I have a typical Relational Database model laid out in Django where a typical model contains some ForeignKeys, some ManyToManyFields, and some fields that extend Django's DateTimeField.

I want to save data that I am receiving in JSON format (not flat) from an external api. I wan't it such that data gets saved to respective tables (not the whole json string to one field). What is the most clean and simple approach to do this? Is there a library available to make this task simpler?

Here's an example to clarify my question,


class NinjaData(models.Model):    id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, unique=True)    name = models.CharField(max_length=60)      birthdatetime = MyDateTimeField(null=True)    deathdatetime = MyDatetimeField(null=True)    skills = models.ManyToManyField(Skills, null=True)    weapons = models.ManyToManyField(Weapons, null=True)    master = models.ForeignKey(Master, null=True)class Skills(models.Model):    id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, unique=True)    name = models.CharField(max_length=60)    difficulty = models.IntegerField(null=True)class Weapons(models.Model):    id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, unique=True)    name = models.CharField(max_length=60)    weight = models.FloatField(null=True)class Master(models.Model):    id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, unique=True)    name = models.CharField(max_length=60)    is_awesome = models.NullBooleanField()

now, I typically have to save json string data that I obtain from an external api (secret ninja api) into this model, json looks like this


{"id":"1234","name":"Hitori","birthdatetime":"11/05/1999 20:30:00","skills":[    {    "id":"3456",    "name":"stealth",    "difficulty":"2"    },    {    "id":"678",    "name":"karate",    "difficulty":"1"    }],"weapons":[    {    "id":"878",    "name":"shuriken",    "weight":"0.2"    },    {    "id":"574",    "name":"katana",    "weight":"0.5"    }],"master":{    "id":"4",    "name":"Schi fu",    "is_awesome":"true"    }}

now logic for handling a typical ManyToManyField is fairly simple,

logic code -

data = json.loads(ninja_json)ninja = NinjaData.objects.create(id=data['id'], name=data['name'])if 'weapons' in data:    weapons = data['weapons']    for weapon in weapons:        w = Weapons.objects.get_or_create(**weapon)  # create a new weapon in Weapon table        ninja.weapons.add(w)if 'skills' in data:    ...    (skipping rest of the code for brevity)

There are many approaches that i could use,

  • code above logic in the view function that does all the work of converting json to model instances
  • code above logic overriding model's __init__ method
  • code above logic overriding model's save() method
  • create a Manager for each model and code this logic inside each of its methods like create, get_or_create, filter etc.
  • extend ManyToManyField and put it there,
  • an external library?

I would like to know if there is a single most obvious way to save data in this json form to database without coding the above logic multiple times, what would be the most elegant approach that you would suggest?

Thanks all for reading the long post,

asked Dec 3 '11 at 12:23
Thanks about detailed explanation, I will follow this thread. Only a joke(sorry about it): you can do this with a MS data adapter: da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con) , da.update(ninja_json). ;) – danihp Dec 3 '11 at 23:12
incidentally you don't need id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, unique=True) on your models, Django already creates that field automatically. You can still supply out-of-sequence id values when creating a new instance docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/instances/… – Anentropic Dec 5 '11 at 14:33
Yes I already know that I don't need to add an id auto field, django does that for me. But, as I told earlier, I am saving data obtained from an external api, which already contains a unique Id field, which I will need when i use that api later. – Optimus Dec 7 '11 at 7:14
In nowadays (2017) JSON is a store format: see PostgreSQL 9.6+ and mature JSONb datatype.... If spring-boot have good drivers, Django also can use good drivers. – Peter Krauss Jan 2 at 10:10
up vote 8 down vote accepted

In my opinion the cleanest place for the code you need is as a new Manager method (eg from_json_string) on a custom manager for the NinjaData model.

I don't think you should override the standard create, get_or_create etc methods since you're doing something a bit different from what they normally do and it's good to keep them working normally.

