

mshtml and frames/iframes
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mshtml and frames/iframes
P: n/a
I'm doing a kind of control picker like the one in spy++ but for html
When the control picker is over an IFRAME, the mshtml function
ElementFromPoint return an IFrame element.
How can I identify this particular frame/iframe in the frame
collection??? I can only select frame in the framecollection by using
the index or the frame name but the frame name is not always defined.
This is the part of code that try call recursivly
ElementFromPoint...only the last section of the code is releated to my
using mshtml;
//--- Get document
IHTMLDocument2 HtmlDoc;
IHTMLDocument3 HtmlDoc; // to get HtmlDoc3.documentElement.ScrollTop,
HtmlDoc = GetIHTMLDocumentFromHandle(found); /found=internet
explorer_server handle
HtmlDoc3 = GetIHTMLDocumentFromHandle(found);
//--- Get the elementfromPoint in the main page
IHTMLElement Element;
Point pt;
pt = new Point(Control.MousePosition.X, Control.MousePosition.Y);
ScreenToClient(found, ref pt);
Element = HtmlDoc.elementFromPoint((int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y);
//--- Determine real element size and position relative to the main
int ElementLeft = Element.offsetLeft;
int ElementTop = Element.offsetTop;
mshtml.IHTMLElement TmpElem = Element.offsetParent;
while (TmpElem != null)
ElementLeft = ElementLeft + TmpElem.offsetLeft;
ElementTop = ElementTop + TmpElem.offsetTop;
TmpElem = TmpElem.offsetParent;
//--- Highlight element
HighlightHtmlElement(found, ElementLeft - ScrollLeft, ElementTop -
ScrollTop, (int)Element.offsetWidth, (int)Element.offsetHeight);
//This is where my nightmare begins
if (Element.TagName.ToString().ToLower()=="iframe")
// Need to get an IHtmlDocument2 that point to the correct frame.
FramesCollection frm = (mshtml.FramesCollection)HtmlDoc.frames;
for (int Cnt=0;Cnt<frm.Length)
object FrameRefIndex=Cnt; //This is the
mshtml.IHTMLWindow2 HtmlWin = (mshtml.IHTMLWindow2)frm.item(ref
Trace.write("Inner html of the
iframe="+HtmlWin.Document.Body.InnerHtml.ToString( ));
// If (the framed document is the one contained in the iframe
tag returned by ElementFromPoint)
// doing my stuff to highlight the elements
MY QUESTION : In the last line of code it look like there is no way to
identify which framed document is associated with my iframe element
returned by ElementFromPoint.
I'm desesperatively working on this frame issue since many many many
many hours :( Really need help of an mshtml good samaritin expert.
Sep 15 '08 #1
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P: n/a
On Sep 15, 1:51*am, michelqa <miche...@yahoo.cawrote: Hi,
*I'm doing a kind of control picker like the one in spy++ but for html
When the control picker is over an IFRAME, *the mshtml function
ElementFromPoint return an IFrame element.
How can I identify this particular frame/iframe in the frame
collection??? I can only select frame in the framecollection by using
the index or the frame name but the frame name is not always defined.
This is the part of code that try call recursivly
ElementFromPoint...only the last section of the code is releated to my
using mshtml;
//--- Get document
IHTMLDocument2 HtmlDoc;
IHTMLDocument3 HtmlDoc; // to get HtmlDoc3.documentElement.ScrollTop,
HtmlDoc = GetIHTMLDocumentFromHandle(found); * /found=internet
explorer_server handle
HtmlDoc3 = GetIHTMLDocumentFromHandle(found);
//--- Get the elementfromPoint in the main page
IHTMLElement Element;
Point pt;
pt = new Point(Control.MousePosition.X, Control.MousePosition.Y);
ScreenToClient(found, ref pt);
Element = HtmlDoc.elementFromPoint((int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y);
//--- Determine real element size and position relative to the main
int ElementLeft = Element.offsetLeft;
int ElementTop = Element.offsetTop;
mshtml.IHTMLElement TmpElem = Element.offsetParent;
while (TmpElem != null)
* * * * ElementLeft = ElementLeft + TmpElem.offsetLeft;
* * * * ElementTop = ElementTop + TmpElem.offsetTop;
* * * * TmpElem = TmpElem.offsetParent;
//--- Highlight element
HighlightHtmlElement(found, ElementLeft - ScrollLeft, ElementTop -
ScrollTop, (int)Element.offsetWidth, (int)Element.offsetHeight);
//This is where my nightmare begins
if (Element.TagName.ToString().ToLower()=="iframe")
* * // Need to get an IHtmlDocument2 that point to the correct frame.
* * FramesCollection frm = (mshtml.FramesCollection)HtmlDoc.frames;
* * for (int Cnt=0;Cnt<frm.Length)
* * {
* * * *object FrameRefIndex=Cnt; * *//This is the
* * * *mshtml.IHTMLWindow2 HtmlWin = (mshtml.IHTMLWindow2)frm.item(ref
* * * *Trace.write("Inner html of the
iframe="+HtmlWin.Document.Body.InnerHtml.ToString( ));
* * * *// If (the framed document is the one contained in the iframe
tag returned by ElementFromPoint)
* * *// doing my stuff to highlight the elements
* *}
MY QUESTION : In the last line of code it look like there is no way to
identify which framed document is associated with my iframe element
returned by ElementFromPoint.
I'm desesperatively working on this frame issue since many many many
many hours :( *Really need help of an mshtml good samaritin expert.
ThanksThe only way I can imagine is to manually scan all document element...
pseudo maybe look like this :
foreach element in the document
if (elment TagName="iframe" or "frame")
if the element got the same offsetleft an offsettop as the item
returned by elementfrompoint= break the loop
FrameIndex will be my frameindex and now i will ***MAY*** be able to
identify the right frame....
but this assume that the frame collection parse all the frame exactly
the same way as my application when parsing each element and counting
my own index
I'm sure it's not the right way to do this :(
Sep 15 '08 #2
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