

正一早晚功课经(英文版)Homework is the sooner or later

正一早晚功课经(英文版)Homework is the sooner or later


Homework is the sooner or later
Lessons for Chinese Taoism is sooner or later by sect sect daily morning and evening homework will recite scriptures. Purpose: Taoism to worship, religious Yukinori, and to serve as a purpose, Taoist Rites is designed through the chanting monks say mass for people, praying to God to free life, achieve since many sins, to play the founder of Supreme avenue. Reading fairy, can make the heart and the gods are traffic, is ascetic Deng Wonderland ladder. Content: the main contents of sage to chant it praise precious declaration, washing all the heart mantra, include: Chang Qing Chang Jing, Mich., clarify the rhyme power as in the hills, mind mantra, Jingkou mantra, disturbed land mantra, net world mantra, Zhu Xiang charm, gold mantra, on verse, Lao said often quiet the Jade Emperor, high on Miaojing Koan, Yu Qingbao tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow 's supernatant treasure treasure, the Jade Emperor, Emperor Bao Bao tomorrow tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow after the purpose of Po Po, Po Po, relieve suffering in Antarctic tomorrow tomorrow, tomorrow, Guan Baogao hopper basking treasure three, Hyun Tianbao, old tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow, Zhang Bao Bao Ge Xianweng tomorrow, Xu Zhen, Jing Zhang Junbao virtual treasure tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow begin Dongyue Po Po, thunder, social secretary, general will curse of life ceremony, land conversion of heart mantra: one day sooner or later classes were chanting the song texts the same lesson sooner or later, but the last few words of Scripture are slightly different, such as ' thunder tomorrow morning ' total," Yang Kai" initiation," I have this please see coming at the end of Vespers," An Feng" first," An Feng altar chamber as the node; ' curse ' morning land within the" Rev. Please", with " An Feng " instead of vespers.
The chant
Cheng Qing Yun
Gem vibrato. Ten party purge.
The silence. Smoke mountain swallow.
Hope town v. Recruiting group immortal.
Days without hydrogen impurity. No phantom dust.
Ming Hui hole cleaning. Large number of Xuan Xuan also.
Chang Qing, Chang Jing.
All things disappear defects dysentery. Trinity falls auspicious. Step into a virtual. Recitation Dongxuan chapter.
Power as in the hills.
The respectful. All such as dojo. Each carry heart. Christine on temple. Gift to the An Feng ( Rev. Please ) such as law.
One division Po hills
Net Heart Charm
Taiwan star too. Strain without stop. Exorcism tied charm. Life insurance protection.
Intelligent cleaner. Peace of mind. Three soul forever. The soul without loss.
Net export of God.
Danzhu mouth of god. In addition to spit dirt. Tongue spirit fallon. Through life spirit.
Luo Qian tooth god. But the evil Wei Zhen. Laryngeal God warrior. Gas God cited ferry.
So Dan yuan. Make me true. Think God mixing liquid. Gas constant.
Net body God curse
Lingbao hills. Comfort you. Disciples of soul. But the wonder.
Dragon tiger. Team battles have. Well-balanced lineup, as I do.
An earth ground.
The first Ann town. To announce to the souls. Yue Du really officer. Land 's spirit.
Left agency right of millet. Not so surprised. Return path. And clarification.
In each direction. Preparation of home court (altar ). A life too. Hunting evil essence.
Protector god-king. Defend the chanting. Convert to avenue. Yuanhenglizhen.
Net days God curse
The world natural. Gas dispersion. Cave art. Akira Lang udl.
Eight Fang Wei god. So I naturally. Lingbao character. To announce to the nine day.
The dry Luo Da. Hole Gang Tai xuan. The evil demon. Kill the ghost.
Zhongshan mantra. The first Yu Wen. The chanting again. Vent disease and prolong life.
According to the line of mountains. Eight knows the sea smell. The first beam. All I really.
Fierce offensive. Flue gas.
Wish sweet Charm
A study of. Heart fake incense. Spicy hot Yu Lu. Before be emperor.
True spirit of hope. Fairy flag near the porch. The hill close to. Apply for up to nine days.
The light of God.
World emperor xuanzong. Million air root. Extensive repair eternal. Permit me.
Three inside and outside. But the road alone. Body of gold. Fu Ying me.
See not see. Listen hear. Including the world. Parenting groups.
Chanting million times. The body has a bright. Three guards. The company welcomes.
Victorian gods. Slaving thunder. Demon ghost discouraged. Gremlin with.
A thunderbolt. Thor dormant. Hui hand hole penetration. Exhaust piping.
Golden light show. Cover retaining reality.
Open the verse
Knowing to in. Virtual Zhi Ren a. Break down hole Xuan paper. Who measured this secluded ya. The Mahayana path. One year much. No life is immortal. To students because of the lotus. The mausoleum of realms. No solution of ziro. The supreme virtue reality. The world as the immortal home.
Two old gentleman say often clear net by
