


We have also to talk over together what is death. That is one certain thing that we all have to face. Whether we are rich or poor, ignorant or full of erudition, death is certain for every human being; we are all going to die. And we have never been able to understand the nature of death. We are always frightened of dying, aren’t we? And we hope for continuity after death. So we are going to find out for ourselves what is death, because we are going to face it whether we are young or old. And to understand death, we must also inquire into what is living, what is our life.


Are we wasting our lives? By that word ‘wasting’ we mean dissipating our energy in various ways, dissipating it in specialized professions. Are we wasting our whole existence, our life? If you are rich you may say, ‘Yes, I have accumulated a lot of money, it has been a great pleasure.’ Or if you have a certain talent, that talent is a danger to a religious life. Talent is a gift, a faculty, an aptitude in a particular direction, which is specialization. Specialization is a fragmentary process. So you must ask yourself whether you are wasting your life.


You may be rich, you may have all kinds of faculties, you may be a specialist, a great scientist or a businessman, but at the end of your life has all that been a waste? All the travail, all the sorrow, all the tremendous anxiety, insecurity, the foolish illusions that man has collected, all his gods, all his saints and so on—have all that been a waste? You may have power, position, but at the end of it—what? Please, this is a serious question that you must ask yourself. Another cannot answer this question for you.


So we have separated living from dying. The dying is the end of our life. We put it as far away as possible—a long interval of time—but at the end of the long journey we die. And what is it that we call living? Earning money, going to the office from nine to five, over-worked either in a laboratory or in an office or in a factory, and the endless conflict, fear, anxiety, loneliness, despair, depression—this whole way of existence is what we call life, living. And to that we hold.


But is that living? This living is pain, sorrow, anxiety, conflict, every form of deception, and corruption. Where there is self-interest there must be corruption. This is what we call living. We know that, we are very familiar with all that, that is our daily existence. And we are afraid of dying, which is to let go of all the things that we have known, all the things that we have experienced and gathered—the lovely furniture and the beautiful collection of pictures and paintings. And death comes and says, ‘You cannot have any of those things any more.’ So we cling to the known, afraid of the unknown.


We can invent reincarnation. But we never inquire into what it is that is born next life. What is born next life is a bundle of memories. Because we live by memories. We live by the knowledge we have acquired or inherited, and that knowledge is what we are. The self is the knowledge of the past experiences, thoughts, and so on. The self is that. The self may invent something divine in one. But it is still the activity of thought, and thought is always limited.


So this is our living, this is what we call life—pleasure and pain, reward and punishment. And death means the ending of all that, the ending of all the things that we have thought, accumulated, enjoyed. And we are attached to all that. We are attached to our families, to all the accumulated money, to knowledge, to the beliefs and the ideals we have lived with. We are attached to all that. And death says, ‘That’s the end of it, old boy.’


That Benediction is Where You Are, Talk 4


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