


Full breakfast

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A full English breakfast with scrambled eggs, sausage, black pudding, bacon, mushrooms, baked beans, hash browns, and half a tomato

A full breakfast, especially in the British Isles and some other English-speaking cultures, is a substantial breakfast meal of several courses including a cooked main course, a starter such as fruit juice, prunes, grapefruit, or cereal, and a beverage such as coffee or tea or, in a pub, an alcoholic drink.

The phrase is used to differentiate it from the simpler European continental breakfast traditionally consisting of tea, milk or coffee and fruit juices with croissants or pastries. It is often considered the best of traditional English food. W. Somerset Maugham stated, "To eat well in England you should have breakfast three times a day."[1] Many British cafés and pubs serve the meal at any time as an "all-day breakfast".

"Full breakfast" may also refer to the main dish itself,[2], which traditionally includes meat and eggs. Other common names for the dish include bacon and eggs, or the fry-up. Variants include the full English, full Scottish, full Welsh and full Irish breakfasts and the Ulster fry.

The name "bacon and eggs" was popularised by Edward Bernays in the 1920s. To promote sales of bacon, he conducted a survey of physicians and reported their recommendations that people eat hearty breakfasts. He sent the results of the survey to 5000 physicians, along with publicity touting bacon and eggs as a hearty breakfast.[3]



[edit] Common foods and dishes

Sausages from Réunion

The ingredients of a full breakfast vary according to region and taste. They are often served with condiments such as brown sauce or ketchup.

Some of the foods that may be included in a full breakfast are:

[edit] Regional variants

[edit] Full English breakfast

Full English breakfast with bubble and squeak, sausage, bacon, grilled tomatoes and eggs

A traditional full English breakfast includes bacon (traditionally back bacon, less commonly streaky bacon), poached or fried eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, fried bread or toast with butter and sausages, baked beans, and hash browns, usually served with a mug of tea. As nearly everything is fried in this meal, it is commonly called a "fry-up".

Black pudding is added in some regions, as is fried leftover mashed potatoes (called potato cakes). Originally a way to use up leftover vegetables from the main meal of the day before, bubble and squeak, shallow-fried leftover vegetables with potato, has become a breakfast feature in its own right. Onions, either fried or in rings, occasionally appear. In the North Midlands, fried or grilled oatcakes sometimes replace fried bread. When an English breakfast is ordered to contain everything available it is often referred to as a Full English, or a Full Monty.

[edit] Full Irish breakfast

An Irish breakfast consisting of sausages, black and white pudding, bacon and fried eggs.

In Ireland, as elsewhere, the exact constituents of a full breakfast vary, depending on geographical area, personal taste and cultural affiliation. Traditionally, the most common ingredients are bacon rashers, sausages, fried eggs, white pudding, black pudding, toast and fried tomato.[4] Sauteed mushrooms are also sometimes included,[5] as well as baked beans, liver (although popularity has declined in recent years), and brown soda bread.[citation needed] A full Irish breakfast may be accompanied by a strong Irish breakfast tea such as Barry's Tea, Lyons Tea, or Bewley's breakfast blend served with milk. Fried potato farl, boxty or toast is often served as an alternative to brown soda bread.

[edit] Ulster Fry

A full Ulster Fry served in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

An Ulster Fry is a dish similar to the Irish breakfast and is popular throughout Ulster.

A traditional Ulster Fry consists of bacon rashers, eggs, sausages (either pork or beef), vegetable roll, white pudding, black pudding or lamb's kidney, fried tomato, the farl form of soda bread (the farl is split in half crossways to expose the inner bread and then fried with the exposed side down), boxty or potato bread[6] and wheaten farl. Other common components include mushrooms or pancake or beans. All this is traditionally fried; however, in recent decades, people have taken to grilling the ingredients instead.

The Ulster Fry is often served for breakfast, lunch and dinner in households and cafés around the province. Emigrants have also popularised the serving of an Ulster Fry outside Ulster.

The usual accompaniment is strong tea, typically a blend with a high proportion of Assam leaves, i.e. Nambarrie, Lyon's, Barry's or Punjana served with milk.

Between 2001 and 2007 the television channel BBC Two Northern Ireland used a station ID during local opt-outs from national UK programming which featured the BBC Two logo eating an Ulster Fry.

[edit] Full Scottish breakfast

A similar Scottish alternative

In Scotland the full breakfast; as with others contains eggs, back bacon, link sausage, buttered toast, baked beans and tea or coffee. The breakfast is made Scottish by the addition of Scottish style black pudding, sliced sausage and tattie scones. It commonly also includes fried or grilled tomato and/or mushrooms and occasionally haggis, white pudding, fruit pudding or oatcakes. As with other breakfasts it has become more common, especially within the home, to grill the meats, puddings and tomatoes and to only fry the eggs and tattie scones. Another more historical Scottish breakfast is porridge and may occasionally be served as a starter in smaller portions.

More broadly, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable refers to a Scotch breakfast as "a substantial breakfast of sundry sorts of good things to eat and drink".[7]

[edit] Full Welsh breakfast

The traditional Welsh breakfast includes laverbread, a seaweed purée which is then mixed with oatmeal, formed into patties and fried in bacon fat. Cockles are also often eaten.[8]

[edit] North America

Bacon and eggs.

The style of breakfast has carried over to the United States and Canada as those countries have traditionally derived much of their culture from Britain, though continental breakfast foods are also very popular. A full breakfast in these countries often consists of eggs, meat such as bacon, ham, or sausage, scrapple, pork roll, spam, steak or country fried steak; fried potatoes such as hash browns or home fries; toasted white, wheat, rye or some other kind of yeast bread, such as English muffins or bagels, or pancakes; fruit or fruit juice, and coffee or tea.

It is often referred to as a "country breakfast" in many areas of the Midwestern United States. In the Southern United States the meal is sometimes known as a "Sunday breakfast," a "country breakfast" or occasionally a "big breakfast" and may add or replace elements of the above with: grits, oatmeal, toast or biscuits with white gravy, fried chicken, pancakes or waffles, cinnamon rolls, muffins or similar sweet pastries. In Canada the meal may be known as a lumberjack breakfast. In Quebec, the meal may include regional variants like maple syrup, crêpes, buckwheat galettes, boudin, cretons pommes persillade, and baked beans.

In the United States, distinctive regional or ethnic breads have sometimes been preferred. In the Western and Southwestern US, some restaurants prepare it with sourdough bread. In the New York metropolitan area, within the Jewish-American communities, it is common to make it with challah. In many Jewish-American households, it is traditional to use the leftover challah from Friday night Sabbath dinner to make French toast on Sunday morning. In French-speaking Canada, it is known as "pain doré", which means "golden bread"; the most popular topping is maple syrup. In England, it is also known as "eggy bread", "egg dip" or "gypsy toast": a version with jam was once popularly known as "Poor Knights of Windsor". Savory variations are more common than sweet (e.g. ketchup or Marmite spread on the bread or used for dipping). Eggy bread is rarely found in cafes, being more of a household favorite made for breakfast or tea and flavored and/or augmented with whatever ingredients are to hand.

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