

第八章 开始行动(一)


I wish I could say acquiring wealth was easy for me, but it wasn't.



So in response to the question "How do I start?" I offer the thought process I go through on a day-by-day basis.



It really is easy to find great deals. I promise you that. It's just like riding a bike. After a little wobbling, it's a piece of cake.
But when it comes to money, it's the determination to get through the wobbling that's a personal thing.

     我敢保证找到生意机会的确很容易,这就像骑自行车,刚开始还摇摇晃晃,但很快就会驾驭自如了。 但是在关于金钱的问题上也是一样,最初的难关得由你自己去度过。


To find million-dollar "deals of a lifetime" requires us to call on our financial genius.
I believe that each of us has a financial genius within us. The problem is, our financial genius lies asleep, waiting to be called upon.
It lies asleep because our culture has educated us into believing that the love of money is the root of all evil.
It has encouraged us to learn a profession so we can work for money, but failed to teach us how to have money work for us.
It taught us not to worry about our financial future, our company or the government would take care of us when our working days are over.
However, it is our children, educated in the same school system, who will end up paying for it.
The message is still to work hard, earn money and spend it, and when we run short, we can always borrow more.

     但是要找到一桩数百万美元的“关系一生的机会”,就需要唤醒我们自己的财务天赋了。 我相信,我们每个人都拥有内在的理财天赋,问题是,这种理财天赋一直处于休眠状态,等待着被唤醒。 这种天赋处于休眠状态的原因,是因为我们的文化把对金钱的需要视为万恶之源。 这种观念促使我们学习某种技能,并为金钱而工作,却没能教给我们如何让金钱来为我们而工作。 我们被告知不必去担忧将来的财务状况,因为一旦我们退休了,公司或者政府会照顾我们。 然而,现在在同样的学校体制下受教育的我们的孩子们,他们将来却有可能不再向公司和政府支付提供这种照顾所需要的钱。 可现有的信息仍告诉我们努力工作,挣钱维生,当缺钱时,我们总能借到钱。


Unfortunately, 90 percent of the Western world subscribes to the above dogma, simply because it's easier to find a job and work for money.
If you are not one of the masses, I offer you the following ten steps to awaken your financial genius.
I simply offer you the steps I have personally followed. If you want to follow some of them, great. If you don't, make up your own. Your financial genius is smart enough to develop its own list.

     更不幸的是,90%的西方人认同这种教条,就是因为他们相信找一份工作并为钱工作要更容易一些。 你不愿属于那90%,我向你建议采取十个步骤来唤醒你的理财天赋。 我仅仅向你提供我个人遵循的一些步骤。如果你遵循好极了!如果你不想遵循,那就按你自己的方式来做,你的理财天赋足以让你无师自通。


Step No.1 I NEED A REASON GREATER THAN REALITY: If you ask most people if they would like to be rich or financially free, they would say "yes."
But then reality sets in. The road seems too long with too many hills to climb. It's easier to just work for money and hand the excess over to your broker.
A reason or a purpose is a combination of "wants" and "don't wants." When people ask me what my reason for wanting to be rich is, it is a combination of deep emotional "wants" and "don't wants."

     第一步,我需要一个超现实的理由:如果你问别人是否愿意致富或者获得财务上的自由,大部人会说“愿意”。 可是一想到现实,前进的道路似乎就变得很漫长而崎岖,相比之下,为了钱工作并把剩余的钱托付给经纪人看管似乎要更容易一些。 这一原因或目的是“想要”和“不想要”的结合体。当人们问我想要致富的原因是什么,我就说这是感情上“想要”和“不想要”的结合。


I will list a few. First the "don't wants," for they create the "wants."
I don't want to work all my life. I don't want what my parents aspired for, which was job security and a house in the suburbs. I don't like being an employee.

     我可以列举一些首先是“不想要”而由此产生了“想要”的例子。 我不想一生都工作;我不想要父辈们渴望的那些东西,如工作稳定、拥有一套郊区房子;我不想做一个打工仔。


Now the wants. I want to be free to travel the world and live in the lifestyle I love. I want to be young when I do this.
I want to simply be free. I want control over my time and my life. I want money to work for me.

     其次是“想要”。我想自由自在地周游世界;我想以自己喜欢的方式生活;我想在自己年轻的时候就能做到这些。 我想要完全一自由;我想自由自在地支配自己的时间和生活;我想要金钱为我而工作。


Those are my deep-seated emotional reasons. What are yours?
As I said, I wish I could say it was easy. It wasn't, but it wasn't hard either. But without a strong reason or purpose, anything in life is hard.

     这些就是我发自内心深处的精神动力。你是什么样的人呢? 当我谈及这一点时,我希望能谈得轻松些,但这真的不轻松,可并非很难做到。我的建议是,给自己一个强有力的理由或目标。若非如此,你在生活中会感到步履维艰。


Step No.2 I CHOOSE DAILY: The power of choice. That is the main reason people want to live in a free country. We want the power to choose.

