

More Interpreted Languages: Tcl, Lua, JavaScript, Groovy
More Interpreted Languages: Tcl, Lua, JavaScript, Groovy

a side-by-side reference sheet

grammar and invocation | variables and expressions | arithmetic and logic | strings | regexes | dates and time | arrays | dictionaries | functions | execution control | file handles | files | directories | processes and environment | libraries and namespaces | objects | reflection | java interop

version used
8.55.1ECMAScript 52.2
show version$ tclsh
% info tclversion
$ lua -v$ node --version$ groovy -v
grammar and invocation

$ tclsh foo.tcl$ lua foo.lua$ node foo.js$ echo 'println "hi!"' > hi.groovy
$ groovy hi.groovy
$ tclsh$ lua$ node$ groovysh
command line programnone$ lua -e 'print("hi world!")'$ node -e 'var sys = require("sys");
  sys.puts("hi world!");'
$ groovy -e 'println "hi world!"'
block delimiters
{} or ""do end{}{}
statement separatornewline or ;

newline not a separator inside {}, "", [] or after backslash: \
newline or ;

newline not separator inside {}, (), or after binary operator.

newline can be put in "" or '' if preceded by backslash
; or newline

newline not separator inside (), [], {}, "", '', or after binary operator

newline sometimes not separator when following line would not parse as a valid statement
newline or ;

newline not a separator inside (), [], triple quote literal, or after binary operator or backslash.
are expressions statementsnonoyesyes
end-of-line comment# comment-- comment// comment// comment
multiple line commentif (0) {
  commented out
  can contain {} if balanced
  commented out
  also commented out
/* comment
another comment */
/* comment
another comment */
variables and expressions

local variable# set variable inside procedure
proc foo {args} {
  set x 1
local x = 1var x = 1;x = 1
def y = 2
Integer z = 3
global variable# set variable outside procedure
set g 1

proc incr_global {} {
  global g
  incr g
-- assign without using local
g = 1

function incr_global()
  g = g + 1
// assign without using var
g = 1;

function incr_global () { g++; }

set x 1x = 1x = 1;x = 1
parallel assignment
lassign {1 2 3} x y z

# 3 is discarded:
lassign {1 2 3} x y

# z is set to "":
lassign {1 2} x y z
x, y, z = 1, 2, 3

-- 3 is discarded:
x, y = 1, 2, 3

-- z is set to nil:
x, y, z = 1, 2
none(x, y, z) = [1, 2, 3]

// 3 is discarded:
(x, y) = [1, 2, 3]

// z is set to null:
(x, y, z) = [1, 2]
swaplassign "$x $y" y xx, y = y, xtmp = x;
x = y;
y = tmp;
(x, y) = [y, x]
null test
v eq ""v == nilv === nullv == null
undefined variable accesserrornilundefinedraises groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException
conditional expressionexpr $x > 0 ? $x : -$xnonex > 0 ? x : -xx > 0 ? x : -x
arithmetic and logic

true and false
1 0true falsetrue falsetrue false
falsehoods0 "false" "no"
most strings cause error in boolean context; nonzero numbers are true
false nilfalse null undefined "" 0 NaNfalse null 0 0.0 "" [] [:]
logical operators
&& || !and or not&& || !&& || !
relational expressionif {$x > 3} {}
# outside of conditionals use expr:
expr $x > 3
x > 3x > 3x > 0
relational operators== != > < >= <=

# string comparison:
eq ne
== ~= < > >= <==== !== < > >= <=

perform type coercion:
== !=
== != > < >= <=
min and maxexpr min(1, 2, 3)
expr max(1, 2, 3)
math.min(1, 2, 3)
math.max(1, 2, 3)

math.min(unpack({1 ,2 ,3}))
math.max(unpack({1, 2, 3}))
Math.min(1, 2, 3)
Math.max(1, 2, 3)

Math.min.apply(Math, [1, 2, 3])
Math.max.apply(Math, [1, 2, 3])
[1, 2, 3].min()
[1, 2, 3].max()

// binary functions:
Math.min(1, 2)
Math.max(1, 2)
arithmetic expressionexpr 1 + 3
# expr not needed in conditionals:
if {1 + 3} {}
1 + 31 + 31 + 3
arithmetic operators
addition, subtraction, multiplication, float division, quotient, modulus
+ - * none / %+ - * / none % ^+ - * / none %+ - * / %
integer division
expr $x / $ymath.floor(x / y)Math.floor(x / y)Math.floor(x / y)
integer division by zero
errorreturns assignable value inf, nan, or -inf depending upon whether dividend is positive, zero, or negative.

There are no literals for any of these values.
returns assignable value Infinity, NaN, or -Infinity depending upon whether dividend is positive, zero, or negative.

There are literals for
Infinity and NaN.
raises java.lang.ArithmeticException
float division
expr $x * 1.0 / $yx / yx / yx / y
float division by zero
returns assignable value Inf if dividend is positive and -Inf if negative. Raises error if dividend is zero.

There is a literal for
same behavior as for integerssame behavior as for integersraises java.lang.ArithmeticException
powerexpr 2 ** 32
expr pow(2, 32)
2 ^ 32
math.pow(2, 32)
Math.pow(2, 32)2 ** 32
expr sqrt(2)math.sqrt(2)Math.sqrt(2)Math.sqrt(2)
sqrt -1
transcendental functionsexp log sin cos tan asin acos atan atan2
# how to use math functions:
expr exp(2)
expr atan2(1, 1)
::tcl::mathfunc::exp 2
::tcl::mathfunc::atan2 1 1
math.exp math.log math.sin math.cos math.tan math.asin math.acos math.atan math.atan2Math.exp Math.log Math.sin Math.cos Math.tan Math.asin Math.acos Math.atan Math.atan2Math.exp Math.log Math.sin Math.cos Math.tan Math.asin Math.acos Math.atan Math.atan2
transcendental constants
π and e
expr 4 * atan(1)
expr exp(1)
float truncation
round towards zero, round to nearest integer, round down, round up
expr int(3.1)
expr round(3.1)
expr floor(3.1)
expr ceil(3.1)
absolute value
expr abs(-3)math.abs(-3)Math.abs(-3)Math.abs(-3)
integer overflow
arbitrary length integers introduced in 8.5all numbers are floatsall numbers are floatsbecomes type java.math.BigInteger
float overflow
random number
uniform integer, uniform float, normal float
expr int(rand() * 100)
expr rand()
math.random(100) - 1
Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)
rnd = new Random()
random seed
how to set
expr srand(17)math.randomseed(17)nonernd = new Random()
bit operators
left shift, right shift, and, inclusive or, exclusive or, complement
<< >> & | ^ ~none<< >> & | ^ ~<< >> & | ^ ~

