




                                                ZYS 310

一个多星期前我让我现任教的三个班级视听了英语口语非常标准的美国电影《公主日记》(The Princess Diaries). 上星期观看后我要求全部学生准备在本星期的第一次课上进行口头影评练习(可参考刚学完的<视听说第二册>第二单元的简要影评来谈论). 为了给全区学生一个示范演示(sample oral presentation),我特意在每个区都预先指定5-6个学生让他们组成小组进行互帮互助式的准备. 今天三个区队的口头影评练习都完成了, 那三个小组的组员在讲台上进行的示范演示总体上都很好, 特别是侦查三区的小组(这个小组每个组员都很认真,准备充分, 这应该与我指定的组长罗文俊的认真负责的工作是分不开的. 此外,他不仅口语非常棒,而且评论得很精彩). 学生们的认真积极学习的态度让我深感欣慰. 我现在把其中几个学生的精彩的电子稿登出来让大家(特别是我的学生们)欣赏和学习.


The PrincessDiaries, an excellent film directed by Gary Marshall, which is based on a storyof a fictitious country, Genovia, tells us about a girl named Mia, who was an ordinary citizen in San Francisco. At first, Mia was treated asinvisible in school, but later her status turned out to be just the opposite.Actually she is a princess of a small country. Faced with such a situation ofidentity conversion, she had to deal with different kinds of troubles fromreality. But under her grandmother’s guidance, she conquered all the obstaclesand decided to bear the responsibility of running the country, accepting the truth ofbeing an elegant princess.

With this comedy offering elements of humor and making love thetheme, it’s no wonder that a lot of people are attracted by it. So wonderful isthe film that I want to see it once more.

                   (2) 梁露

·                                The Princess Diaries is a story about a girl, Mia, who is livingwith her single artist mother in New York City. She is shy and a little self-abased自卑 so that her classmates often laugh at her.One day, to her surprise, an old woman who is the girl’s grandmother tells herthat she is a princess of a country. Since then her life has extremely changed.With the help of the old woman, Mia becomes an elegant princess, whichsurprises her classmates and schoolmates and teachers a lot. In the meanwhile,she should be responsible for the country and have a happy life at the end ofthe film. Even though I am a boy, I believe every girl has a dream about beinga princess like Mia, however, the film truly expresses the thought in theirdeep heart. After seeing the movie, I realize every one has his or her owndream. If he or she tried best to gain it, he or she would be successful someday later.


"The Princess Diaries" is set in New York city. It is aboutan ordinary girl Mia, who even in the school is treated as transparent, but latershe is proved to be a princess of a imaginary small country Genovia. Then dueto her grandmother’s training, Mia becomes an elegant princess, and bears theresponsibility of ruling the country.

   What impressedme most is the lines between Lily's brother Michael and Mia in the garden, heasked her: "Why me?" she replied: "Because you saw me when I wasinvisible(透明的)" In the real life , there are a lot of peoplelike Michael such as parents, friends and so on (I think it should not belimited to love) , however we often lose sight of them, therefore what I wantto say is “treasure the people who love you , or you will regret one day !

                   (4) 李勇峰

   The movie “The Princess Diaries” is set in San Francisco first, and then in an imaginary small country:Genovia. It’s about an ordinary high school girl named Mia, who is proved to bethe princess of Genovia. She didn’t know at first how to grow up into anelegant princess. In the school, she was invisible and was laughed at by herclassmates. What’s worse, she was bothered and met with many difficulties whenpeople around her got the news that she would be the heir of the throne ofGenovia. But at last, with the guidance and help of her grandma, and encouragedby the letter of her dead father, she plucked up her courage (鼓起勇气) to takeupon the title.

   To tell the truth, what impresses me most isthe scene at the end of the movie, when Mia stood in front of all thedistinguished people and gave a speech to agree to formally accept the title ofprincess of Genovia in her wet clothes. I admire her courage so much that itwill encourage me to take upon some responsibilities later in my life.  



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