

发表于 2009-7-10 00:35:09|只看该作者|楼主

Note: This pattern is written in British English.
All measurements in charts are in cm. For conversion from cm to inch - click here.
There are different terms for crocheting in British and American English.
If this pattern includes crochet, click for "crochet terms" here.

See diagram M.1. Diagram shows the pattern from RS.

Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 192-210-225-249-273-297sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm with Karisma. K 2 rounds and work 4rounds rib K1/ P2. Change to circular needle size 4 mm and K 1 round,AT THE SAME TIME dec 0-2-1-1-1-1 sts evenly = 192-208-224-248-272-296sts. Insert 1 marker at beg of round and 1 marker after96-104-112-124-136-148 sts (= the sides). Now continue in stocking st..REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 6 cm dec 1 st eachside of both markers (= 4 dec), and repeat the dec on every 2 cm atotal of 10 times = 152-168-184-208-232-256 sts. When piece measures 30cm inc 1 st each side of both markers, and repeat the inc on every3-3-3-4-4-4 cm a total of 4 times = 168-184-200-224-248-272 sts.Continue until piece measures 43-44-45-46-47-48 cm. Now cast off 8 stseach side for armhole (= 4 sts each side of marker) =152-168-184-208-232-256 sts. Put piece aside and knit the sleeves.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on51-54-54-57-60-60 sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm withKarisma. K 2 rounds and work 4 rounds rib K1/ P2. Change to doublepointed needles size 4 mm and K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec1-2-0-1-2-0 sts evenly = 50-52-54-56-58-60 sts. Insert a marker at begof round = mid under sleeve. Continue in stocking st. When piecemeasures 7 cm inc 1 st each side of marker, repeat the inc on every1.5-1.5-1.5-1-1-1 cm a total of 14-15-16-17-18-19 times =78-82-86-90-94-98 sts. When sleeve measures 33-33-32-32-31-31 cm (lessfor the larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap and wider shoulder)cast off 4 sts on each side of marker = 70-74-78-82-86-90 sts. Putpiece aside and knit the other sleeve.

Slip sleeves on same circular needle as body piece where cast off forarmholes = 292-316-340-372-404-436 sts. K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIMEadjust no of sts to 289-323-340-374-408-442 sts. Insert a marker midfront (38-42-46-52-58-64 sts in from each sleeve) and work round tothis marker – this is now beg of round. Work 0-1-0-1-2-3 cm stockingst, and then work M.1 (= 17-19-20-22-24-26 repeats across the round),see diagram for your size = 119-133-140-154-168-182 sts on needle.Continue up to arrow in diagram. Now slip 1 repeat (= 7 sts) each sideof marker mid front on a stitch holder for neck (= 14 sts on stitchholder). Continue back and forth on needle in M.1 as before. AT THESAME TIME, slip sts on stitch holder each side towards mid front onevery other row as follows: 2 sts 3-3-4-4-4-4 times = 26-26-30-30-30-30sts on stitch holder. M.1 has now been completed = 76-88-90-102-114-126sts on needle.
Slip all sts from stitch holder back on needle = a total of104-116-122-134-146-158 sts on needle. Change to circular needle size3.5 mm. K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 2-11-14-23-32-41 sts evenly =102-105-108-111-114-117 sts. P 1 round, K 1 round and P 1 round, andwork 4 rounds rib K1/ P2. Cast off loosely with K over K and P over P.

Sew openings under sleeves.

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2-diag2.jpg(47.13 KB, 下载次数: 3)

再烦我,就把你绑草船上,让你借箭去 ...








再烦我,就把你绑草船上,让你借 ...



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发表于 2009-7-10 00:41:16|只看该作者|楼主

Note: This pattern is written in British English.
All measurements in charts are in cm. For conversion from cm to inch - click here.
There are different terms for crocheting in British and American English.
If this pattern includes crochet, click for "crochet terms" here.

                                                        GARTER ST (back and forth on needle):
K all rows.
To make yoke wider along the bottom work shortened rows as follows (begfrom RS): * work row to marker-3, turn piece, tighten thread and workreturn row, work row to marker-2, turn piece, tighten thread and workreturn row, work row to marker-1, turn piece and work return row, work2 rows on all sts *, repeat from *-*. I.e. 1 repeat = 8 rows at bottomand 2 rows at top.
See diagram M.1, M.2 and M.3 – pattern in diagram is seen from RS and shows 1 pattern repeat. Row 1 = WS.
Dec as follows from RS before marker: K2 tog.
Dec as follows from RS after marker: K2 tog into back of loop.  