string literal"don't say \"no\""
{don't say "no"}
"don't say \"no\""
'don\'t say "no"'
"don't say \"no\""
'don\'t say "no"'
"don't say \"no\""
'don\'t say "no"'
"""don't say "no\""""
'''don't say "no"'''
/don't say "no"/
newline in literal
yesyes, if preceded by backslashyes// triple quote literals only:

character escapesin double quotes:
\a \b \f \n \r \t \v \\ \" \oooo \uhhhh \xhh
single and double quotes:
\a \b \f \n \r \t \v \" \' \\ \ddd
single and double quotes:
\b \f \n \r \t \v \uhhhh \xhh \" \' \\
// single and double quotes
// including triple quotes:

\b \f \n \r \t
\\ \" \'
\uhhhh \o \oo \ooo

// slash quotes:
variable interpolationset count 3
set item "ball"
"$count ${item}s"
nonenonecount = 3
item = "ball"

"$count ${item}s"
"""$count ${item}s"""
expression interpolationnonenonenone"1 + 1 = ${1 + 1}"
"""1 + 1 = ${1 + 1}"""
string concatenationset s1 "Hello, "
set s2 "World!"
set s $s1$s2
s = "Hello, " .. "World!"s = "Hello, " + "World!";s = "Hello, " + "World!"
split "do re mi"none"do re mi".split(" ")"do re mi".split()
join [list "do" "re" "mi"] " "table.concat({"do","re","mi"}, " ")["do", "re", "mi"].join(" ")["do", "re", "mi"].join(" ")
sprintfset fmt "lorem %s %d %.2f"
format $fmt "ipsum" 13 3.7
string.format("lorem %s %d %.2f",
  "ipsum", 13, 3.7)
nonefmt = "lorem %s %d %.2f"
String.format(fmt, "ipsum", 13, 3.7)
case manipulationstring toupper "lorem"
string tolower "LOREM"
stripstring trim " lorem "
string trimleft " lorem"
string trimright "lorem "
none" lorem ".trim()
# some browsers:
" lorem".trimLeft()
"lorem ".trimRight()
" lorem ".trim()
on right, on left, centered
format "%10s" "lorem"
format "%-10s" "lorem"
string to numberuse expr to interpret as numbers:
set x "12"
expr 7 + $x
set y ".037"
expr 73.9 + $y
7 + tonumber("12")
73.9 + tonumber(".037")
arithmetic operators attempt numeric conversion of string operands
7 + parseInt("12", 10)
73.9 + parseFloat(".037")
7 + Integer.parseInt("12")
73.9 + Double.parseDouble(".037")
number to string
all values are strings"value: " .. 8"value: " + 8"value: " + 8

// explicit conversion:
string length "lorem"string.len("lorem")"lorem".length"lorem".size()
index of substring
string first "ipsum" "lorem ipsum"string.find("lorem ipsum", "ipsum")"lorem ipsum".indexOf("ipsum")"lorem ipsum".indexOf("ipsum")
extract substring
string range "lorem ipsum" 6 10string.sub("lorem ipsum", 7, 11)"lorem ipsum".substr(6, 5)
"lorem ipsum".substring(6, 11)
"lorem ipsum".substring(6, 11)
chr and ordformat %c 65
scan A %c ascii_value
regular expressions

character class abbreviations and anchorschar class abbrevs:
. \d \D \s \S \w \W

anchors: ^ $ \A \m \M \y \Y \Z
char class abbrevs:
. %a %c %d %l %p %s %u %w %x %z

anchors: ^ $
char class abbrevs:
. \d \D \s \S \w \W

anchors: ^ $ \b \B
char class abbrevs:
. \d \D \s \S \w \W

anchors: ^ $ \b
match test
if [regexp -- {1999} $s] {
  puts "party!"
if string.match(s, "1999") then
if (s.match(/1999/)) {
s = "it is 1999"

if (s =~ /1999/) {
case insensitive match testregexp -nocase -- {lorem} "Lorem"none"Lorem".match(/lorem/i)"Lorem" =~ /(?i)lorem/
modifiers-all -expanded -indices -inline
-line -lineanchor -linestop -nocase
noneg i mi s
substitutionset s "do re mi mi mi"
regsub -all -- "mi" $s "ma"
s = "do re mi mi mi"
s = string.gsub(s, "mi", "ma")
s = "do re mi mi mi";
s.replace(/mi/g, "ma");
"do re mi mi mi".replaceAll(/mi/, "ma")
group captureset s "2009-06-03"
set rx {^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$}
regexp -- $rx $s - yr mo dy
s = "2010-06-03"
rx = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)"
yr, mo, dy = string.match(s, rx)
rx = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/;
m = rx.exec('2009-06-03');
yr = m[1];
mo = m[2];
dy = m[3];
s = "2010-06-03"
m = s =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/
yr = m.group(1)
mo = m.group(2)
dy = m.group(3)
in regex, in substitution string
regexp -- {(\w+) \1} "do do"

set rx {(\w+) (\w+)}
regsub -all -- $rx "do re" {\2 \1}
string.match("do do", "(%w+) %1")

rx = "(%w+) (%w+)"
string.gsub("do re", rx, "%2 %1")
/(w+) \1/.exec("do do")