     第二步 每天作出自己的选择:选择的力量,这是人们希望生活在一个自由国度的主要原因。我们需要有作出选择的权力。


Financially, with every dollar we get in our hands, we hold the power to choose our future to be rich, poor or middle class.
Our spending habits reflect who we are. Poor people simply have poor spending habits.

     从财务上来说,我们每挣到一个美元,就得到了一次选择自己的将来是富裕、贫穷还是一般的机会。 我们用钱的习惯反映了我们是什么类型的人,有的人之所以贫穷是因为他们有着不良的用钱习惯。


Most people choose not to be rich. For 90 percent of the population, being rich is "too much of a hassle."
So they invent sayings that go, "I'm not interested in money." Or "I'll never be rich." Or "I don't have to worry, I'm still young." Or "When I make some money, then I'll think about my future." Or "My husband/wife handles the finances."
The problem with those statements is they rob the person who chooses to think such thoughts of two things: one is time, which is your most precious asset, and two is learning, just because you have no money, should not be an excuse to not learn.
But that is a choice we all make daily, the choice of what we do with our time, our money and what we put in our heads. That is the power of choice.
All of us have choice. I just choose to be rich, and I make that choice every day.

     大部分人不会选择成为富人,对于90%的人来说,做一个富人会有“太多烦扰”。 所以他们就说,“我对金钱不感兴趣”,或者“我不想成为富人”,抑或“我不用担心,我还年轻”、“等我开始挣钱时,再考虑将来”,或者“我爱人掌握财权”等等。 这些说法存在着一个共同的问题就是阻碍人们选择去思考这样两件事情:第一是时间,这是你最珍贵的资产;第二则是学习,因为你没有钱,你更要去学习。 事实上我们每天都应该进行一个选择:即选择如何利用自己的时间、自己的金钱以及我们头脑里所学到的东西去实现我们的目标,这就是选择的力量。 我们都有机会,我选择要做一个富人,我每天都在为我的选择而努力。


Step No.3 CHOOSE FRIENDS CAREFULLY: First of all, I do not choose my friends by their financial statements.
I have friends who have actually taken the vow of poverty as well as friends who earn millions every year.
The point is I learn from all of them, and I consciously make the effort to learn from them.

     第三步 慎重地选择朋友:首先,我不会把财务状况作为挑选朋友的标准。 我既有穷困潦倒的朋友,也有家财万贯的朋友。 因为我相信”三人行,必有我师“,而我也愿意努力地去向他们每个人学习。


But there is one distinction that I would like to point out. I've noticed that my friends with money talk about money. And I do not mean brag. They're interested in the subject.
So I learn from them, and they learn from me. My friends, whom I know are in dire straits financially, do not like talking about money, business or investing. They often think it rude.
So I also learn from my friends who struggle financially. I find out what not to do.

     但我要承认我确实会特意交一些有钱的朋友,我会注意我的有钱朋友是如何谈论金钱的(我不是指财富),他们对这个话题感兴趣。 这样,通过交谈我向他们学习,他们也向我学习。我的另一些朋友经济上很困难,他们不爱谈论金钱、商务或投资,他们常常认为这很粗鲁或不明智。 但我也能从他们那里学到许多别的知识,我可以从中懂得什么东西不可以去做。


Step No.4 MASTER A FORMULA AND THEN LEARN A NEW ONE: In order to make bread, every baker follows a recipe, even if it's only held in their head.
The same is true for making money. That's why money is often called "dough."

     第四步 掌握一种模式,然后再学习一种新的模式:面包师做面包要遵循某种配方,即使这种配方只是记在脑子里。 挣钱也是一样的道理,这也是金钱有时被称作“面包圈”的原因。


When it comes to money, the masses generally have one basic formula they learned in school. And that is, work for money.
The formula I see that is predominant in the world is that every day millions of people get up and go to work, earn money, pay bills, balance checkbooks, buy some mutual funds and go back to work.
That is the basic formula, or recipe.

     在钱的问题上,大多数人一般只知道一个基本的挣钱公式,这个公式是他们从学校学来的,就是为了金钱而工作。 在我看来,这个公式是在全世界占支配地位的一个公式:千百万人每天起床,上班,挣钱,支付账单,平衡支票簿,购买共同基金,然后再回去工作。 这是一个普遍的、基本的公式或配方。


If you're tired of what you're doing, or you're not making enough, it's simply a case of changing the formula via which you make money.
Years ago, when I was 26, I took a weekend class called "How to Buy Real Estate Foreclosures."
I learned a formula. The next trick was to have the discipline to actually put into action what I had learned. That is where most people stop.
For three years, while working for Xerox, I spent my spare time learning to master the art of buying foreclosures.
I've made several million dollars using that formula, but today, it's too slow and too many other people are doing it.
So after I mastered that formula, I went in search of other formulas.
For many of the classes, I did not use the information I learned directly but I always learned something new.

