

1. Buttons vs. text links
Buttons tend to have higher click rates than links simply because they are more obvious. Where you currently have text links for major calls to action, try using buttons instead. There are countless tests where people have shown in increase in CTR anywhere from 20–200% over the control where text links were used.
An interesting aside: You shouldn't expect a button's A/B test performance to remain constant 'N' weeks after the test, specifically with email marketing. The button essentially experiences click fatigue since you're likely sending the email (such as a newsletter) to a relatively static group of users. Users get used to the design and may realize that the email's text links and buttons link to the same data—so clicking on any of the linked objects, whether a text link or a button, delivers the value they were looking for. You can read blog posts like this one for statistics that demonstrate button click fatigue:http://www.aweber.com/blog/case-...
Nonetheless, buttons are still optimal next to text links in most cases because theyincrease CTR even if the increase in CTR begins to fatigue after 'N' number of weeks. The absolute value may not be a sustained incremental CTR of 30% for perpetuity, but at least you can expect that sustained CTR with some rate of decay for several weeks or months after.
That's not to say that you can't have a sustained increase in CTR by using a button on a webpage though. Button behavior on websites vs. emails can be quite different. You tend to not have the same click fatigue behavior on website buttons. Typically, if you realize a gain via an A/B test on the web, you can expect that gain to hold.
2. Location of the button
Above-the-fold is better than below-the-fold. For example, Chitika ran a study thatcompared the CTR of ads above the fold vs. below the fold, and found that ads abovethe fold had a 36% higher CTR (http://www.searchenginejournal.c...). The same effectgenerally applies to any clickable action you place above the fold (vs. below the fold).
Some marketers have run interesting studies that demonstrate the effect of showing lessinformation above the fold to encourage users to scroll down the page to discover more content and click on your call to action. The evidence is clear that you can encourageusers to scroll and click below the fold (http://www.cxpartners.co.uk/cxbl...).
Take a look at this heat map from the Bristol Airport website and an eye tracking study that was conducted on it. This shows that by showing less content above the fold you canget more users to track down the page and click on those actions.
But from a user's perspective, requiring less work on their part generally seems like theright thing to do. So, if you're capable of delivering enough information and value tousers that encourages them to click your call to action button above the fold, it seemsreasonable to do that instead of coaxing them below the fold by purposefully omittinginformation at the top of the page. At least, think deeply about minimizing the number ofavailable actions above the fold to simplify their decision-making.
3. Size, color, and contrast of action buttons
You want to make the call to action button obvious but not intrusive. I think Square does a great job at this. Check out their home page at https://squareup.com/. The button colorcontrasts with the full-bleed image and other page elements. It is large, but not freakishlybig, and has a bunch of calls to action surrounding the button and on the button itself.
If you're looking for inspiration for more call to action types and styles then check out thislist here: http://www.webanddesigners.com/3...
4. Improve page speed
An often overlooked but hugely valuable component of conversion rate optimization isthe speed of the page you are trying to deliver to users. Several tests have shown thebenefits of site speed. For example, back in 2007 Amazon released a study thatshowed that they lost 1% of sales for every 100 ms of additional site latency. You canfind more test studies on site speed on the ConversionMedic blog:http://www.conversionmedic.com/w... Think about ways in which you can reduce thepayload of images/CSS/JavaScript/etc. (especially on critical webpages) to reduce load times. Or figure out ways to chunk the loading of different components of the page to make sure critical components load before non-critical components.
Through various tests I've been a part of at both Facebook and Twitter, I've seen firsthand how speed improvements can dramatically increase conversion rates. I actually think poor site speed is one of the factors that caused the demise of MySpace. Think about it... a slower site means less friend requests, less status updates, fewer picture uploads, fewer ads being clicked on, fewer invites sent, etc., etc., etc. All of those actions contribute to what people would generally refer to as the network effects of a social networking product. Site speed reduces the momentum in the flywheel of network effects. With less momentum, you have less growth, and with less growth, you have an increased chance of losing. Facebook came in and was faster, simpler, and had better network effects. By focusing on critical elements like site speed, Facebook was able to succeed.
Google has provided a great Page Speed Testing Tool for anyone to use here:https://developers.google.com/pa.... It generates detailed reports giving specific site speed recommendations. YSlow is another great tool for looking into site speed issues.