"do re".replace(/(\w+) (\w+)/, '$2 $1')
"do do" =~ /(\w+) \1/

rx = /(\w+) (\w+)/
"do re".replaceAll(rx, '$2 $1')
dates and time

current date/timeset t [clock seconds]t = os.time()var t = new Date();t = new Date()
to unix epoch, from unix epocht
set t2 1315716177
t2 = 1315716177
Math.round(t.getTime() / 1000)
var epoch = 1315716177;
var t2 = new Date(epoch * 1000);
Math.round(t.getTime() / 1000)
t = new Date(1315716177 * 1000)
strftimeset fmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
clock format $t -format $fmt
os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", t)none
parse date w/o formatset t [clock scan "July 7, 1999"]nonevar t = new Date("July 7, 1999");
get date partsclock format $t -format "%Y"
clock format $t -format "%m"
clock format $t -format "%d"
t.getMonth() + 1
t.getDate() # getDay() is day of week

get time partsclock format $t -format "%H"
clock format $t -format "%M"
clock format $t -format "%S"

build date/time from partsnonenonevar yr = 1999;
var mo = 9;
var dy = 10;
var hr = 23;
var mi = 30;
var ss = 0;
var t = new Date(yr,mo-1,dy,hr,mi,ss);

after 500nonenone

set a [list 1 2 3 4]
set a {1 2 3 4}
a = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }a = [1, 2, 3, 4]a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
llength $a-- not well-defined if array
-- contains nil values:

# a
lindex $a 0a[1]a[0]a[0]
update# provide start and end index
# of elements to replace:

set a [lreplace $a 1 1 "lorem"]
a[1] = "lorem"a[0] = "lorem"a[0] = 'lorem'
out-of-bounds behaviorreturns ""returns nilreturns undefinedreturns null
index of element
first and last occurrence
lsearch {6 7 7 8} 7
lindex [lsearch -all {6 7 7 8} 7] end
# returns -1 if not found
none; use for and ipairs[6, 7, 7, 8].indexOf(7)
[6, 7, 7, 8].lastIndexOf(7)
// returns -1 if not found
[6, 7, 7, 8].indexOf(7)
[6, 7, 7, 8].lastIndexOf(7)
// returns -1 if not found
lrange $a 1 2none["a", "b", "c", "d"].slice(1,3)// ['b', 'c']:
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][1..2]
slice to endlrange {"a" "b" "c" "d"} 1 endnone["a", "b", "c", "d"].slice(1)// ['b', 'c', 'd']:
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][1..-1]
set a [concat {1 2 3} {4 5 6}]nonea = [1, 2, 3].concat([4, 5, 6]);[1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]
lrepeat 10 ""nonenonea = [null] * 10
manipulate backset a {6 7 8}
lappend a 9
set i [lindex $a end]
set a [lreplace $a end end]
a = {6, 7, 8}
table.insert(a, 9)
i = table.remove(a)
a = [6, 7, 8];
i = a.pop();
a = [6, 7, 8]
// also:
a << 9
i = a.pop()
manipulate frontset a {6 7 8}
set a [concat {5} $a]
set a [lassign $a i]
a = {6, 7, 8}
table.insert(a, 1, 5)
i = table.remove(a, 1)
a = [6, 7, 8];
i = a.shift();
a = [6, 7, 8]
a.add(0, 5)
i = a.remove(0)
iterate over elementsforeach i $a { puts $i }for k,v in ipairs(a) do
var len = a.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
for (i in [1, 2, 3, 4]) {
  println i
set a {1 2 3}
set a [lreverse $a]
nonevar a = [1, 2, 3];
a = [1, 2, 3]
set a {3 1 4 2}
set a [lsort $a]
a = {3, 1, 4, 2}
var a = [3, 1, 4, 2];
a = [3, 1, 4, 2]
dedupelsort -unique {1 2 2 3}nonenonea = [1, 2, 2, 3]

// modifies array in place:
membershipexpr {7 in $a}
expr {7 ni $a}
nonenone[1, 2, 3].contains(7)
![1, 2, 3].contains(7)
package require struct::set

::struct::set intersect {1 2} {2 3}
nonenone[1, 2].intersect([2, 3])
package require struct::set

::struct::set union {1 2} {2 3 4}
nonenone([1, 2] + [2, 3, 4]).unique()
relative complement
package require struct::set

::struct::set difference {1 2 3} {2}
nonenone[1 2 3] - [2]
package require struct::list

proc sqr {x} {return [expr $x * $x]}
::struct::list map {1 2 3} sqr
none// callback gets 3 args:
//   value, index, array

a.map(function(x) { return x * x })
[1, 2, 3].collect() { n -> n * n }
package require struct::list

proc gt1 {x} {return [expr $x > 1]}
::struct::list filter {1 2 3} gt1
nonea.filter(function(x) { return x > 1 })[1, 2, 3].findAll() { x -> x > 2 }
package require struct::list

::struct::list fold {1 2 3} 0
nonea.reduce(function(m, o) {
    return m + o;
  }, 0)
[1, 2, 3].inject(0) { x, y -> x + y }
universal and existential testsnonenonevar a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var even = function(x) {
  return x % 2 == 0;

shufflenonenonenonea = [1, 2, 3, 4]
// no return value:
nonenonenone[[1,2,3], ['a', 'b', 'c']].transpose()

literalset d [dict create t 1 f 0]d = { t=1, f=0 }d = { "t":1, "f":0 };
keys do not need to be quoted if they are a legal JavaScript variable name and not a reserved word
d = ["t": 1, "f": 0]
dict size $dsize = 0
for k, v in pairs(d) do
  size = size + 1
var size = 0;
for (var k in d) {
  if (d.hasOwnProperty(k)) size++;
lookupdict get $d td.t
updatedict set d t 2d["t"] = 2
d.t = 2
d["t"] = 2;
d.t = 2;
d["t"] = 2
out of bounds behaviorerrorreturns nilreturns undefinedreturns null
is key present
dict exists $d td["t"] ~= nild.hasOwnProperty("t");d.containsKey("t")
deletedict unset d td.t = nil
d["t"] = nil
delete d["t"];
delete d.t;

iterationforeach {k v} $d {
for k,v in pairs(d) do
  use k or v
for (var k in d) {
  use k or d[k]


function declarationproc add { x y } {
  expr $x + $y
function add(x, y)
  return x + y
function add(x, y) {
  return x+y;
def (x, y) {
  x + y
function invocation
add 1 2add(1, 2)add(1, 2)add(1, 2)

