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Welcome to ZeroC, the Home of Ice
TheInternet Communications Engine (Ice) is a modern distributed computing platform with support forC++,.NET,Java,Python,Objective-C,Ruby,PHP, andJavaScript. Ice is used in mission-critical projects by companies all over the world.
Ice is easy to learn, yet provides a powerful network infrastructure and vast array of features for demanding technical applications.
Ice is free software, available with full source, and released under the terms of GNUGeneral Public License (GPL).Commercial licenses are available for customers who wish to use Ice for closed-source software.
Ice 3.6 Beta Released
We've released a beta version of Ice 3.6 with a ton of new features, including aJavaScript mapping with WebSocket support, multicast discovery services, custom load balancing plug-ins, along with a host of additional improvements. Ourrelease notes provide more information on these features and describe what's involved in upgrading your applications. Visit thedownload page for source and binary distributions, then give us your feedback on ourforums.
Ice Touch 1.3.3 Released
This release ofIce Touch adds support for iOS 8 and Xcode 6.0. Therelease notes provide an overview of the release and include instructions for upgrading your applications.
Ice 3.5.1 Released
We are pleased to announce the release ofIce 3.5.1, which adds support for SOCKS4 proxies and includes a number of additional fixes. Please refer to therelease notes for an overview of this release and instructions for upgrading your applications.
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Subscribe to ourdeveloper forums to exchange ideas with other Ice developers.
Recent topics:
Determine port number from an IceInternal::ProxyHandle in C++
Feb 24, 2015 12:14:14 AM
Featured Customers
Marathon Robotics is a leading provider of autonomous robotic target systems. Marathon targets deliver a step change in realism and challenge of live-fire training exercises. Marathon's distributed software architecture uses Ice communication middleware and is based on the open-sourceOrca framework available from SourceForge.
Digium is the creator of Asterisk, the world's leading open source communications engine.Asterisk is the driving force behind the open communications revolution. Digium uses Ice as part of Asterisk Scalable Communications Framework (SCF), the world's first distributed, scalable, fault tolerant, extensible open source communications platform.
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ZeroC News March 9, 2015
Ice and the SSL/TLS FREAK vulnerability
January 13, 2015
Ice for JavaScript npm and bower packages released
December 29, 2014
Ice 3.6 beta released
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