JACKET: Work yoke and neck first from side to side, from mid front tomid front, then pick up sts in bottom edge of yoke and work body piecefrom top down.
YOKE AND NECK: Worked back and forth on circular needle. Cast on47-49-51-52-54-56 sts on circular needle size 4.5 mm with 1 thread ofeach quality. K 2 rows (row 1 = RS). Work next row as follows from RS:K10, P2, K2 in next st, P4, K2 in each of the next 2 sts, P4, K2 innext st, P2, K 21-23-25-26-28-30 = 51-53-55-56-58-60 sts. Work next rowas follows from WS: K 21-23-25-26-28-30, M.2 (= 20 sts), M.1 (= 6 sts)and K4. Insert 3 markers in piece as follows (from RS): MARKER-1 after4 sts, MARKER-2 after 33-35-37-38-40-42 sts and MARKER-3 after42-44-46-47-49-51 sts = 9 sts at the top for neck after the lastmarker.
Let these markers follow the piece as you go along.     
Work SHORTENED ROWS – see above – AT THE SAME TIME continue in patternas follows (from RS): 4 garter sts, M.1, M.2 and 21-23-25-26-28-30garter sts.
Continue until piece measures approx 138-150-160-170-180-190 cm on thelonger side (= bottom) – adjust so that the last row is the row markedwith an arrow in diagram. NOTE: Measure piece when it is lying flat.Piece now measures approx 35-37-40-42-45-47 cm along the other side (=the top). Work 1 row (from RS), AT THE SAME TIME K tog the 2 K sts inM.2 to 1 st, and the 4 K sts in M.2 to 2 sts (= 4 dec sts) =47-49-51-52-54-56 sts. K 1 row on all sts from WS, and cast off looselywith K sts from RS.

Remove markers and insert 4 new markers in the bottom edge to yoke as follows: MARKER-1, after 19-21-23-25-27-29 cm,
MARKER-2,  31-33-34-35-36-37 cm from first marker,
MARKER-3, 38-42-46-50-54-58 cm from second marker,
MARKER-4, 31-33-34-35-36-37 cm from third marker
= approx 19-21-23-25-27-29 cm left after the last marker.

BODY PIECE: Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front.Pick up sts with 1 thread of each quality on circular needle size 4.5mm in bottom edge of yoke as follows: 34-38-41-45-49-52 sts to Marker-1(= left front piece), cast on 9-9-11-13-14-18 new sts (= under sleeve),skip forward to marker-2, pick up 68-76-82-90-98-104 sts to marker-3,(= back piece), cast on 9-9-11-13-14-18 new sts (= under sleeve), skipforward to marker-4, pick up 34-38-41-45-49-52 sts (= right frontpiece) = approx 154-170-186-206-224-244 sts. K 1 row WS.
NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! Continue in stocking st with 1 garter st each side.
Insert a marker 38-42-46-51-56-61 sts in from each side (to mark the sides).
When piece measures 4 cm dec 1 st each side of both markers – SEEDECREASING TIP! Repeat the dec on every 4 cm a total of 4 times =138-154-170-190-208-228 sts. When piece measures 20 cm inc 1 st eachside of both markers (inc by working 2 sts in 1 st), and repeat the incon every 3-3-3.5-3.5-4-4 cm a total of 5 times =158-174-190-210-228-248 sts. When piece measures 33-34-35-36-37-38 cmchange to circular needle size 3.5 mm. K 1 row from RS, AT THE SAMETIME inc 20-22-24-28-28-32 sts evenly = 178-196-214-238-256-280 sts. P1 row from WS and continue in rib as follows (as seen from RS): 1 edgest in garter st, * K2, P4 *, repeat from *-*, finish with K2 and 1 edgest in garter st. When rib measures 3 cm cast off loosely with K over Kand P over P.

LEFT FRONT BAND: Pick up 116-120-124-128-132-136 sts on along leftfront piece on circular needle size 3.5 mm with 1 thread of eachquality: K 2 rows, AT THE SAME TIME on last row inc 23-25-27-29-31-33sts evenly = 139-145-151-157-163-169 sts. Work next row as follows(from WS): 2 garter sts, * P2, K4 *, repeat from *-* until 11 stsremain, finish with P2 and 9 garter sts at the top. Continue like thisfor 3 cm and cast off.

RIGHT FRONT BAND: Like left front band, but after 1 cm make 8-8-8-9-9-9buttonholes evenly distributed. 1 BUTTONHOLE = cast off 1 st and caston 1 new st over cast off st on return row. Make buttonholes inP-sections. Place the top buttonhole 4 sts from the top and the bottomone approx 3 cm from bottom edge.

SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles.
Pick up 55-59-61-63-66-66 sts on double pointed needle size 4.5 mm with1 thread of each quality between marker-1 and marker-2 on yoke, andpick up 1 st in each of the 9-9-11-13-14-18 sts cast on under sleeve onbody piece = 64-68-72-76-80-84 sts. Now measure piece from here. P 1round and continue in stocking st – insert a marker mid under sleeve.When piece measures 5-4-4-5-2-5 cm dec 1 st each side of marker – SEEDECREASING TIP! Repeat the dec on every 3-2.5-2-2-2-1.5 cm a total of8-10-12-11-13-15 times = 48-48-48-54-54-54 sts. AT THE SAME TIME whenpiece measures 28 cm work M.3 on the middle 18 sts (on round 4 in M.3inc 2 sts = 50-50-50-56-56-56 sts in total on needle), with remainingsts in stocking st. After M.3 work 1 round with K over K and P over P,AT THE SAME TIME K2 tog on the 4 middle sts = 48-48-48-54-54-54 sts.Change to double pointed needles size 3.5 mm and continue in rib, K2 /P4 – make sure that K and P sts in rib sits over K and P sts from M.3.Cast off loosely with K over K and P over P when sleeve measures approx43 cm.
Work the other sleeve by picking up sts between marker-3 and marker-4 on yoke.

Sew on buttons.

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31-diag2.jpg(43.05 KB, 下载次数: 5)

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