// parens are optional:
add 1, 2
missing argument valueerrornilundefinedraises groovy.lang.MissingMethodException
extra arguments
errorignoredavailable in argumentsraises groovy.lang.MissingMethodException
default value
proc log {x {base 10 }} { body }nonenone
variable number of argumentslast arg contains list of remaining valuesdeclare function with ellipsis:
function foo(...)
  local arg = {...}
args in arguments[0], arguments[1], … with number of args in arguments.length
return valuereturn arg or empty stringreturn arg or nilreturn arg or undefined. If invoked with new and return value not an object, returns thisreturn arg or last expression evaluated
multiple return valuesnonefunction roots(x)
  r = math.sqrt(x)
  return r, -r
r1,r2 = roots(4)
lambda declarationset sqr {{x} {return [expr $x*$x]}}sqr = function(x) return x*x endsqr = function(x) { return x*x; }sqr = { x -> Math.sqrt x }
lambda invocation
apply $sqr 2sqr(2)sqr(2)sqr(2)
default scope
localglobal unless declared with localglobal unless declared with var
nested function visibilitynot visible outside containing functionvisible outside containing functionnot visible outside containing function
execution control

ifif { 0 == $n } {
  puts "no hits"
} elseif { 1 == $n } {
  puts "1 hit"
} else {
  puts "$n hits"
if n == 0 then
  print("no hits")
elseif n == 1 then
  print("one hit")
  print(n .. " hits")
if (0 == n) {
  alert("no hits");
} else if (1 == n) {
  alert("1 hit");
} else {
  alert(n + " hits");
if (n == 0) {
  println("no hits")
else if (n == 1) {
  println("one hit")
else {
  println(n + " hits")
whilewhile { $i < 100 } {
  incr i
while i < 100 do
  i = i + 1
while ( i < 100 ) {
  i += 1;
while (i < 100) {
  i += 1
break and continuebreak continuebreak nonebreak continuebreak continue
forfor {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
  puts $i
for i = 0, 9 do
for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  println i
raise exceptionerror "bad arg"error "bad arg"throw "bad arg";throw new Exception("bad arg")
catch exceptioncatch risky retval
if { retval != 0 } {
    puts "risky failed"
if not pcall(risky) then
  print "risky failed"
try {
} catch (e) {
  alert("risky failed");

try {
} finally {

uncaught exception behaviorstderr and exitstderr and exiterror to console; script terminates. Other scripts in page will execute
generatorto be added to Tcl 8.6crt = coroutine.create(
  function (n)
    while (true) do
      coroutine.yield(n % 2)
      n = n + 1

status, retval =
  coroutine.resume(crt, 1)

if status then
  print("parity: " .. retval)
  print("couldn't resume crt")

_, retval = coroutine.resume(crt)
print("parity: " .. retval)
file handles

standard file handlesstdin

read line from stdingets stdin lineline = io.stdin:read()js:
var line = readline();

write line to stdoutputs "Hello, World!"print "Hello, World!"var sys = require('sys');

sys.puts("Hello, World!");
print("Hello, World!\n")
println("Hello, World!")
System.out.print("Hello, World!\n")
System.out.println("Hello, World!")
open fileset f [open "/tmp/foo"]f = io.open("/tmp/foo")var fs = require('fs');

f = fs.openSync("/tmp/foo", "r");

open file for writingset f [open "/tmp/foo" "w"]f = io.open("/tmp/foo", "w")var fs = require('fs');

f = fs.openSync("/tmp/foo", "w");

close file
close $ff:close()fs.closeSync(f);
read line
gets $ff:read()

iterate over a file by linewhile { [gets $f s] >= 0 } {
  use s
for s in f:lines() do
  use s
var fs = require('fs');

var file = fs.readFileSync("/etc/hosts").toString();
file.split("\n").forEach(function (s) {
  use s

chompstring trimright $line "\r\n"none, read() and lines() remove trailing newlines

read file
read $ff:read("*a")var fs = require('fs');

fs.readFileSync("/tmp/foo", "utf8");

write to file
puts -nonewline $f "lorem ipsum"f:write("lorem ipsum")fs.writeSync(f, "lorem ipsum");
flush file handleflush $ff:flush()none

file exists test, file regular testfile exists "/etc/hosts"
file isfile "/etc/hosts"
nonevar path = require('path');

f = new File('/etc/hosts')

file size

f = new File('/etc/hosts')

is file readable, writable, executable

f = new File('etc/hosts')

copy file, remove file, rename filefile copy "/tmp/foo" "/tmp/bar"
file delete "/tmp/foo"
file rename "/tmp/bar" "/tmp/foo"
nonevar fs = require('fs');

fs.rename("/tmp/bar", "/tmp/foo");

set file permissionsset s "/tmp/foo"
file attributes $s -permissions 0755
nonevar fs = require('fs');

fs.chmod("/tmp/foo", 0755);

temporary fileset tmp [::fileutil::tempfile foo]
set f [open $tmp "w"]
puts $f "lorem ipsum"
close $f
puts "tmp file: $tmp"
f = io.tmpfile()
f:write("lorem ipsum\n")


build pathnamefile join "/etc" "hosts"
var path = require('path');

path.join("/etc", "hosts");

dirname and basenamefile dirname "/etc/hosts"
file tail "/etc/hosts"

var path = require('path');


iterate over directory by file

var fs = require('fs');
var sys = require('sys');

var a = fs.readdirSync("/etc");
for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) {

make directoryfile mkdir "/tmp/foo/bar"
var fs = require('fs');

fs.mkdirSync("/tmp/foo", 0755);
fs.mkdirSync("/tmp/foo/bar", 0755);

remove empty directoryfile delete "/tmp/foodir"
var fs = require('fs');


remove directory and contentsfile delete -force "/tmp/foodir"

directory test
file isdirectory "/tmp"

processes and environment

command line args[lindex $argv 0]
[lindex $argv 1]
# arg
environment variable$env(HOME)os.getenv("HOME")
exit 0os.exit(0)process.exit(0)System.exit(0)
external commandexec lsos.execute("ls")var exec =
var child = exec('ls');

backticksset f [ open |ls ]
read f
f = io.popen("ls")
s = f:read("*a")
var exec =
var f = function(err, fout, ferr) {
  output in fout
var child = exec('ls', f);

libraries and namespaces

library$ cat foo.tcl
proc add {x y} {expr $x + $y}
$ cat foo.lua
function add(x, y) return x+y end
$ cat foo.js
function add(x,y) {
  return x+y;

import librarysource foo.tcl
add 3 7
require 'foo'
<script src="foo.js"/>


library pathnonepackage.pathnode.js, not available in repl:

library path environment variableTCLLIBPATHLUA_PATHnone
namespace declarationnamespacemodule

namespace separator::.