If you're a WordPress site owner, site speed can be a real issue (especially if you're a heavy plugin user). Try using the Plugin Performance Profiler to look at individual site speed implications for each plugin in use: http://wordpress.org/extend/plug...
It generates reports like this that help you diagnose latency contributions per plugin:
Thanks to unbounce.com for pointing out these site speed analysis tools (http://unbounce.com/conversion-r...).
5. Headlines, subheadlines, and body copy
Using a prominent headline that delivers the core value proposition to users is really important. I would imagine that conversion rate to signup would decrease if Square, Inc.removed the "Start accepting credit cards today." language from above their sign-upform. Test different language in your headline to see what resonates. If you don't have enough impressions on your site to quickly run an A/B test, then try using Google AdWords or Facebook Ads as a platform for testing the language that resonates best with your users (since you can get a lot of impressions relatively quickly, especially with Facebook ads). For example, the headline in your Facebook Ad that gets the highest CTR may be an ideal candidate for the headline on your website's home page. When it comes to body copy, less is usually more. You don't want to overwhelm the reader with too much text to read.
I did a search in Google for "small business websites" and clicked on a few of the ads that I was shown to see what the landing pages looked like. One landing page looked like the image below. Clear calls to action, not too busy, a little bit of text to read, and some testimonials for validation. They even have a video introduction that explains the product. This is a pretty solid page:
Source: http://www.volusion.com/
But another ad landed me on the page below. My knee-jerk reaction was to leave immediately since it seemed like too much to figure out! I do the same thing with any blog post or email that is overwhelmingly wordy and doesn't lead my eye to the valuable bit of information on the page such as data, graphs, bullet point lists, etc. This site also does a terrible job with the use of contrast. The "visit site" action links aren't as obvious as the orange calls to action for "14 day free trial" in the site above:
Source: http://www.webhostingfreereviews...
Sure, there are several calls to action. And since they are bidding on a very expensive keyword they must be managing this to an effective ROI (I hope!). But with all of that text, I'm sure they are losing conversions. In many cases, less text is more when it comes to consumers. Remember, you want your product to be more like In-N-Out than Denny's. Offer a short list of excellent products with clear value, not a long list of crap you can barely digest.
6. Think about how color impacts mood, emotion and decisions
As Anon User has shown in his answers to "Is there a science to picking the colors that work well together in a design, or is it just subjective?" your site's use of color can also set the tone for driving conversions (or not). For example, here is a breakdown of color connotation amongst users in the Western world:
Take a look at his answer and think about how color may impact conversions and then try a few tests to see if this applies.
7. Use of images
Images can increase and detract from conversion rates. I've run several A/B tests that have shown that clickable images on home pages often lead to fewer net signups overall (even including revisits in a 30-day window after dropping previous sessions). I think Pinterest understands this concept and doesn't let users "escape" from the primary action such as on their "Request an Invite" page: http://pinterest.com/landing/.
Notice the carousel of rotating images at the bottom. They are not clickable links so the users isn't going to be driven away from the page intended to initiate signups. But the images are there nonetheless to help convey the value of using Pinterest. From my previous experience, I would anticipate a 5% drop in the rate of email address submissions on that page if the carousel of images was clickable. I've tested clickable vs. non-clickable images on logged out home pages in the past, and in every case, the non-clickable images version increased signups by 5–7% and the quality of the users relative to the control group remained constant.
Images can also be used to explicitly improve conversion rate. One of the sayings in Internet marketing is "chicks get clicks." (That's another way of saying "sex sells.") The consulting company ion interactive ran a test for a gaming company and found that the below design outperformed the same design but with less emphasis on breasts by a whopping 35%.
Here is a side-by-side comparison of two of the landing pages that were tested with the version on the right getting 35% more registrations:
Source: http://www.neurosciencemarketing...
This isn't to say that every website should start putting half-naked women (real or fake!) up front on their landing pages. Clearly this is an effective model for some video game developers. Zynga has also used this approach effectively with ads for games like Mafia Wars.
But in general, there are a few key points when using images for driving conversion rates, especially for sites that sell products:
use high resolution, not cheap clip art
try image carousels or360° image rotators
enable a large product image by default with clickable thumbnails for additional product images
use image thumbnails in site search features like BrickHouse Security has done (http://www.internetretailer.com/...)