Laojun said: truth is invisible. Planning world. Cruel moon Avenue, running. Boulevard ring. Long raises all things. I don't know its name. Strong name road. Driver. Have clean have voiced. Movement and stillness. Day clear to cloudy. Days still. Male clean female turbidity. Male female static dynamic. Jiangbenliumo. And all living things. Clear muddy source. Moving static base. One can always quiet. World Jiexi return. Lady god is good. And the heart of harassing. Quiet heart. To hold the. Often sent natural Liu Yu life. Three poison elimination. So who can not. For the heart is not clear. Not sent to it. Can the person. Inside the heart. Heart heart. The appearance of the shape. The shape of the form. Far view of the matter. No object. The three is to realize. Only in the air. The concept of space is empty. Empty empty. Empty neither. No no no. No no no. Cham but often lonely. No silence silence. To be born. For neither student. That is really quiet. Often be quiet. So quiet. Gradually into the truth. Both of the truth. Named for. Although the name of enlightenment. No income. Change from students. Named for. Can think of. Can pass the word.
Laojun said: Sergeant without dispute. A good fight. On the virtue is not virtue. Under the German hold De. Persistence of. Not moral. Beings so not true seekers. As a deluded mind. Both the deluded mind. That was their god. Not only was the god. The universe. As with all things. Is life for. Is trouble. Trouble delusion. Especially bitter and. He was voiced shame. Vagrant life. Chang Chen oliver. Lose faith. It is often the road. Who knows most complacent. Have realized. Often be quiet.
The immortal Ge Gong said: I was really said. Once the Sutra million times. This is heaven habits. Do not pass the corporal. I used the literature by Yu Donghua. Study on the golden gate of Donghua spirit spirit. The golden gate to celebrate the queen mother of the west. The queen mother of the West all pass from mouth to mouth. Don't write text. I now Yu Shishu records. Staff sergeant enlightenment. Promoted to day official. Repair of sgt.. Nangong xian. The corporal. Living for many years. The parade realms. To the golden gate.
Zuo Xuan said: the way people live. The chanting of the person. The ten day of god. The body support. Jade Fu Bao and god. Gold liquid mixing shape. Body and soul. Union with really.
He is immortal. People have this sutra. Understanding of. Inflammatory barrier does not stem. The holy door guard. God l upper bound. High true worship. Power Man De. Phase feeling consciousness. Recite back. The body of Teng Ziyun.
Lao said often quiet scrolls.
Remember tomorrow to convert treasure heart life ceremony
With teaching, never ever. For the division, the imperialists division, the division, under the pseudonym easily. Days Road, the road, people road, implicit hierophany van. Total Qianerbai Guan Jun. Trillion heavy Vatican Qi package. Chemical Bank heritage, moral every five thousand words. The main grip of yin and Yang, life thunder nine five number. The great vows, Mahatma Daci, Lao, moral hills.
The conversion of life ceremony of heart
Words: Nine bases, raja. It is Qianerbai god. Earth earth". Soil and soil parent. Soil sub tucson. Tujia people. All the gods. If jupiter. If the general. If learning form. If the taibai. If the nine good. If the sword. If self. If the gold. If the fire blood. If the body yellow. If the shape of life. If the three brake. If the seven brake. If the aryl Pennant leopard tail. But even a knife fight. Such as soil is god evil spirit. If the person building s construction. All crimes. A disease to perish. Honesty the sutra. The gods are na. Day mowgli. To free. Yin and Yang mowgli. No restrictions of any kind. Five party descending qi. Since the advent of hail. Longevity in the eight incurable diseases. By in the. Living God free. The world and live. Good light shade. As Gu Lisheng. A total of three yuan of nursing. Those with bright eye. No harm no barrier. Keep good letter people.
Soil to spell
Rev. Please ( an Feng ) land. The spirit of god. Of indomitable spirit. Entry and gloom. But my supplications ( an Feng ). Not to stay. Active day. The name of the book supernatant. The smell of the future. Let the good ( filial piety ) the letter people. His name. Million Chinese crime. Good bud growth. The smell of the future. If two people such as road. His name. The wheel of transmigration turns unceasingly -- a Buddist doctrine. The smell of the future. But let all such.. Permanent off fans. Often modified road.
Rev. Please ( an Feng ) merit. Unbelievable. The heaven & Earth Yao wen. Emperor Wang and Tian qi. Avenue in. Method of Le Yongxi. Always open please ( an Feng ) merit. Rev. Please ( the An Feng ) at st.. Six Royal high really. North and south two bucket. The four house in yuan. The five Division of provinces. Four phase division really. World of water. The four house group really. Ray staff officer will. The prefectural town agency made. This column St. A seat imperial altar. Bless the Qing ji. The blessing of peace. With Lai Shangong. Supreme road board. All the letters. As good as. Zhixin said read.
The three exit point.
Halloween, stop driving
Gordon throne.
Avenue of. The inconceivable merits.
Mount Longhu is a day sooner or later will recite lesson
In fifty words each sect.
Keep out of benevolence and complex Wo sincere Zhong Xuan Yudian forward branch
Chong Han Yuan Yun Gao Hongding Luo Sanshan more Xing Zhen Fuhai Chung Hong Bo
Yang Miaofa universal card Xiandu fornix
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sooner or later
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