list installed packaged, install a package

$ npm ls
$ npm install tmp


define class

class Int {
  public int value
  Int (int n) {
    value = n
create object

o = new Int(3)
create blank object
o = {}var o = new Object(); or
var o = {};

set attribute

o.score = 21o.score = 21;o.value = 4
get attribute
if o.score == 21 then
if (o.score == 21) {
define method
function o.doubleScore(self)
  return 2 * self.score
o.doubleScore = function() {
  return this.score * 2;

invoke method
print("Answer: " .. o:doubleScore())alert("Answer: " + o.doubleScore());
clone object

var o2 = Object.create(o);
object literal
o = {
    return 2*self.score
var o = {
  score: 21,
  doubleScore: function() {
    return this.score * 2;


inspect type

type(o)typeof oo.class
has method?

typeof o.foo == 'function'
message passing


assert(loadstring("x = 1+1"))()x = eval("1 + 1");
inspect methods

inspect attributes

java interoperation




version used

The version used for verifying the examples in this cheat sheet.


In the JavaScript standard the language is called ECMAScript. Four versions of the standard have been adopted:

ecmascript versiondate
1June 1997
2June 1998
3December 1999
5December 2009

Here is a summary of ECMAScript 5 compliance for recent browsers:

Chrome 7-12all but "use strict"
Chrome 13+all
Firefox 4+all
IE 9all but "use strict"
IE 10all
Safari 5.1all but Function.prototype.bind and zero-width char in identifiers
Safari 6all

show version

How to get the version.

Grammar and Invocation


The customary name of the interpreter and how to invoke it.


On Unix, scripts are executing by passing the file containing the script to the interpreter as an argument:

bash ~/configure.sh

If the executable bit is set, the file can be run directly:


To determine the name of the interpreter that will process the script, Unix will look for the presence of a shebang (#!) at the start of the file. If the pathname to a command follows the shebang, it will be used to interpret the script. If no shebang is present, the script will be interpreted with sh, which is bash on modern Unix systems.

Arguments that follow the command will be passed to interpreter as command line arguments.

If it is undesirable to specify the pathname of the interpreter, the env command can be used to search the PATH directories:

#!/usr/bin/env lua


To use a browser to execute JavaScript code, put the code inside a <script> tag in an HTML page and open the page with the browser.


Groovy does not in general have # style comments, but one can be used on the first line to create a shebang script:

#!/usr/bin/env groovyprintln "hello world!"


The customary name of the repl.


You can use the JavaScript console as a repl. Here are the keystrokes to launch the console:

JCtrl+Shift+JFn F12Ctrl+Shift+KC

command line program

How to pass in a program to the interpreter on the command line.

block delimiters

How blocks are delimited.


The block delimiters {} and "" are the same as the string delimiters. Double quotes "" cause variable interpolation and as a result they are not often used to delimit blocks.

The following three lines of code behave the same:

if {true} {puts "true"}if "true" "puts \"true\""if "true" "puts {true}"


The function and if keywords open blocks which are terminated by end keywords. The repeat keyword opens a block which is terminated by until.

statement separator

How the parser determines the end of a statement.

are expressions statements

Whether an expression can be used where a statement is expected.


Code fragments such as

1 + 1


[expr 1 + 1]

result in invalid command name errors when used as statements.

The following is a valid statement:

expr 1 + 1

The above cannot be used as an argument to a command without putting it inside square brackets, however.

Since the constructs which can be used as statements and the constructs which can be used in the positions where expressions are normally used are disjoint, we claim that expressions are not statements in Tcl.

end-of-line comment

How to make the remainder of the line a comment.

multiple line comment

How to comment out multiple lines.


The method described requires that there not be an unmatched right curly bracket in the comment.


The double bracket notation [[ ]] is the syntax for a multiline string literal.

Variables and Expressions

local variable

How to declare a local variable.

global variable

How to declare and access a global variable.


How to assign a value to a variable.

parallel assignment

Whether parallel assignment is supported, and if so how to do it.


How to swap the values in two variables.


The null literal.

null test

How to test if a value is null.


Tcl has has no null value.


null == undefined is true. The triple equality operator === is thus necessary to test if a variable is null.

undefined variable access

What happens when the value in an undefined variable is accessed.


The following test can be used to determine if a variable is defined:

expr ![info exists v]


There is no distinction between a variable being defined and a variable having a nil value. Assigning nil to a variable frees it.


undefined == null is true. The triple equality operator === is necessary to test if a variable is undefined.

conditional expression

How to write a conditional expression.


notes on Lua and the ternary operator

Arithmetic and Logic

true and false

The literals for true and false.


Values which are false in conditional expressions.


0 is false and all other numeric values are true. For non-numeric strings, "no" and "false" are false, and "yes" and "true" are true. The comparison is case insensitive. All other non-numeric strings raise an error when evaluated in a boolean context.

logical operators

Logical and, or, and not.

relational expressions

How to write a relational expression.


To evaluate a relational expression outside of the the conditional of an if statement, the expr command can be used.

Use square brackets to make an expression an argument of a command:

puts [expr $x>1]

relational operators

The available relational operators.


The eq and ne operators always perform comparisons on their operators as strings. If the arguments are numeric, they are converted to a standard floating point representation.

% expr {"0" eq "00"}0% expr {"0" == "00"}1

The == and != operators try to convert their arguments to a numeric form for the purpose of comparison. String comparison is used when no numeric conversion is possible:

% expr {"lorem" == "ipsum"}0

The relational operators can be invoked as commands in the following manner:

% ::tcl::mathop::== 1 11% ::tcl::mathop::!= 1 10% ::tcl::mathop::> 1 1%::tcl::mathop::< 1 10% ::tcl::mathop::>= 1 11% ::tcl::mathop::<= 1 11% ::tcl::mathop::eq "lorem" "ipsum"0%::tcl::mathop::ne "lorem" "ipsum"1

min and max

How to find the min and max value in mix of values or variables.

arithmetic expression

How to evaluate an arithmetic expression.


Arithmetic expressions are normally evaluated with the expr command. However, the conditional argument of an if statement is always evaluated as an expression.

arithmetic operators

The binary arithmetic operators.

The operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, float division, integer division, modulus, and exponentiation. Some languages provide a function pow instead of an operator for exponentiation.