More info here: http://conversionxl.com/how-imag...
8. Show validation/testimonials
Sometimes testimonials can drive validation, especially for B2C products. Mint.comuses testimonials on their home page. I don't have data on its efficacy, but you should consider using testimonial validation on your product like Mint.com does. Testimonials don't always make sense. For example, Facebook.com would never need testimonials, but a financial services product might.
Source: https://www.mint.com/
9. Leverage video to demonstrate product and drive conversions
This subject was brought up by William Wai Wong, who has a great deal of knowledge when it comes to testing video. Video can be a great asset when trying to explain the product and value add of your product. I think that video is especially valuable when your product has anything to do with personal finance, wealth, or the handling of information that the user may consider sensitive. Dropbox, for example, has a video on their homepage directly above the "Download Dropbox" button:
Dropbox's success with moving to a video-based landing page has been widely documented. Path.com also offers a good example of a first-visit autoplay video walkthrough of their iPhone app. I think that video is very helpful in Path's case since there is a general sense of "not another social network" fatigue and users are becoming increasingly sensitive to sharing personal information. But this video aligns nicely with Path's vision because it wants to focus on closer, more tightly controlled networks of friends. They actually offer a couple of videos on their homepage:
10. Pairing intent with landing page content
When William Wai Wong first joined Bloomspot, a startup in the daily deals space, one of his first observations was that every competitor in that industry copied the generic landing page Groupon used in all of their marketing campaigns.
Despite targeting a wide range of keywords (salon, spa, dining, etc.) on paid search, broad demographics on Facebook, and a range of placements on display networks, Groupon and other daily deal sites use the same landing page. While this saves engineering time, it didn't take very long to build a generic template that allowed them to test text, background image, and other elements tailored to specific campaigns or verticals in their space.
The result was over a 20% spike in our conversion rate.
Example: Groupon, LivingSocial and other daily deal sites use a single multi-purpose landing page for the following keywords (spa deals, restaurant deals, fitness deals):
However, moving to a vertical and intent-based approach pairing the background image and supporting text to match intent, Bloomspot saw significant lifts in conversion rate:
As William Wai Wong points out, what works for your mainstream competitor doesn't necessarily work for you. Or, you may in fact, be more sophisticated at it than the mainstream competitor.
International implications and costs associated with using a video
There are a few things to take into consideration before hopping into the deep end and making a video. First, these videos aren't cheap. I've spoken with several vendors and one- to three-minute videos can range in cost from $5,000–20,000. For a startup, that could be a healthy chunk of change. You may want to consider testing as many other "free" conversion rate optimization components as you can before deciding on making a video. You may find that a video isn't needed if you can get enough CRO optimization out from the other methods.
Secondly, think about the international implications. If you are starting to expand globally into several languages and countries you'll need to (1) pay for the production cost of translating your video into each locale/language, and (2) consider the latency implications of a video in a country with low broadband penetration. Sure, it's trivial for someone in San Francisco to stream a video. However you shouldn't assume the same even in major markets like Brazil and India where broadband penetration is still nascent compared to markets like the US and the UK. Remember, latency kills conversion rates. A slow video may mean high abandon rates and low signups since the two tend to be inversely correlated. Consider these costs as you work through the CRO tools.
Simplify signup forms
When it comes to getting users to sign up, there are several best practices you should follow. Some of the largest consumer acquisition optimizations I've ever had came from making improvements to signup forms.
11. Don't ask for unnecessary fields
I think that Yahoo! is one of the worst perpetrators of producing scary signup forms and asking for far too much information. Take a look at this signup form for registering an email account:
Source: http://www.unmatchedstyle.com
They do not have to ask for gender or birthday. That data is entirely self-serving for Yahoo! since they can use that data to better target you with ads. They could also get rid of the CAPTCHA requirement (which typically has a 10% failure rate) on your first attempt to signup from an IP address. After the second attempt to signup within a few minutes from the same IP address they could then hit the user with the CAPTCHA requirement because that could tip Yahoo! off that you're a bot trying to create multiple accounts. But on the first attempt from an IP, there is high confidence that it is a user and not a bot—they shouldn't be required to provide CAPTCHA. Not to mention that the form is so long that the primary call to action is below the fold.
