
    蓝思值用来衡量英文书的难度,蓝思值值越大,越大则难度越大。 读懂哈利波特需要达到蓝思值 900L 左右。


  1. 收录书籍的原则:知名度高,容易获得, 鼓励多样性

  2. 按照蓝思值分级。

  3. 为了保持本表的简洁,不收集书籍的介绍。

  4. 字段为: 英文书名 # 蓝思值 [# 年龄 [# 中文书名]]


     Magic tree house # 300L  Magic tree house # 300L # 6-12  Magic tree house # 300L # 6-12 # 神奇树屋(百科、冒险) Magic tree house # 300L # - # 神奇树屋(百科、冒险)

    第1个例子只包含基本信息2项,这已经够用了。 后面的2个字段省了,因为是连续省略,所以不需使用"-"

    第2个例子后面省了1个字段。最后省略的"-" 可看成是连续省略的特别情况,不必写出"-"。


    • 遵循这里的格式,将有助于将来转换为 Excel 表格。

    • 英文书名和蓝思值是必选字段,后两个字段年龄和中文书名可选。

    • 当某个字段缺少时,可用 "-" 代替。最后连续的"-" 可以省去不写。

    • 中文书名后可用括号标注其类型。

    • 当第2个字段未知时,用?代替。这个是必须在后面填出来的,用问号代替后,方便后面完善信息时快速定位。

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欢迎大家更新和补充! QQ群:236028316收录但没有给出蓝思值的书放在文档“待排序”部分,尤其欢迎更新这一部分。


- 做一个好书投票


Step into reading series # 100L

Early I can read series # 100L

Readers series # 100L

My first I can read series # 100L

Minnie and Moo series # 100L

Rookie readers series # 100L

All aboard reading series # 100L

Green light, readers series # 100L


Curious George series # 200L

Hello reader! Series # 200L

Adventures of Benny and Watch:a Boxcar earlyseries # 200L

Jigsaw Jonesmystery series # 200L

Nate the great # 280L-600L


Cam Jenson # 300L

Frog and toad # 300L

Goosebumps # 300L

Magic tree house series # 350L-600L

Warriors # 350L-600L # - #猫武士


Boxcar children # 400L-650L

Arthur chapter book series # 400L

Baby-sitters little sister series # 400L

Nancy Drew notebooks # 400L

Horrible Harry series # 400L

Henry and Mudge series # 400L

My Weird School # 400L

Sideways Stories from Wayside School # 460L # 8 to 12 # 歪歪小学的的荒诞故事

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing # 470L # 8 to12 # 四年级的无聊事

Owl Diaries # 470L-560L

Geronimo Stilton # 470L # 10-12 # 老鼠记者

Dragon Masters # 480L-580L


Sarah, Plain and Tall # 560L # 8 to10 # 又丑又高的莎拉

Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume # 590L # 8 to12 # 成长 神哪,您在那里吗? 是我,玛格丽特(成长)

Stargirl # 590L # 10 to13 # 星星女孩


Number the Stars # 670L # 10 to14 # 数星星(战争)

Betsy Tacy # 640L # 7 to10 # 贝斯-特雷斯 (女孩的友谊)

The Tale of Despereaux # 7 to12 # 670L # 浪漫鼠佩德罗

Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner # 650L # 8 to 10 # 石狐

Ruby Holler # 660L # 8 to 12

Ella Enchanted # 670L # 8 to12 # 魔法灰姑娘

Henry Huggins # 670L # 8 to 12 # 亨利·哈金斯 (男孩)

Because of Winn-Dixie # 610L # 9 to12 # 都是黛西惹的祸

Holes # 660L # 9 to 12 # 洞

Charlotte’s Web # 680 # 9 to 12L # 夏洛的网

City of Ember # 680L # 10 to 13 # 微光之城


Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riodan # 740L # 10 to14 # 波西·杰克逊与神火之盗

The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander # 770L # 10 to 14

Where the Red Fern Grows # 700L # 8 to 12 # 红色羊齿草的故乡

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce # 710L # 4 to 8

On the Banks of Plum Creek # 720L # 8 to 11 # 在梅溪边(小木屋系列)

The Secret of the Old Clock (The Nancy Drew mysteries) 8 to 11 760L # 神秘钟

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane # 700L # 7up # 爱德华的奇妙之旅

The Witches # 8 to12 # 740L # 女巫

All-of-a-Kind Family # 750L # 8 to 12

Harriet the Spy # 760L # 8 to 12 # 小间谍哈瑞特

The Borrowers # 780L # 8 up # 借东西的小人

A Wrinkle in Time # 740L # 9 to 12 # 时间的皱纹

A Long Way from Chicago # 750L # 9 to 12 # 离芝加哥很远的地方

The Trumpet of the Swan # 750L # 9 to 12 # 吹小号的天鹅

Gone-Away Lake # 760L # 9 to 12 # 消失的湖

Little House on the Prairie # 760L # 9 to 12 # 草原上的小木屋

Tuck Everlasting # 770L # 9 to 12 # 不老泉

Ink heart # 780L # 9 to 12 # 墨水心

The Indian in the Cupboard # 780L # 9 up # 魔柜小奇兵

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH # 790L # 9 to 12 # 尼姆的老鼠

Winnie-the Pooh # 790L # 9 to 12 # 小熊维尼

The Westing Game # 10 to 12 # 750L # 威斯丁游戏(推理)

