

动感 《清明上河图》——千年“古”画活了。




















被誉为“上海世博会”中国馆镇馆之宝的动态版《清明上河图》12月将赴新加坡参展,这也是新加坡历史以来举办的规模最盛大的一场艺术展览。动感《清明上河图》- 历史的画卷,智慧的长河 (A Moving Masterpiece : The Song Dynasty As Living Art) 于2011年12月7日至2012年2月6日在新加坡博览中心第3展厅展出,这也是《清明上河图》首次在大中华地区以外亮相。



  • 成年人: $21
  • 年长人士 (60及以上): $16
  • 学生: $16
  • 儿童 (3 - 12 岁): $16




据介绍, 水晶石数字科技股份有限公司在世博会期间除制作了《清明上河图》外,还运用自主研发的N-city技术打造了永不落幕的“网上世博”,同时,2010年期间共完成100多个世博相关项目。公司致力于成为具有国际竞争力的视觉创意及综合应用解决方案专家。水晶石公司的核心业务是数字视觉开发和应用服务,涉及的技术和服务领域涵盖建筑可视化、数字化展览展示、大型活动音视频服务、城市规划与形象推广、政务可视化、房地产营销、科普科教、文化传播、影视传媒、动漫产品及游戏视频开发与制作、互联网科技、多媒体互动应用、商业品牌展示及营销管理等多个专业,满足不同领域、不同行业、不同应用场合的客户需求。目前服务的项目,包括:政府项目、环保、物流、医疗器械、电子商务、汽车、钢铁、房地产、展览展会等行业。(中新社)

As they say, a picture paints a thousand words, and this painting is a valuable lesson in history.

Originally painted on a 5.28 metre-long scroll by Chinese imperial court artist Z hang Ze Duan, this epic Song Dynasty painting gives us an in-depth view of the lifestyle and society in the capital of Bianjing (now known as Kaifeng) during the 12th century.

“Qing Ming Shang He Tu” stands out from the many customary Chinese paintings due to its panoramic capture of the richness of society, from the poor to the wealthy. A classic depiction of a Northern Song era painting, it is famous for its aesthetics and accurate geometric depiction of both natural and man-made elements. As they say, a picture paints a thousand words, and this painting is a valuable lesson in history – giving us a glimpse into the economic, cultural, customary and daily life of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Zhang Ze Duan emphasizes the rural scenery as it is the first scene to catch the viewer’s attention. As focus gradually shifts to the city, the viewer can appreciate the artist’s intention of showcasing the vast rural land with its riches of crops, animals and other resources providing for the prosperity of the city and the comforts enjoyed by the city dwellers.

Moving into the capital city, Zhang Ze Duan uses the structural grandeur of the City Gate and its buzz of activities to delineate the city from the rural areas.
Restaurants, teahouses, craftsmen shops and other small businesses portray the lifestyle of the average Song person. The marketplace is another representation used by the artist to depict everyday life, with different social classes represented by fortune-tellers, temples, beggars, and government officials’ residences.

“Many re-interpretive copies have surfaced due to the popularity of the the Qing Ming Shang He Tu.”

“Qing Ming” (清明) has several explanations. Some historians have referred “Qing Ming” to a location called “Qing Ming Square” (清明坊) in the Song Capital of Kaifeng (开封), others consider it a literal reference to the Chinese Qing Ming Festival (清明节), while others attribute it as praise of the clean governance of Emperor Song Huizong as “Qing Ming”, which in Chinese means “clean and bright”. Similarly, “Shang He” (上河) also has multiple explanations. It could literally mean the upper half of the Bian river (the main river in Kaifeng city), or it could refer to the “most important river in the country” since it is located under the watchful eyes of the emperor. A last explanation is simply going shopping by the riverside.
Thus, “Qing Ming Shang He Tu” has always been accepted to be a painting documenting the peace and prosperity enjoyed by the Song Dynasty 900 years ago under Emperor Song Huizong’s reign.

Many re-interpretive copies have surfaced due to the popularity of the the “Qing Ming Shang He Tu”. The most prominent paintings, apart from the original painting by Zhang Ze Duan, are one done by renowned Ming Dynasty artist Qiu Ying (明代仇英版), and another painted by a group of artists during the Qing Dynasty (清院版).

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