12. Automate fields when possible and use inline validation
Twitter does a great job at using validation and automation in their signup form. On the homepage you start signup by entering your name, email address and password. When you hit the button to submit the form they land you on the second page of signup with some fields pre-populated with recommendations (such as the field for choosing a username) and validation that the other fields you entered are correct:
They then use a simple algorithm to make username suggestions that you can click and select. Imagine having a common name like Melissa Anderson and being the 53rd Melissa Anderson to try and sign up for Twitter. It's unlikely you can choose anderson.melissa, melissa.anderson, melissa1, etc. since common permutations are already in use. Twitter recommends a name for you based on the available name space. Surely this improves signup rate.
13. Give social signup options and use social pressure
Registration using Facebook Connect or Twitter authentication makes signup much simpler for users. You can use the data culled from the Facebook and Twitter APIs to pre-populate several fields such as their profile information, email address, etc. and then just ask the user to accept permissions and maybe create a password.
Digg does a great job using social context (the Facepile plugin) in tandem with a bold Facebook Connect social signup option when prompting their social reader integration with Facebook's Open Graph. Mixcloud claims to have increased their conversion rate to signup by 200–300% using the Facepile plugin along with Facebook Connect (http://www.netmagazine.com/news/...). Although most sites won't see the same level of improvement, I've chatted with several other developers and designers that have quoted a 20–50% increase in signups when the signup button is accompanied by the Facepile plugin. Here's what their implementation looks like for Digg:
Hipmunk also does a great job at offering social sign in options in their modal signup dialogue:
You'll also want to look at the downstream value of the users produced depending on what social signup option they choose. It's common to find variance in the value per user produced whether they came from Facebook Connect or another option. Depending on the value of the user produced you should look into promoting one button over the other.
Furthermore you should focus on one social signup button depending on the referrer of the users. For example, if I visited Hipmunk by way of a link on Facebook that I clicked, I'd test showing Facebook Connect as the primary method of showing up. They might be able to optimize signup rates by doing that because the signup process is then within the context of the site they were referred from.
Email Marketing
What is it: Sending transactional or bulk email to users who have opted into receiving email from you or your business/product.
Conversion event: From an email marketing standpoint, the conversion event is typically defined by a click in the email that leads the user to a destination page where a final conversion action is emphasized. In this case we'll talk about things you can do to optimize your email funnel for getting the most clicks possible. In other words, conversion rate optimization for email is about increasing the % of email recipients that click on your email and land on your site or mobile app.
14. Subject lines and sender address
Email Optimization 101 asks that you test your subject lines as well as the sender address. In your subject lines, you can test the length (long vs. short) as well as use-descriptors like "Exclusive." In this case study, the client was able to increase email open rates by 8.2% by using a longer subject line that was more descriptive of the event and leveraged enticing descriptors (http://www.marketingexperiments....).
Other best practices include using social signals. For example, Summify is well known for their excellent email digests. They provide a service that aggregates the top stories across all of your social networks (e.g., LinkedIn + Twitter + Facebook) and give you a daily email with those top stories. In the subject line, they list the names of your social contacts to drive high open rates. A subject line could read, "Here are your top stories from John Smith, Sally Jones, and Rob Johnson" (all of which would be friends/connections of mine on Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn). Anecdotally, users appreciate that experience as well because the personalization drives relevancy:
You should also avoid sending your email from address like "no-response@company.com." Users have come to associate unpersonalized sender lines like that to spam accounts. You should test your way towards higher open rates with personalized sender lines just like you can personalize the subject line.
15. Test various lengths of email copy
Less is usually more. Several studies have shown that too much text leads to lower click rates and higher opt-out rates, especially for transactional emails. Test the length of copy you include in your emails to see what works.
16. Plain text vs HTML
Many designers and developers get caught up in trying to build the perfectly designed email. But the same rules of design for the web don't apply to email. In many cases, plain text email performs better at scale than HTML email because HTML-rendering across email clients varies wildly (your design could be completely broken from one mail client to the next) and because transactional emails are usually meant to deliver a click (e.g., an email from Facebook notifying you that someone wrote on your wall). Test whether plain text does better than HTML.
17. Sending email at the right time
It's amazing how important it is to send email at the right time of day and the right day of week, especially when sending digest emails once a day/week/month. Below is a graph of the typical open and click decay curve that happens after an email is sent out:
Source: http://www.ryansolutions.com/blo...