Update:I realised I'd probably want this for myself at some point so I have coded up and lightly tested a generic function. Since it recursively goes through and affects other models I'm no longer certain it belongs as a Manager method and should probably be a stand-alone helper function.

def create_or_update_and_get(model_class, data):    get_or_create_kwargs = {        model_class._meta.pk.name: data.pop(model_class._meta.pk.name)    }    try:        # get        instance = model_class.objects.get(**get_or_create_kwargs)    except model_class.DoesNotExist:        # create        instance = model_class(**get_or_create_kwargs)    # update (or finish creating)    for key,value in data.items():        field = model_class._meta.get_field(key)        if not field:            continue        if isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField):            # can't add m2m until parent is saved            continue        elif isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey) and hasattr(value, 'items'):            rel_instance = create_or_update_and_get(field.rel.to, value)            setattr(instance, key, rel_instance)        else:            setattr(instance, key, value)    instance.save()    # now add the m2m relations    for field in model_class._meta.many_to_many:        if field.name in data and hasattr(data[field.name], 'append'):            for obj in data[field.name]:                rel_instance = create_or_update_and_get(field.rel.to, obj)                getattr(instance, field.name).add(rel_instance)    return instance# for example:from django.utils.simplejson import simplejson as jsondata = json.loads(ninja_json)ninja = create_or_update_and_get(NinjaData, data)
answered Dec 4 '11 at 18:01
I have to move on with my work, so i am already making custom managers for my models, and i am already using a custom method inside it called create_or_update_and_get (name explains what it does), it takes the python object generated from json.loads(ninja_data) and using some 20-30 lines of magic returns an existing(updated) or newly created model instance. it is working out ok, but to be able to use standard methods like filter for lookups, i still have to override filter method. +1 for pointing exactly what i am doing, meanwhile, i am still looking for a more natural, scalable approach. – Optimus Dec 4 '11 at 20:05
I don't quite get why you have to override filter for lookups? I guess to make the manage method more generic you could look through Manager.model._meta.fields for instances of ManyToMany and match those to keys in the json with list values, same for ForeignKey and keys with dict values. For each field you can get the related model class from eg Manager.model._meta.fields[index].rel.to and then get_or_create the related instances generically. – Anentropic Dec 5 '11 at 11:47
have coded the above suggestion and edited my answer to include it... – Anentropic Dec 5 '11 at 13:15
Awesome, with some tweaks it works perfectly, and it's one method to rule em all, this by far seems the cleanest way, thanks for the answer – Optimus Dec 7 '11 at 7:00
cool, glad it works for you! if any of the tweaks were bug fixes to the code above please share them, either here or on the djangosnippet I've copied it to djangosnippets.org/snippets/2621 Thanks! – Anentropic Dec 7 '11 at 13:48

I don't know if you're familiar with the terminology, but what you're basically trying to do is de-serialize from a serialized/string format (in this case, JSON) into Python model objects.

I'm not familiar with Python libraries for doing this with JSON, so I can't recommend/endorse any, but a search using terms like "python", "deserialization", "json", "object", and "graph" seems to reveal some Django documentation for serialization and the library jsonpickle on github.

answered Dec 4 '11 at 1:37
Weston C
However, it does claim to convert complex python objects to json and the other way round, there doesn't seem anything specific to django models, i'll read some more documentation on jsonpickle to see what can be done. – Optimus Dec 4 '11 at 10:05
this doesn't answer the question, Optimus has already worked out how to deserialize the json json.loads(ninja_json) – Anentropic Dec 4 '11 at 18:03
@Anentropic - though not the complete solution, Weston's post is helpful, json.loads(ninja_data) just converts to a python object, idealy, i would love it if, some library did this, ninjaDataInstacne = awesomejson.get_or_create(model=NinjaData, data=ninja_json) (given json and model follow a pattern), but life might not be that easy :( – Optimus Dec 4 '11 at 22:36