     如果你对自己所做工作感到厌倦或挣钱不够多,那么很简单,这正是你改变自己挣钱公式的时候了。 多年前,当我26岁时,我参加了一个周末班,内容是“如何购买破产房地产”。 在那里我学到了一个公式并开始试着将我所学到的规则付诸实施,而这一步正是许多人没能做到的事情。 在为施乐公司工作的三年中,我用业余时间学习并掌握了购买破产财产的技巧。 运用这个公式,我赚取了数百万美元。但是今天这个公式变得不那么好用了,因为开始有其他许多人也在这样做了。 在精通了那个公式后,我又开始寻找其他的公式。 对于许多我参加过的短期培训班来说,或许我并没有直接使用过所学到的信息,但我总能从中学习到许多新的东西。


Step No.5 PAY YOURSELF FIRST: The power of self-discipline. If you cannot get control of yourself, do not try to get rich.
You might first want to join the Marine Corps or some religious order so you can get control of yourself. It makes no sense to invest, make money and blow it.
It is the lack of self-discipline that causes most lottery winners to go broke soon after winning millions.
It is the lack of self-discipline that causes people who get a raise to immediately go out and buy a new car or take a cruise.

     第五步 首先支付自己:自律的力量。如果说你不能控制自己,就别想着能致富。 你可能首先想通过加入海军特种部队或宗教团体来约束自己,但我相信这样做对于投资、挣钱和花钱来说毫无意义。 正是因为缺乏自律,大部分彩票中奖者在赢得数百万美元后很快就破产了。 也正是由于缺乏自律,人们得到提薪后立即出去购买新车或去乘船旅游。


It is difficult to say which of the ten steps is the most important.
But of all the steps, this step is probably the most difficult to master if it is not already a part of your makeup.
I would venture to say that it is the lack of personal self-discipline that is the No.1 delineating factor between the rich, the poor and the middle class.

     很难说这十个步骤中哪一个最重要。 但对于所有这些步骤来说,这个步骤是最难以掌握的,如果它不是你习惯于去做的事情的话。 我要冒昧说一句:是否缺乏自律是将富人、穷人和中产阶级区分开来的首要因素。


I do not take the saying "pay yourself first" lightly.
The Richest Man in Babylon, by George Classen, is where the statement "pay yourself first" comes from.
Millions of copies have been sold. But while millions of people freely repeat that powerful statement, few follow the advice.
Each month, these people allocate money to their asset column before they pay their monthly expenses.
Although millions of people have read Classen's book and understand the words "pay yourself first," in reality they pay themselves last.

     我非常重视“首先支付自己”这句话。 首先支付自己”这句话出自乔治。克拉森写的《巴比伦最富有的人》一书。 这本书卖出了数百万册,数百万的人熟练地重复这句话,却鲜有人遵循这一建议。 这就是说每个月这些人会在支付他们月开支之前把钱划入他们的资产项。 虽然数百万人读了这本书并明白“首先支付自己”的意思,但是大多数人实际上还是最后支付自己。


Now I can hear the howls from those of you who sincerely believe in paying your bills first. And I can hear all the "responsible" people who pay their bills on time.
I am not saying be irresponsible and not pay your bills. All I am saying is do what the progamme says, which is "pay yourself first."

     此刻,我能听到那些相信应该“首先支付自己”的人在嘲笑我,我也可以听到所有按时支付账单的“负责任的”人的笑声。 其实,我不是说要人们不负责任、不付账单,我所说的只是要像那本书中所说的那样:“首先支付自己”。


The reason I don't have high credit card debt, and doodad debt, is because I want to pay myself first.
Although I pay my bills last, I am financially astute enough to not get into a tough financial situation.
To ensure "Pay yourself first". Don't get into large debt positions that you have to pay for.
Keep your expenses low. Build up assets first. Then, buy the big house or nice car. Being stuck in the rat race is not intelligent.

     我没有高额信用卡债务以及消费债务的原因,是我想首先支付自己。 尽管我最后才支付账单,但我却能靠足够的财商来度过财务难关。 为了确保“首先支付自己”。不要背上数额过大的债务包袱。 要使自己的支出保持低水平。首先增加自己的资产,然后,再用自己的资产中产生的现金流购买大房子或好车子。陷在“老鼠赛跑”中不是明智的选择。


And when you come up short, let the pressure build and don't dip into your savings or investments.
Use the pressure to inspire your financial genius to come up with new ways of making more money and then pay your bills.
You will have increased your ability to make more money as well as your financial intelligence.

     当你资金短缺时,去承受外在压力而不要动用你的储蓄或投资。 利用这种压力来激发你的财务天赋,想出新办法挣到更多的钱,然后再支付账单。 这样做,不但能提高你赚钱的能力,还能提高你的财商。

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