Generally speaking you can expect 90% of clicks/opens to happen on a particular email campaign within 48 hours of being sent. Usually, 80% of opens/clicks happen within 24 hours.
Also consider the time of day that you're sending an email. MailChimp has an amazing study on the optimal time of day for email open/click activity:
As the graph demonstrates, the optimal time for opens/clicks is 2–5 p.m. local time. If you plan on sending a weekly or monthly digest email to your users, make sure you don't deliver them to inboxes at midnight. You'll dramatically impact email performance. Check out the rest of MailChimp's recommendations in this awesome blog post about email optimization: http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/...
Facebook Advertising
What is it: Advertisements on Facebook for promoting Facebook Pages/Applications and external websites.
Conversion event: In most cases advertisers are trying to get Likes for their Page or installs of their Application (e.g., a Zynga game). Sometimes advertisers are driving users to a custom landing tab on their Facebook Page for lead generation purposes for something like an email database. Below are the top factors to consider when thinking about optimizing Facebook Ads as a conversion funnel.
18. Country targeting
This is by far the biggest factor to consider when setting up Facebook ads. The cost to drive a conversion in the United States could be 5–10x higher than in other countries, including other major English-speaking markets like the United Kingdom and Canada. This is primarily influenced by the supply side where there are fewer advertisers bidding for impressions in countries outside the United States. However, as advertiser acquisition scales in other countries, they will continue to place a constraint on international Facebook ads inventory and the price will float over time. Be sure to setup separate advertising campaigns/targeting based on country so that you can independently optimize each locale.
19. Ad creative (title, image, and description) and image rotation
Some images will get higher CTRs but lower conversion rate while others will get lower CTRs but a better conversion rate. Here is one example provided by AdParlor:
Make sure your ad text is relevant to the product and the underlying landing page. You also need to cycle images often because Facebook ads typically experience a rapid CTR decay since you're often showing the ad to the same set of users over and over again, unlike Google ads where you tend to have higher variance in the cluster of users (unless someone goes back to the search results and searches for the exact same keyword day after day). With Facebook ads you are being targeted based on your interests, which is a relatively steady set of data associated with you as a user. That's why you are likely to see the same ad multiple times. But rotating images regularly you can optimize CTRs for your ads, which usually means your CPC gets priced lower and hence the cost you pay per conversion decreases.
20. Target demographic
Generally speaking, women click on ads more than men, and younger ages click more than older ages. Think about the target demographic your product appeals to and look at performance data to see which demographics cost more or less to convert on.
21. Pipeline from click to conversion
You also want to require as few clicks as possible. I recently got an ad on Facebook from AppSumo. The ad looked like this:
Not only did the ad use social context by showing me that one of my friends likes it (which boosts CTR) but the underlying landing page that drives a conversion event is really simple as well:
The conversion event is driven by a single click after I enter my email address and click "show me the deal" or if I just login with Facebook Connect. It is not uncommon for Facebook ads to have a conversion rate of 40–60% after the click if the ads are well targeted and the conversion event is simple.
22. Market saturation of your product/application
As you start your Facebook campaign you can define "exclusion targeting" to make sure you don't serve ads to users who have already interacted with your Page/Application. But imagine if the total potential audience for your business or product is realistically 10,000 users. After a few months let's assume you have reached 5,000 of them. As you saturate the market your CTR drops and as your CTR drops your CPC may go up since you're now starting to target semi-interested users. According to John Marsland, Acquisition Manager at Zynga, "Once you've acquired the majority of the early adopters, CPIs in a particular market can increase by 3x-5x from your day cost-per-install. Fortunately, this change doesn't happen overnight. Refreshing creative, creating a compelling message, and refining your target audience are the best ways to combat application saturation."
23. Market conditions
Ad supply continues to increase as more advertisers enter Facebook's system. There is also a question of demand fatigue in that users could be getting tired of applications and deals. Sudden changes in market conditions from one month to the next can cause your cost-per-install to change dramatically over time. You have to stay vigilant when running Facebook ads to also adjust for these market changes.
You can find more best practices on Facebook Ads optimization from Facebook here:http://ads.ak.facebook.com/ads/F...