Arithmetic operators are normally used as arguments to expr, but commands also exist for each of them:


integer division

How to perform integer division.


All Lua numbers are floating point.

integer division by zero

What happens when a float is divided by zero.


As already noted there are no literals for inf and nan. Once could assign the correct values
to variables with the following code

inf = 1 / 0nan = 0 / 0

inf can be compared to itself, but nan cannot. In other words:

# this prints 'true'=(1 / 0) == (1 / 0)# this prints 'false'=(0 / 0) == (0 / 0)

float division

How to perform floating point division, even if the operands might be integers.

float division by zero

The result of dividing a float by zero.


How to compute exponentiation.

The examples calculate 2 to the 32 which is the number of distinct values that can be stored in 32 bits.


How to get the square root of a number.

sqrt -1

The result of taking the square root of -1.

transcendental functions

Functions for computing the natural exponent, natural logarithm, sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, and atan2.

The trigonometric functions are all in radians. atan2 takes two arguments which are the x and y co-ordinates of a vector in the Cartesian plane. It returns
the angle to the positive x-axis made by the vector.

transcendental constants

Approximate values for π and e.

float truncation

Ways to convert a float to a nearby integer: towards zero; to the nearest integer; towards positive infinity; towards negative infinity.

absolute value

How to get the absolute value of a number.

integer overflow

What happens when an operation yields an integer larger than the largest representable value.

float overflow

What happens when an operation yields a float larger than the largest representable value.

random number

The examples show how to generate a uniform random integer in the range from 0 to 99, inclusive; how to generate a uniform float in the range 0.0 to 1.0; how to generate a float from a standard normal distribution

random seed

How to set the seed for the random number generator.

Setting the seed to a fixed number can be used for repeatable results.

bit operators

The available bit operators.


string literal

The syntax for a string literal.

newline in literal

Are newlines permitted in a string literal?


One can avoid backslashes by using the double bracket string notation. The following are equivalent:

s = "onetwothree"s = [[onetwothree]]

character escapes

Backslash escape sequences that can be used in a string literal.

variable interpolation

The syntax for interpolating variables into a string literal.

expression interpolation

Interpolating the result of evaluating an expression in a string literal.

string concatenation

The string concatenation operator.



split takes an optional 2nd argument which is a string containing the characters to split on. split can only split on characters, not strings or regular expressions. For each pair of adjacent splitting characters in the input string, there will be an empty string in the result list.


how to split a string in Lua


How to concatenate the elements of an array into a string with a separator.


How to create a string using a printf style format.

case manipulation



How to pad a string to a given length on the right; how to pad on the left; how to center a string inside a larger string of a given length.


Provide a second argument to set the pad character:

"lorem".padRight(10, '_')"lorem".padLeft(10, '_')"lorem.center(10, '_')

string to number

How to convert a string to a number.


All values are strings. The expr function will concatenate the arguments together and then evaluate the string as a numerical expression. If all the numbers are integers, the expression is computed using integer arithmetic. Otherwise floating point arithmetic is used. The variables can contain compound arithmetic expressions; the following script outputs 10:

set a "7+3"puts [expr $a]


Arithmetic operators will attempt to convert strings to numbers; if the string contains non-numeric data an error results. Note that relational operators do not perform conversion. Thus the following expression is false:

 0 == '0'


Numbers can be explicitly converted to strings with toString(). Numeric literals must be put inside parens to invoke the toString() method.

(8).toString()x = 7x.toString()

number to string

How to convert a number to a string.


print and the .. operator will convert all types to strings.


The plus operator + performs concatenation on strings. If either operand is a string, then the other operand will be converted to a string.

100 == "100"

Numbers can be explicitly converted to strings with toString(). Numeric literals must be put inside parens to invoke the toString() method.

(8).toString()x = 7x.toString()


How to get the number of characters in a string.

index substring

How to get the index of the leftmost occurrence of a substring.

extract substring

How to extract a substring.

chr and ord

converting characters to ASCII codes and back

Regular Expressions

character class abbreviations and anchors

The supported character class abbreviations and anchors

.any character; doesn't match newline when -linestop in effect
^beginning of string; beginning of line when -lineanchor in effect
$end of string; end of line when -lineanchor in effect
\Abeginning of string
\b, \yword boundary
\B, \Ynot a word boundary
%ccontrol character
\d, %ddigit [0-9]
\Dnot a digit [^0-9]
%llowercase letter
\mbeginning of a word
\Mend of a word
%ppunctuation character
\swhite space
\Snot white space
%uuppercase letter
\w, %walphanumeric character. \w also matches underscore
\Wnot a word character
\Zend of string
%zthe null character (ASCII zero)

match test

How to test whether a regular expression matches a string.


The =~ operator succeeds if the regex matches part of the string. The ==~ succeeds only if the regular expression matches the entire string:

s = "it's 1999"// true:s =~ /1999/// false:s ==~ /1999/

case insensitive match test

How to test whether a regular expression matches a string, ignoring case.


Available flags for modifying regular expression behavior.


-allcauses regexp to return number of matches in string; causes regsub to replace all occurrences of match
-expandedignore whitespace in patten
-indicesmodifies group capture: returns start and end indices of the substring instead of the substring itself
-inlinereturn the total match and each of the group captures as a list. Normally the number of matches is returned
-linesame as using -lineanchor and -linestop
-lineanchorcauses ^ and $ to match the beginning and ending of lines (\A and \Z still match beginning and ending of string)
-linestopcauses . to not matcch a newline
-nocasemakes matching case insensitive


gwhen used with match, causes all occurrences of pattern in string to be return in an array; when used with replace causes all occurrences to be replaced
imakes matching case insensitive
mcauses ^ and $ to match beginning and ending of lines instead of the whole string


How to replace all occurrences of a pattern in a string with a substitution.


To replace only the first occurrence of the pattern, omit the -all flag:

set s "do re mi mi mi"regsub "mi" $s "ma"


To specify the maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced, provide a fourth argument:

s = "do re mi mi mi"s = string.gsub(s, "mi", "ma", 1)


If the g modifier is not used, only the first occurrence of the pattern will be replaced.

s = "do re mi mi mi";s.replace(/mi/, "ma");

group capture

How to get the substrings which matched a parenthesized portion of a regular expression.


How to use backreferences in a regex; how to use backreferences in the replacement string of substitution.