The Sign of the Beaver # 770L # 10 to12 # 海里的信号

The Giver # 760L # 12 up # 记忆传授人

Walk Two Moons # 770L # 12 up # 无悔追寻

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle # 740L # YA # 夏洛特·柯兰道尔的自白


Pippi Long stocking # 870L # 8 to 10 # 长袜子皮皮

Stuart Little # 890L # 8 to 10 # 精灵鼠小弟

The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits and a Very Interesting Boy # 800L # 8 to 12

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory # 810L # 8 to 12 # 查理和巧克力工厂

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon # 820L # 8 to 12 # 月夜仙踪

Frindle # 8 to12 # 830L # 我们叫它粉灵豆(学校)

Fromthe Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler # 830L # 8 to 12 # 天使雕像

Half Magic by Edward Eager # 830L # 8 to12 # 半个魔法

Matildaby Roald Dahl # 8 to12 # 840L 玛蒂尔达(女孩)

Ramonathe Pest by Beverly Cleary # 850L # 8 to12 # 小淘气雷梦拉

Jamesand the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl # 870L # 8 to 12 詹姆斯与大仙桃

TheView from Saturday # 870L # 8 to12 # 相约星期六(学校)

Childrenof Green Knowe # 880L # 8 to 12

The Mysterious Benedict Society # 890L # 8 to12 # 天才神秘会社

Maniac Magee # 820L # 9 to 12 # 疯子玛格

The Graveyard Book # 820L # 9 to 12 # 坟场之书

The Invention of Hugo Cabret # 820L # 9 to 12 # 雨果卡布里特的发明和创造

The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright # 820L # 9 to 12

Ramona and her Father # 840L # 9 to 12 # 雷梦拉和爸爸

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire # 880L # 9 to12 # 哈利波特和火焰杯

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban # 880L # 9 to 12 # 哈利波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒

Caddie Woodlawn # 890L # 9 to 12 # 凯蒂·伍德劳恩 (冒险)

Shiloh trilogy # 890L # 9 to 12 # 夏伊洛 (战争)

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland # 890L # 9 up # 爱丽丝漫游奇境记

Summer of the Monkeys # 810L # 10 to 12 # 猴子的夏天

The Great Gilly Hopkins # 800L # 10 up # 养女基里

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson # 810L # 10up # 仙境之桥

Johnny Tremain # YA # 840L # 自由战士

The Cay # 10up # 860L # 珊瑚岛

The Witch of Blackbird Pond # 12 up # 850L # 黑鸟水塘的女巫


Ballet Shoes # 8 to12 # 930L # 芭蕾舞鞋

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara # 930L # 8 to 12

Harry Potter # 940L

My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles # 990L # 4 to8

Mr. Popper's Penguins # 910L # 9 to 12 # 波普先生的企鹅

Wind in the Willows # 920L # 9 to 12 # 柳树间的风

A Little Princess by Francis Hodgson Burnett # 930L # 9 to 12 # 小公主

Little House in the Big Woods # 9 to 12 # 930L # 大森林里的小木屋(荒野生活)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets # 940L # 9 to 12 # 哈利波特与密室

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe # 940L # 9 to 12 # 纳尼亚传奇:狮子女巫魔衣橱

The Chronicles of Narnia # 870~970L # 10 # 纳尼亚传奇7本

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix # 950L # 9 to 12 # 哈利波特和凤凰社

Heidi # 9 to 12 # 960L # 海蒂

The Secret Garden # 970L # 9 to 12 # 秘密花园

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows # 980L # 9 to 12 # 哈利波特和死亡圣器

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor # 920L # 10 to14 黑色棉花田 (美国社会)

Anne of Green Gables # 930L # 10 to 13 # 绿山墙的安妮

The Thief # 12 up # 920L # 贼

The Golden Compass # 930L # 12 to 17 # 黑暗物质三部曲之金罗盘The Dark is Rising # 920L # YA # 黑暗崛起

Bud, Not Buddy # 950L # YA # 巴德,不是巴迪


Islandof the Blue Dolphins # 1000L # 8 to 12 # 蓝色的海豚湾

Love That Dog by Sharon Creech # 1010L # 8 to12 为小狗写诗

The Wizard of Oz # 1000L # 7 up 绿野仙踪

Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick # 1000L # 10 to14 # 陪着你走

The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder # 1010L # 10 to14 埃及游戏

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen # 1020L # 10 to14 # 手斧男孩

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase # 1020L # 10 to14 # 威洛比城堡斗狼记(冒险)

The Phantom Tollbooth # 1000L # 10 to13 # 神奇的收费亭

Watsons Go to Birmingham # 1000L # YA # 沃森一家去伯明翰

The Hobbit # 1000L # YA # 霍比特人

ASeries of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning # 10up # 1010L # 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz # 1030L # 10 up # 绿野仙踪


Little Women # 1300L # 10up # 小妇人


The Spider wick Chronicles # ? # - # 奇幻精灵事件簿

Goose bumps 1-62 # ? # - # 鸡皮疙瘩(惊险)

The 39 Clues # ? # # 39条线索

Out of the Dust # ? # 11 to 13 # 走出沙尘 (美国历史)



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