Search Engine Advertising (AdWords)
What is it: Bidding on a cost-per-click basis on Google ads based on user search keywords.
Conversion event: Google is known for being a demand fulfillment product in that the conversion rate downstream from clicks on ads is very high since the searcher already has a strong idea for what they are looking for. The ads are intended to deliver on that user demand. Below are some of the best practices for optimizing your Google ads.
24. Optimizing for Quality Score and ad performance
AdWords Quality Score is a score as defined by Google is "a dynamic metric assigned to each of your keywords. It's calculated using a varity of factors and measure how relevant your keyword is to your ad group and to a user's search query. The higher the keyword's Quality Score, the lower its cost-per-click and the better its ad position." The breakdown of Quality Score factors includes these elements: CTR of the ad, relevance of the keyword to its adgroup, landing page quality, relevance of keywords to the creative (ad copy), overall account performance history, and other elements like page load time.
Here is a list of techniques from PPChero on improving ad CTR (http://www.ppchero.com/how-to-in...). It boils down to:
test using trademark (?) or registered trademark (?) symbols
use calls to action or incentive-based action words (e.g., "buy now, limited offer!")
enable sitelinks
use Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI)
You can do things like setup negative keywords to ensure you don't bid on keywords that don't convert for you, thereby cutting wasteful spend. Also try lots of landing page rotation and testing to find the best combination of keyword + match type + ad text + landing page.
Social Sharing (Like/Twitter buttons)
What is it: Optimizing for the placement and location of social features on your site (e.g., the Like and Tweet button) as well as contributions to social media site to drive qualified, targeted value to your site.
Conversion event: In this case, the conversion event is either a click of the Like/Tweet/etc. buttons or an interaction with a status update or tweet that drives referral traffic to your site.
25. Testing placement of the Like/Tweet buttons
You can use products like KISSmetrics to run quick tests to figure out which social button placement on your site generates the most clicks. The same general rules apply to the lessons at the top of this answer regarding button placement since Like/Tweet buttons are also conversion events. Generally speaking for blog owners, the Like/Tweet buttons are best when placed immediately next to or below the title of the blog post and immediately above the comment box on the page. Typically you'll get fewer Likes/Tweets if those buttons are placed in the sidebar of the site. Here's an example of a typical placement of social buttons on AllThingsD (although they should probably remove the "share" and "print" buttons—I'm pretty sure people don't use those).
26. Intelligent status updates and tweets using analytics
You can use products like Tweriod or Timely to figure out when your followers/fans are online. Then you can schedule status updates and tweets via products likeCrowdbooster so that your social media production coincides with when fans/followers are online. Rand Fishkin at SEOmoz found that he had slightly higher tweet interaction rates with his tweets that were shorter in length than longer in length.
Source: http://www.seomoz.org/blog/calcu...
There's lots of other amazing data points on the appropriate use of Twitter here (http://www.whitefireseo.com/info...) thanks to the team at White Fire SEO.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
What is it: The art and science of improving on-site and off-site signals that help a web page rank higher in the search results for a particular keyword or set of keywords.
Conversion event: Search engines are known for being demand fulfillment businesses (i.e., the results tend to satisfy the demand of the searcher more so than they tend to generate the demand). Not to say there is no branding effect in search engines since discovery of a new brand can be serendipitous, but generally speaking, the user knows what they want and the search results satisfy that demand. So from a conversion rate optimization standpoint, you optimize conversion rates from SEO referrers by optimizing for the click in the search results. Here are some best practices:
27. Page meta data
Use targeted keywords in the meta title and meta description of the page since most search engines tend to highlight matching keywords in titles/descriptions from the user's search query. So if I search for "adidas running shoes" any organic or paid search result will show bolded keyword matches like in the screenshot below. Those keywords attract the eye of the searcher, increasing the chances that the user will click on your search results, hence increasing the conversion rate of a user clicking on your site vs competing sites. Using those keywords in the meta data also improves the chances of your site ranking highly, which is a conversion optimization in itself.
28. Calls to action in the page metadata
Test using calls to action in the meta title and description such as, "sign up for free," "free shipping on all orders!" etc. to see if clicks on search results with calls to action correlate with a higher conversion rate on the underlying page. Twitter does a great job with their meta descriptions by using the "sign up for Twitter to follow" call to action:
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