Date and Time

current date/time

How to get the current time.

to unix epoch, from unix epoch

How to convert a date/time object to the Unix epoch; how to convert a date/time object from the Unix epoch.

The Unix epoch is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC. In the case of Tcl and Lua, the native date/time object is the Unix epoch, so no conversion is needed.


How to use a strftime style format string to convert a date/time object to a string representation.

strftime is from the C standard library. The Unix date command uses the same style of format.


How to parse a string into a date/time object using a strftime style format string. strptime is from the C standard library.

parse date w/o format

How to parse a string into a date/time object without using a format string.

get date parts

How to get the year as a four digit integer; how to get the month as an integer from 1 to 12; how to get the day of the month as an integer from 1 to 31.

get time parts

How to get the hour as an integer from 0 to 23; how to get the minute as an integer from 0 to 59; how to get the second as an integer from 0 to 59.

build date/time from parts

How to assemble a date/time object from the 4 digit year, month (1-12), day (1-31), hour (0-23), minute (0-59), and second (0-59).


How to sleep for half a second.


The names given by the languages for their basic container types:

dictionaryarray, dicttableObjectjava.util.LinkedHashMap


Tcl arrays are associative arrays. The dict type is new in Tcl 8.5. See the documentation for array and dict.


Note that Lua uses the same data structure for arrays and dictionaries.


Array literal syntax.


How to get the number of elements in an array.


The # operator returns the index of a non-nil value in the array that is followed by a nil value. Unfortunately different Lua implementations behave differently when there are multiple such indices. In particular there is no guarantee that the index will be the index of the last non-nil value in the array.

# a returns the number of times that a for loop used with ipairs will execute.


How to access a value in an array by index.


Does not support negative indices. To change the 2nd element in the list a to 8, use

lset a 1 8

lset will not increase the size of the list if the index is out of bounds. For more list manipulation commands see http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/tutorial/Tcl15.html.


Lua arrays are indexed from one.


How to change the value stored in an array at given index.

out-of-bounds behavior

What happens when a lookup is performed on an out-of-bounds index.

index of element

How to get the first or last index containing a value.


How to slice a subarray from an array.

slice to end

How to slice an array to the end


How to concatenate two arrays.


How to create an array consisting of n copies of a value.

manipulate back

How to push or pop elements from the back an array. The return value of the pop command is the value of the item which is removed.

With these commands an array can be used as a stack.

manipulate front

How to shift or unshift elements to the front of an array. The return value of the shift command is the value of the item which is removed.

With these commands an array can be used as a stack. When combined with the commands from the previous section the array can be used as a queue.


How to iterate through the elements of an array.


How to reverse the order of the elements in an array.


How to sort an array.


How to remove extra occurrences of elements from an array.


An O(n2) solution to deduping a JavaScript array:

[1, 2, 2, 3].filter(function (v, i, a) {    return a.indexOf (v) == i  })


How to test whether a value is an element of an array; how to test whether a value is not an element of an array.


How to compute an intersection.


How to compute the union of two arrays.

relative complement

How to find the elements of an array that are not in another array.


How to apply a function to the elements of an array.

None of the examples modify the source array.


map implementation


Array.map() passes three values to the callback function on each iteration: the value in the array, the index of the value in the array, and the entire array.


How to select the elements of an array for which a predicate is true.

None of the examples modify the source array.


filter implementation


How to reduce an array using a binary operation and an initial value.

None of the examples modify the source array.


reduce implementation

universal and existential tests

How to test whether all elements in an array satisfy a predicate; how to test whether at least one element in an array satisfies a predicate.


How to shuffle an array.


How to interleave arrays. In the case of two arrays the result is an array of pairs or an associative list.



The dict type was introduced in Tcl 8.5.

In earlier versions of Tcl associative arrays were used when a dictionary type was needed, and they remain an alternative in Tcl 8.5. Associative arrays are stored in variables as strings. The array command is used to treat the string as an associative array:

array set d [list "t" 1 "f" 0]array size d$d(t)array set d [list "t" 2]info exists d(t)array unset d "t"foreach {k v} [array get d] {  puts k  puts v}


The syntax for a dictionary literal.


How to get the number of entries in a dictionary.


How to look up the value associated with a key.


JavaScript objects support both o.k and o['k'] style attribute access, but in the former case k must be a valid JavaScript identifier.


How to set or update the value associated with a key.

out of bounds behavior

What happens when a lookup is performed for a key the dictionary does not have.

is key present

How to find out whether a value is associated with a key.


How to remove a key/value pair from a dictionary.


How to iterate through all the key/value pairs of a dictionary.


Python has both functions and methods. Ruby only has methods: functions defined at the top level are in fact methods on a special main object. Perl subroutines can be invoked with a function syntax or a method syntax.

function declaration

How to declare a function.

function invocation

How to invoke a function.

missing argument value

Value of an argument variable if a function is invoked with fewer arguments than are declared.

extra arguments

If a function is invoked with more arguments than are declared, how the function can access them.

default value

How to declare a default value for an argument.

variable number of arguments

How to write a function which accepts a variable number of argument.


In version 5.1 and earlier the global variable arg was set automatically. In version 5.2 one must explicitly assign to a local array.

It is possible to get the number of arguments that were provided without assigning to a local array:

function foo(...)  print('passed ' .. select('#', ...) .. ' arguments')end

return value

How the return value of a function is determined.

multiple return values


If a function returns multiple values, the first value can be selected by placing the invocation inside parens:

function roots(x)  return math.sqrt(x), -math.sqrt(x)end(roots(4))

lambda declaration

How to define a lambda function.

lambda invocation

How to invoke a lambda function.

default scope

What scope do variables declared inside a function have by default.


Tcl variables inside functions have local scope.

nested function visibility

Whether nested functions are visible outside of the function in which they are defined.

Execution Control


The if statement.


Tcl also has a switch:

switch $a 0 { puts "no" } 1 { puts "yes" } 2 { puts "maybe" } default { puts "error" }


How to create a while loop.

break and continue

break exits a for or while loop immediately. continue goes to the next iteration of the loop.


How to create a C-style for loop.


Provide a third argument to set the step size to something other than the default of one:

for i = 0, 90, 10 do  print(i)end

raise exception

How to raise an exception.

catch exception

How to handle an exception.


Clauses that are guaranteed to be executed even if an exception is thrown or caught.

uncaught exception behavior

System behavior if an exception goes uncaught. Most interpreters print the exception message to stderr and exit with a nonzero status.


A tcl process can have multiple interpreters and multiple threads. However, each interpreter is limited to a single thread.


How to create and use a generator.

File Handles

print to standard output


To prevent puts from appending a newline to the output, use

puts -nonewline "hello"

read from standard input

How to read a line from standard input.

standard file handles

Constands for the standard file handles.

open file

How to create a file handle for reading.

open file for writing

How to create a file handle for writing.

close file

How to close a file handle.

read line

iterate over a file by line


Remove a newline, carriage return, or carriage return newline pair from the end of a line if there is one.

read file

write to file

flush file handle


file exists test, file regular test

copy file, remove file, rename file

set file permissions

temporary file


Processes and Environment


Browser-embedded JavaScript cannot interact with the browser's operating system. All examples in this section assume the JavaScript code is being executed by node.js.

command line arguments

How to access the command line arguments.

environment variable

How to access an environment variable.


How to terminate the process and set the status code.

set signal handler

How to register a signal handler.

external command

How to execute an external command.


When using tclsh as a shell or repl, external commands that do not have the same name as a built-in or user defined function can be executed directly without using the exec command.


How to execute an external command and read the standard output into a variable.

Libraries and Namespaces


What a library looks like.

import library

How to import a library.

library path

How to access the library path.

library path environment variable

The environment variable which governs the library path.

namespace declaration

How to declare a namespace.

namespace separator

The separator used in namespace names.

list installed packages, install a package

How to list the installed 3rd party packages; how to install a 3rd party package.


define class

How to define a class.

create object

How to instantiate a class.

create blank object

How to create a blank object without any attributes or methods, or at least without any but the default attributes and methods.

set attribute

How to set an object attribute.

get attribute

How to get an object attribute.

define method

How to define a method for an object.

invoke method

How to invoke an object method.


How to make a copy of an object. Changes to the copy will not affect the original.

object literal

The syntax for an object literal.



has method?

message passing




Java Interoperation


Tcl Reference Manual
Tcl Standard Library

Tcl has some traits which will be familiar to anyone who has done Unix shell script programming:

(1) variables have a $ prefix except when values are assigned to them, in which case they are used unadorned:

set v 42puts $v

(2) statements consist of a command and zero or more arguments. Commands which are not built-in functions or user defined functions are resolved by looking for an external command in the search path and running it.

(3) the values are always stored in variables as strings. Commands which expect numeric arguments perform an implicit conversion, so there isn't much practical consequence for the developer.

(4) in the absence of quoting ("", {}, []) the arguments of a command are parsed into words using whitespace; commas are not used to separate arguments.

(5) square brackets [] must be used to execute a function and use its return value as an argument. A combination of square brackets [] and the expr command must be used to evaluate an expression and use its value as an argument:

puts [format "%10s" "lorem"]puts [expr 1 + 1]

Square brackets can be used to invoke an external command, but the value of the square brackets containing an external command is always the empty string: "".

Unlike shells, *, ?, ~ in variable names are not automatically expanded using the filesystem, but this behavior can be invoked with the glob command.


Lua 5.1 Reference Manual
Lua Tutorial Directory

The Lua REPL is actually a REL; that is, it doesn't print the value of statement. Furthermore expressions cannot in general be used in the position of a statement. An expression can be converted to a statement and printed by preceding it with an equals sign:

> =1 + 12> ="lorem ipsum"lorem ipsum

There is no built-in pretty printer for tables. All numbers are stored as double precision floats. The table type can be used as both an array and a dictionary.


Mozilla Developer Network: JavaScript
DOM 3 Core
DOM 3 Events

JavaScript is embedded in an HTML document using the <script> tag. The browser interprets the contents of the tag as JavaScript:

<script>  var sum = 1 + 2;  alert('the sum is ' + sum);</script>

Alternatively the JavaScript can be in an external file named by the src attribute of the <script> tag:

<script src="foo.js"></script>

<script> tags can be placed in either the <head> or the <body> of an <html> document. They are executed as they are encountered by the browser. If there is a syntax error, then none of the JavaScript in the <script> tag will be executed. If there is an unhandled exception the browser stops execution of the <script> at that point. Neither syntax errors nor unhandled exceptions prevent the browser from executing JavaScript in subsequent <script> tags.

If placed in the <body>, a call to document.write() will insert HTML text into the location of document at the point of the <script> tag.

all javascript loaded event

  1. as the value of a DOM event attribute. The JavaScript is executed when the user performs the action that triggers the event.
  2. as a URL with protocol javascript:. If the URL is the target of a link, the JavaScript is executed when the user clicks on the link. bookmarklet

sandboxing of JavaScript

http requests and DOM manipulation

In Chrome and Safari it is still possible for the user to execute JavaScript in the address bar:

javascript:alert('Hello World!')


User Guide

An interpreted Groovy script can be nothing more than a few top level statements which are executed in order. The Groovy interpreter handles providing an entry point class and main method, compiling the source to Java byte code, and launching the JVM.

$ cat > hello.groovys = "Hello, World!"println(s)$ groovy hello.groovyHello, World!

Groovy classes can be placed in their own files and compiled to Java byte code explicitly. The resulting .class files depend on the groovy.jar and the asm.jar but otherwise can be used like .class files compiled from Java source files.

$ cat > Greeting.groovyclass Greeting {  void say(name) {    println("Hello, ${name}!")  }}$ cat > UseGreeting.javapublic class UseGreeting {  public static void main(String[] args) {    Greeting g = new Greeting();    g.say(args[0]);  }}$ groovyc Greeting.groovy$ javac UseGreeting.java$ java -cp.:/PATH/TO/groovy-2.2.1.jar:/PATH/TO/asm-4.1.jar UseGreeting FredHello, Fred!

All Groovy values have a Java type which can be inspected at runtime with the getClass() method.

A Groovy variable can optionally be declared to have a type. This places a constraint on the values which can be stored in the variable which is enforced at run time. The following code generates a org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException:

Integer i = 'foo'

Groovy does not use any of the Java primitive types directly: byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, char. Instead it used it uses the wrapper classes: Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Char. Nevertheless it is still possible to use the primitive type in a variable declaration.

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